Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Saturday, February 23, 2019

How to Learn Better and Faster

Hard Work and Determination Pay Off

IF you set your goals, work hard with determination to achieve them, THEN you will achieve them in an extraordinary way. Read your goals daily and write in your Life Planning Goals Journal at least 5 minutes each day, and you will succeed. You will become what you do and think about.

Work hard each day. Don't be idle, for idleness is a curse, and it is below the line every time.
Look at this example of a Chicago teenager who set his goals high, worked hard to achieve them, and look at him now.

Enjoy the journey by working hard toward your righteous goals.

Choosing to WORD HARD is Choosing the Right.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

School Spirit

Be true to your school. Join in and participate in school classes and extracurricular activities. Support your school and be excited to be an HPIAMer. We appreciate all those who contribute to the spirit of the school through such events as the school band. Get involved. Enjoy your high school journey. Start. Finish.

Monday, February 11, 2019

One of the Greatest Runners in the World: 200+ Marathons

Set your goals
Work Hard until you achieve them

I had the special privilege, just recently, of meeting, speaking with, and listening to Scott Kunz, one of the premier marathon runners in the world. Scott has run more than 200 marathons.  He has run marathons in 24 states, including a sub-3-hour finish at the Boston Marathon, and finished the prestigious Wasatch 100-Mile Solo Endurance Run 10 consecutive times.  To run the 100 mile marathons, you have 36 hours to complete it. Can you imagine running a 100-Mile Marathon? And running it 10 times?

The secret to Scott's running success is cleverly nested in his training, his practices. He trains daily. His training includes running every day at least six miles. He runs at least one hour per day and from 5:00 am until 9:00 am on Saturdays. Weekly Scott runs 30-40 miles. The key to his preparation is the DAILY application of running.

Whatever goals you are desirous to achieve, if you work on them daily, like Scott works on his, then you will achieve your goals, just like Scott has achieved so many of his goals and continues to do so.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Strike for Students

We are thankful it's over. The UTLA Strike has ended. The Union and LAUSD finally agreed upon many serious points. The purpose of the strike in the first place was for the betterment of schools leading to better education for students. Helping each student was the main motive of the strike.

Students be thankful for the HPIAM school you attend-a school where people care about you.