Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Your Excellence: CTR

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence."
Vince Lombardi


  1. I think that this quote is a very good quote because if you listen to the teacher or to your couch. If you have listen o them then you are going to go on in the team. If you choose the wrong then you are punish. Like in a team if you do not listen to the couch then he mite take you out of the game. Then if you listen then you are going to male the team.

  2. I think that this quote is a very good one because if you are determine to finish something in life then you are going to make the best thing in life and that is to make a life of your own. So if you try to make the best out of the thing that you like then there are going to be many other chances or you to start a great life on your own.

  3. When you are committed to excellence you want to prove something to every one. You want to either prove you are the best at what you do or what you can do in life. You are who you are by choosing what you want to accomplish in life. When you are committed to something you should be able to do it if you are truly committed.
    Juan per.2

  4. This is a very good quote. If you want to accomplish something you have to commit until you accomplish that thing. Commitment leads you to success and success is important in life. CTR...
    --Fabricio P.2

  5. I think that this is a very good quote because you always have to good to be excellent. You always have to Choose the Right so you can be excellent. If you are not behaving good or choosing the wrong, you are not doing the right thing and you are not being excellent. If you don't act right you will not be excellent and your life is not going to be in good quality!!

  6. i think this is a good quote because you have to listen to others. listen to your coach on what they tell yo want to do and they will put you in the team. listen you your teacher and you will get succeed in class.

  7. I think that this quote is saying a lot. I think that it is saying that if you have commitment to something you will get excellence on it. I also think it is saying is that you have to have commitment so you can accomplish what you need. That is what I think that this quote is saying.
    Santiago Per.2

  8. This is a very good quote because is true what it say. If you listen to what teachers tell you then you will succeed but if you don't then all you do is get punished....daisy pd 2

  9. I think that this is thru that to be excellent in your life that you need to pursue it and never give up. You have to promise to make a commitment and practice each day at what you are doing. If you want to be an excellent in football you need to practice u know 2 to 3 hours each day you have to be committed.

    Jesus Per.2

  10. if you commit in something you love doing, then you will successful in no time. if that so then you can't wait shine like everybody. when you shine then everybody shine. if so people will look up to you like a role model. and that commitment help all the way. so Commit something that you really love and Choose the Right. Nelson per.2

  11. You have to be determined to be successful in life. The one important thing is that you have to take life step by step. This way you don't stress out too much. We all have too keep moving forward. never look back at the past. We also have to learn from our mistakes and improve from them.
    --Elvin Peiod.2

  12. I do believe this is true. What you do and the effort you put in it determines what kind of a person you are. It also shows the commitment in life you have.
    Karen L.

  13. This quote is very true, you have to be focused and determined to be successful. Commitment also helps you succeed.
    -karen c.

