Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 30 - April 3

Watch this first
Make certain your audio / sound is on

Another Marvelous Message From Dale Murphy

Image result for choose the right shield

1) Create a new post in your E-Ports
2) Copy the SSS in this new post and write a great reflection. 
3) Include pictures, labels, examples, and title.
4) Watch the video(s)
5) Write a reflection summary of the video(s) in Schoology and submit.

Student Success Statement

Image result for dale murphy

“I  won’t  cheat”
Dale Murphy

Who cheated in this race?

Major League Baseball Player and Home 
Run King, Alex Rodriquez, 
Admits to Steroids

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23-27

Watch this first:
Make sure your audio/sound is on 

A Great Message From Dale Murphy

Image result for choose the right shield

1) Create a new post in your E-Ports
2) Copy the SSS in this new post and write a great reflection. 
3) Include pictures, labels, examples, and title.
4) Watch the video(s)
5) Write a reflection summary of the video(s) in Schoology and submit.

Student Success Statement

"Character Matters Most"
Dale Murphy

Dale Murphy at the Little League World Series

What Matters Most?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 16-20

1) Create a new post in your E-Ports
2) Copy the SSS in this new post and write a great reflection. 
3) Include pictures, labels, examples, and title.
4) Watch the video
5) Write a summary of the video in Schoology and submit.

Student Success Statement

Image result for benjamin franklin

"Great beauty, great strength,
and great riches are really and truly
of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."

Benjamin Franklin

Wrestling Away Cancer

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Image result for coronavirus

Image result for coronavirus

Research the Coronavirus. Create a new post in your E-Ports and provide the following information about the Coronavirus. 

Define what it is.
Where did it recently begin?
How did it begin?
Symptoms of the Coronavirus.
How it influences people.
Treatments for Coronavirus
How many deaths thus far from the Coronavirus?
Include any other facts of interest to you regarding Coronavirus.

Include pictures

Monday, March 2, 2020

Medical Career Pathway

Image result for medical career pathways
Choose a Medical Career Pathway Of your Choice
Research ANY medical career you desire and provide the following information. Enter information into a new post in your E-Ports.

Name of the Medical Career Pathway
Duties and Responsibilities: 
Demand for this particular career:
Add a Picture:
Reflection:  Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?