Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Friday, July 17, 2009

Student Success Statement Monday, July 20, 2009

Align Center"Excellent attitudes bring excellent results."
Mr. Haymore


  1. If you always have a good attitude, then you will have great results. Always maintain a good attitude at all times. Always think positive and not negative. Think positive and good results will result.


  2. I think this statement makes lots of scence .
    Excelent attitude bring great results. SO if you want to be successful then have a excelent attitude. Remember always choose the right .

    per 2

  3. THis is another great quote. This is trying to say if you have a postive attitude you will see the good results. If you have negative attitude you will receive bad results. So always be positive and choose the right to get excellent results.
    So be positive in life to be successful.
    --Fabricio p.2

  4. You have to be positive all the time.If your negative all the time then you will have a bad day.But if your positive then everything will be alright.Thinking positive is what helps you be a great person.You choose the right by being positive and not negative.You have to have a exellent attitude so you can get a better result toward the end of the day.
    JUAN- PER.2

  5. I think it means if you always have a good attitude towards some one you will be treated with the same attitude. And if you have a positive attitude about doing things then they will be accomplish with the right vibe.

    period 2

  6. I think this means that if you have a positive attitude in whatever you do the results will be excellent. You just have to look at the positive side of the situation so everything can come out right. If you have a bad attitude the results will be negative. And you will have consequences. So just try your best in have an excellent attitude.
    --Marina Per.2

  7. this is a grate quot by mr haymore. my thoughts about this is that if you have excellent attitudes towreds everything then ecellents will come to you. that means that grate things will happen to you this mean that if your grate towerds things like if you lose a football game and you just leave of the feild with bad attitude then not good things will happen t o will they. this means just have good attitud and great things will happen to you . well those are my thoguhts for today lates LOL.
    ----JESUS PER.2

  8. What I think about this quote is that is a great quote. I also think that this quote is saying that if you have an excellent attitude it will bring excellent results. Also that you have to be positive towards anything that you are doing. So that you get the best out of it. That is what I think about this quote.

    Santiago Per.2

  9. If you have a good attitude towards things it will bring u excellent results.Whenever you do anything give it your all. Always have a positive attitude toward things you do so at the end of the day you can have excellent results.And always CTR.
    karen pd2

  10. I guess this means that if you always have a good attitude to everyone you get the same attitude back. Everyone would start seeing you as a good person, and thats how you see good results. If you always have a good attitude you'll get allot of respect back. And thats a "Excellent Attitude."


  11. This quote is a excelent quote that makes you show your character. If you have good attitude to your work you will do good in that work. Like in a test if you study hard for it and you have a good attitude about the grade that you got then the next time you take another test you will do good. Then when you are going to class and take your test and you study really hard for that test you will pass. THen you will have a good grade on your test and you will pass the class. The next time you have a really hard test to study for study but study in a good way like try to think of ways you can remember how to solve the problem.

    victor period 2

  12. Maintaining a positive outlook on life and everything you do will yield positive results. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, it can be expected that if you act in a positive manner and carry out every action without negativity, that positive influence will be returned. A negative attitude will only serve to hinder your success. Be positive.
    Period 2

  13. I agree with this statement because i think that your attitude counts a lot on what you do. If you do things with a bad attitude then everything going to come out bad. It's just better if u just choose the right and do everything with a good attitude so everything could just work out fine.

    2nd period.

  14. in order for you too succeed in life you need to have a good attitude. most people with bad atitudes never achieve in life its the once that have positive attitudes that make the world go round.

    daniel, rivera

  15. This quote is one in which I agree with because you have to have to have a great attitude all the time.To succeed in life you have to be positive, and maintain that positive attitude. If you have a negative attitude, you will not be at all successful. Look at the way Kobe was two years ago, he did not win a championship, because he had no trust in his team, and tough only negative things about them. But now look at him, he now has another NBA championship.
    -Elvin Period 2

  16. With a tremendous attitude good will come to you. It will bring excellent results. Just stay positive and choose the right. You wont have a problems if you bring you excellent attitude with you at all times. It will change your life little by little. It will make you a better person


  17. always be in great mood to start off a day. if you a big test today and you know what to do, then you are ready to ace that test. once you finished that test with a great attitude, you will be eager to learn some more. that will lead you into great success soon enough. it will predict what will happen when you start doing some science. always be ready. Nelson per.2

  18. What I think this means is that if you are excellent in anything, it will always come out good. Also that if you are good to others they will be good to you. Also if you respect someone, they will always respect you back no matter what. What I also think this means is that if you have a good attitude you will always have good results. Like if you are in playing a sport and you have a good attitude, good results are going to come out for having a good attitude.

    Period 2

  19. that if i could of tried a bit better and could of gave it my all i could of be just kicking back and waiting to graduate but now i have to go to school and make up for my mistakes.. i regret ever fooling around and not givening it my all...CTR!!!

    jonathan per.2
