Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Your Conscience

Your conscience is your personal, internal compass. Look inside your heart and do what it tells you because it will not lead you astray. Your conscience directs your feelings telling you what is right and what is wrong. Do what your conscience prompts you to do, to CTR, and you will have a clear and happy conscience. Your conscience will hurt if you CTW, and you will be very unhappy; therefore, you will know that you have chosen the wrong. 

A magnetic compass shows us directions, and "Conscience is our magnetic compass."

"Conscience is our magnetic compass"
- Joseph Cook


  1. This quote is true. What it is saying is that our conscience is what guides us through life. It is what tells us what to do and where to go. For example, if you're going to do something wrong, your conscience might tell you not to do it. But you make the decision. Your conscience is only the compass, you have to follow it. Choose the Right!!!
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  2. your conscience sometimes tells you, you have a bad or good feeling about something. it sometimes tell you what to do, like if you think it'll be a good idea to do something...
    to me, your conscience is really important, because it leads you and helps you out in a way.


  3. Having A Good Clean Conscience Is Very Good! If You Have A Good Conscience Then You Are Already On The Path To Choosing The Right! Whenever You Go Out With Friends And They Want To Do Something Bad You Conscience Will Tell You If It Is Right Or Not! You Can never Go Wrong If YOu Conscience Is Always Choosing The Right!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  4. Your conscience is the one that lets you do the good
    and bad things. For example having a dirty
    conscience always makes you think about what you did.
    Always going back to that situation.
    But if you always keep you conscience
    clean there is no need for anything like
    that you will be happy and free of those circumstances.
    Your conscience is the one that leads you to places.
    If you choose the wrong, its not going to
    affect anybody else but you.
    So think what you do and always
    Choose the Right<33

    Blankita U.<3
    Block 1(:

  5. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Our conscience is our magentic compass becuase it tells you if its right or wrong about what your thinking of doing or are doing.Your conscience will help you alot of diffucult decesions you have to make and its up to you whether you listen to it or just toss it aside,but you know if it was right or wrong.For example,if you have to make a decesion when your parents tell you to turn off your game to clean your room your conscience will tell you to do it becuase you dont want to get punished and have a bad time,you want to make your parents happy and then you can go back to your games.Our conscience is like our angel and will guide is through life and success.

  6. I think this quote is true. Your conscience is like a magnetic compass because it leads you the way you want to. Your conscience always tries to help you make the correct decisions. For example if there is a bike or a ball that you really want on someone's yard, your conscience will try to make you choose the correct decision and tell you not to steal it.
    Alejandro M. Block:1

  7. What this quote means is that like a compass gives you directions, so does your conscience. It's up to you to make the right decisions and choose the right path. Our conscience is our guide and we should follow it. I think everyone should listen to their conscience because well it tells you the right things to do. So always listen to your conscience and choose the right!
    Izamar Rojo
    Block 1

  8. I do think conscience is out magnetic compass for reason why. Our Conscience is always directing us in a direction wether its good or bad. It is always telling us to do this or that before you do something like jumping off a building it would say tell you no don't it, or when you have to do something your conscience tells you do it. Like everything in this world you have to use your conscience. There for conscience is really like a compass that show you the way on CHOOSING THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!

    zachary h.
    block 1

  9. David Amezquita
    BLOCK 1
    i agree with this quote that your conscience is your personal. So listen to your heart and you will the right thing. Do the what conscience tells you, also do it with CTR. CHoose CTR ALL THE TIME TILL THE END!!!

  10. this quote is saying that to get better in life and choose the good or bad things in life. conscience prompt is saying to always choose the right, and you will be happy. if you don't choose the right you will be unhappy of yourself and in life. thats why get your own magnetic campus for it could show you the right direction in life. for example if you get a plastic campus it will show you the wrong direction for life and the road for successful.

    Kevin R.
    Block 1

  11. when ever I'm going to choose the wrong i just rember that nothing but unhappy moments are going happen to me. that why it always good if you choose the right !!!!
    Manuel Diaz
    block 1

  12. Alejandra P: According to this statement what its saying is that our conscience is our guide in everything we do. It helps us sometimes when we need it. Also when we do something bad our conscience wont let us forget it. Our Conscience wants us to do things right to be somebody and be successful. Is like we go a curten direction we turn the other way because its the right way......
    BLock 1

  13. Our conscience is what tells us what is right and what is wrong. If you choose to ignore your conscience and do something wrong, then your conscience will remind your of it. It will make you feel guilty for a pretty long time. On the other hand, if you choose to listen to your conscience and choose the right, then your conscience will also remind you but it will make you feel good about it. Like a compass tells us what direction to go, our conscience tells us what way to go even though sometimes we ignore it and choose the wrong. Keep your conscience clean by paying more attention to it and choosing the right. =)

    aidee a.
    Block: 1
