Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Thursday, December 27, 2018

40 Ways to Be Successful in School: Practical Tips for Students

Be successful student in school

Would you like to be super successful in school? I came across 40 ways you can be more successful in school than you have ever been. Click here to learn the 40 ways.  Learning just  one new tip can make a big difference for you. 

Teachers and Students Create a Caring Community

Image result for hal urban

Hal Urban

"I'm convinced that the key was good relationships.  If you can reach 'em, you can teach 'em."

My #1 goal at the beginning of each school year was to create a Caring Community in each of my five classes.

Greet students as they enter the room. Shake their hands, smile, and call them by name. If I don't know a student's name, ask them, "What is your name?"

Read the entire article
The Classroom as a Caring Community

Monday, October 1, 2018

Computer Science Resources

Tech Terms Computer Dictionary

W3 Schools

Scratch Programming

Khan Academy

Codecademy  Code Studio

Simple HTML Guide


Anchor (A great way to make free podcasts and audio files)

CS Unplugged: computer Science without a Computer

George Benainous Tutorials

html dog CSS Tutorial

LAUSD Computer Science

PC Magazine Computer Dictionary



Programming for Dummies

Academy Library Computer Vocabulary


By now you know what coding is, but do you realize that kids as young as kindergarten are learning how to code through online games and activities? When I first began designing websites in 2007, I found HTML to be very confusing. Of course trying to learn on my own pushed me to take two online classes on website design. Today I am hardly a pro, but know enough to get around. After viewing all the programs, apps websites etc. devoted to teaching code, I came up with this conclusion: I was born in the wrong decade. I've always been jealous of all that my students have at their disposal. Let's face it, I'm a tech nerd. Anyway, that admission out of the way, here's a bundle of resources for you on the subject of coding.

Code School- free iPhone app

Daisy the Dinosaur- for ages 6-8 yrs. old; teaches kids to code

Hopscotch- for iPhone and iPad

Overview of Coding Apps for Mobile Devices- from EdTechTeacher; 16 listed; some free, some $$

M.I.T. App Inventor- students create their own Android apps; uses Chrome browser

Scratch Jr.- for iPad and Android; for ages 6-8 yrs. old

Swift Playgrounds- learn to code on your iPad; from Apple

3 Steps to Becoming a Coding Teacher- from Edutopia

15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code- from Edutopia; written by Vicki Davis

Coding for Kindergarteners- from Edutopia

Coding in the Classroom: A Long Overdue Inclusion- Edutopia

Fixing the Bugs: Teaching Kids to Code on a Zero-Dollar Budget- by Mary Jo Madda

How Google is Teaching Kids to Code with Toy Blocks- from INC

How I Started an After School Code Club- by Douglas Tarr

LEGO's New Kit Teaches Kids to Code- article from CNN

Now You Can Learn to Code with Minecraft- from Gizmodo

Teaching Kids to Code Using Legos

Disney Hour of Code Digital Toolkit- downloadable PDF works with the page Disney's Hour of Code.

Disney's Moana- the title character teaches how to code

Hour of Code Resources- from Kodable; free K-5 coding lesson plans

Hour of Code Suggestions by Grade Level- posted by a group of tech-ed teachers

How-To Guide- grades 2-9; download certificates and templates, and tap into the collection of activities

Teacher-Led Hour of Code Lessons- covers K-12; from Education Week

Try an Hour of Code with Khan Academy- includes TEACHER PAGE

Tynker: Coding for Kids- divided by grades: K-2, 3-5, 6+

WEBSITES covers K-12; resource listing on classes (partnered with Disney)

Codeacademy- learn to code for free

Code Combat- students learn to code while playing a game

Code Maven- choose from 59 lessons

Code Monster- 59 lessons to choose from for middle schoolers

Code Monkey- educational game where kids code

Coding in the Elementary Classroom- Google slides presentation

Create Pokemon Game- drag and drop interface

Kids Ruby-fun and easy programming; must download program to use

LEGO Mindstorms- educators can order kits for preschool, elementary and middle school; $$

Lissa Explains it All"the first and original HTML Help JUST for Kids."

Made with Code Google

Scratch for Educators- students can use to code their own animations, games and interactive stories; there are activities, plans and much more.

Z_ECS Lessons Text Book

Monday, May 21, 2018

"Don't play with snakes."

"You knew what I was when you picked me up."

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Never Tell a Lie (Lyrics by Paul Hatch)

Never Tell a Lie

Lead: Paul Hatch

My teacher told me I should never tell a lie
Because a lie will bring you trouble sure as pie
It's an awful thing to do, and it's true as true as true
You'll get caught and then you'll start to cry
You'll have a horrid, painful pounding in your head
And then you'll feel your face get hot and turn bright red
Then your heart will start to thump
In your throat you'll get a lump
And you'll feel so bad you'll wish that you could
lie right down and die
You're just better off to never tell a lie
Not even sometimes!
Remember, never, never tell a lie
No lie

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Challenges Teens Face Today
Research online, plus Include your already existing knowledge about Challenges Teens face today.  Write a new post in your E-Ports and provide the following:
  1. 1. What are several of the major challenges teens deal with today?
  2. 2. What are one or two major challenges YOU are dealing with today? What are you doing about them?
  3. 3. How does being a CTR person help you to overcome any challenge you may face?
  4. 4. How can you help other teens to overcome their challenges?
  5. 5. Add Pictures:
  6. 6. Reflection:  What do you think is the greatest need that teens have today?