Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Friday, March 5, 2010

Visualization--Mental Pictures--Mental Movies

Visualization is mentally picturing in your mind, like taking mental pictures or mental movies in your head. Research shows that people who visualize effectively enhance their performance and raise their achievement level tremendously. For example, Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his book Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life shares a report from Research Quarterly about an experiment on the effects and results of mentally practicing shooting basketball free throws. The experiment organized students into three groups.

Group 1: This group was scored on the first day and then actually went onto the basketball court and practiced shooting free throws every day for 20 days. At the end of the 20-day trial, they were scored again.

Group 2: This group was scored on the first day and engaged in no sort of practice whatsoever for 20 days. At the end of the 20 days, they were scored again.

Group 3: This group was scored on the first day and then spent 20 minutes a day, mentally practicing, imagining that they were shooting the ball at the goal. When they mentally missed, they would imagine that they corrected their aim accordingly. At the end of the 20 days, they too were scored again.

RESULTS after the 20-day experiment:

Group 1, which actually practiced shooting 20 minutes everyday, improved in scoring 24 percent.

Group 2, which had no sort of practice whatsoever, showed no improvement.

Group 3, which mentally practiced in their heads using their imagination, improved 23 percent!

WOW! Students, can you see the power of taking mental pictures or mental movies to improve your skills, knowledge, and performance? Mentally see yourself qualifying for membership into the Academic Champion Club (The ACC). See yourself receiving an 'A' on a test. See yourself scoring a three-pointer in a basketball game. See your athletic team winning the state championship. See yourself obtaining your driver's license. See yourself attending graduation and receiving your diploma. See yourself attending the college or university of your choice and graduating. See yourself performing successfully in your chosen career field. See yourself enjoying a happy, successful family. The practice of visualization is powerful and is applicable for any situation. Regardless of what your past circumstances have been or what they currently may be, you can always visualize and forsee a magnificant future. Look forward and go forward toward your desired future. 

LaVell Edwards calls this science "Self-visualization." He said, "Self-visualization encompasses not only what you are now but what you may become." Students, visualize your potential. Visualize yourself being really outstanding in your field. Visualize yourself being a great person living a great life! Practice visualization forever!

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