Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Thursday, January 6, 2011

“Just like anything else, the more you work at it the better you’re going to be.” 

Michael Phelps


  1. Kind of like 'practice makes perfect' right? This is all true because working hard, and working hard I made it to my senior year! It is not easy and most senior should know; Definitely working long, working hard, and working together twill take you far!

    Maria c.
    Block 1

  2. Our class mission, "Work hard, Work Smart, Work together". This, is honestly the bestest way i can understand, if we follow this we're better students,better learners, and overall better listeners. We work hard to get good reports.We work smart, to be and excellent student, and "CTR". We work together, to be social, and to be better classmates with each other.
    Working hard, smart, and together, we will win and we'll get something even bigger and better in return!:)
    -Valerie A.
    Block 1.

  3. This quote is right & i look up to it because when im bad at something i keep doing it over & over until i finally got it right. Becomeing good at something takes practice & if your bad & you never practice you will always be bad. You just gotta think you can do it & do what you have to do to get it right & im sure if you put ur mind to it you will accomplish whatever it is you put ur mind to(: Everything is possible if you just believe.
    -Cindy M.

  4. I agree with this quote, the more you work the better you get.Also,working more will help you learn and improve your skills. Ex. Practicing hard in a sport makes someone improve their skills to become better players. Choose the Right challenge yourself and work hard to become a better you.

    Karely A.

  5. I really like this quote because it's true. Practice makes perfect and to practice means you have to work hard to succeed. Working hard and long means you'll be able to achieve your goals. Choosing the right to practice and work hard will pay off in the end when you see the positive results. =) Especially when we choose to work together.
    -Jackie L Block:1

  6. I agree with this quote by Michael Phelps, it is true that when you believe in yourself great things happen to you. If you believe that you can achieve something great you will achieve something great. If you always doubt yourself you will not be able to achieve anything. If you want success you have to think success, even if it seems impossible just believe in yourself and it will come true. In order to achieve the most you can you have to work hard to accomplish your goals.

    Alejandra S.
    Block 1

  7. this quote is one of the best ones yet. its talking about the more you do your best and try hard at what you are doing you will get better it just will take some time. dont think that you wont get better. you will get better just takes more time thats all. working hard is what you mostly you have to do in order to get better.
    Vincent G. Block 1

  8. It's like saying the more you practice the better you'll get about something. You have to improve your skills by working hard, work together, work smart in order to get to accomplish what you what too.If you set yourself into doing this things you will be able to finish or complete your goal on just anything.

    Yazmin C.
    Block 1

    BLOCK 1

  10. Thats true because the more a person practices at doing the things they love, like guitar, art, math, science, dancing, building, or even skateboarding, the greater chance they have at geating better at it. By working together, ideas can come and be practiced too improve upon them and in the end the acheivement would of been accomplished. We should always practice and practice and practice.CTR!!!!!
    block 1

  11. This quote is a great quote from a recent figurehead; an Olympic gold medalist. I believe he makes a very good point. After all practice makes perfect. There is a positive feeling with knowing that you are improving your skills by practicing. You can later show the world what you can do and you will do it well. The more you practice the better you can be at your skill.

    Gustavo Lopez
    Block 1

  12. This is very true. If you work hard at something and you do it often you will get better at it. For example in my situation I had a hard time understanding how to use photoshop for my graphic design classes but i worked hard and tried my best at it, i achieve my goal that was to master the program and do good in the class. If you practice and practice you get better and better at something.If you suck at something don't give up keep trying until you succeed.

    Cynthia C.
    Block 1

  13. My opinion on this is that when you work hard you get rewarded with knowledge. You should fill your head with plenty of this. Be productive with your time. HAve fun while creating yourself a bright future.Remember to always work hard, work smart, and work together.
    ----gladys tirado

  14. Just by working smart, hard and together you will eventually win. I agree with this because thats the main thing you need to keep focused into getting what you want in life. Nothing is going to be handed to you unless you work for it. Choose the right and it'll come faster. By working smart to your going to be successful. Working hard you will have nothing to worry about because you are going to achieve it. By working together you will make great friend who will support you, and you'll return the support back at them because that shows how much of a good person you are. Just how Michael Phelps said, "Just like anything else, the more you work at it the better you're going to be". The quote is true, and helpful cause thats something that should be in your mind already. Remember CHOOSE THE RIGHT it helps in the end.

    Stephanie H.
    Block 1.

  15. I agree with working hard and putting effort in what you do, to achieve your goals in life. Practicing and putting lot of hard work always makes perfect and helps you improve in what your doing. There is also many things that we can not accomplish by are self, therefore sometimes we need someone and we work together as a team!:)
    Working hard always pays off!!!!
    - JASMINE G.
    BLOCK 1

  16. These three pictures tell me that first of all, if you work hard, you can achieve anything you can. If you work smart, you can also achieve anything. But if we all work together, we can achieve more. With these three w's, we can accomplish anything. So we have to work hard to make something or someone of yourself. By yourself or with a team!!! CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!! ITS THE BEST SIDE!!

    Jose N.
    Block 1

  17. i think this quote is saying, if you work hard, smart, and together, everything in life will be easy. yet, if you work hard, smart, and together, things probably still wouldn't come out into place for you. i don't really like this quote. but, sometimes you have to think hard to work hard.

    Jorge c.
    block 1

  18. Working smart helps you be productive and at the same time let it be easy upon you. If you work hard, you will be rewarded later on. Working together makes you improve your life skills.
    -Trinidad M
    -Block 1

  19. You can't be good at anything without practice. You have to work your way from the bottom to the top. From not being good at doing something to being good at it. Just because your good at something doesn't mean you have to stop practicing though. You continue practicing because you just don't want to be good at something, you want to be perfect.
    Luiz R. block 1

  20. If you work hard everything will pay off and it will ALL be worth it. Like Michael Phelps says "Just like anything else, the more you work at it the better you're going to be." And that is true. Just like practice makes perfect. Working hard, smart and together will make such a big difference. Working hard will have improvement and all that effort will defiantly pay off.
    Isamar Z

  21. The quote applies to everything in life because it's true. If your an athlete or want to be one everyone will always tells you" practice makes perfect." If you want to throw a football accurately you throw it a lot until you get the hang of it, or in basketball you shoot the ball a lot to get a fluid jump shot. In school you practice a lot or writing so that you will get better at it. With anything in life, if you do it , or practice it enough you WILL get better at it.

    -Carlos A.
    Block 1

  22. I totally agree with this quote! :D
    Working smart, Working hard, and working together are three things we should always have in mind!
    We need these three things to helps us be an academic champion:
    -Anna E
    Block 1

  23. i do agree we all need to work hard so we could get far. we need to work hard and smart but we also need to together because you don't get far by yourself. we all need some kind of help so might as well help each other to be successful. working hard will alway payoff. i also agree with the more you work at it the better your going to be.

    Jacqueline Y
    block 1

  24. i like this quote is true what it saying we need to work hard to be better at it. Also work smart and work together no matter what you have to do it to be a better person. The other thing is to work until we win and work long never give up. Always choose the right track that u will not regret in life.
    You have to Choose The Right in all the things you do :)


  25. True. The more you work, the better you get. I try to work very hard to get better. There are many things that I had and have to work very hard to get better. Sometimes it may seem difficult for me and i know for many other people too. But we all have too think that we can get and be better.

    Crystal C.
    Block 1

  26. This quote made me think about thing i couldn't do it but i keep working on it and know i am great and can do the thing i couldn't do. When we work hard then what were are doing is going to come out good. When we work smart then we do it easy of us. When we work together you finish fast and learn new ways to do things. WITH ALL THIS THING OUR LIFE IS GOING O BE EASY AND BETTER.
    Thomas p.
    Block 4

  27. this quote means that the more you work at something the better you get at it. It means practice makes perfect. So don't give up only because you think it is hard or can't do it, keep trying until you get it right. Also the more you try at that thing the better your going to be at it

    Adrian V.
    Block 2

  28. Work hard, work smart, work together will always help you to achieve new things. For example, if you're not good at reading, read everyday for at least 30 mins. This will help you and you will be able to read clearly and fast. Work hard, smart, and together should be the class mission for every class and this will get you a good grade. Keep on practicing and practicing until you get it right. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    BlocK 2

  29. i think is quote is a fantastic one. it says that if you work hard at what your doing, you will become a pro/get better at whatever it is. like lets say if you don't know how to play cards, and you keep trying to play, you will soon learn how to play. just keep working hard to succeed at whatever you want to. & always live by Choosing The Right.! :)

    -Monique C.

  30. I agree with Michael Phelps quote because the more you work at something the better you get. The more and more you practice the easier the things become.If you like to play a sport or anything else, everybody always tells you to keep practicing and you will get better. Practice makes perfect!

    Jesus A.
    Block 2

  31. Its true the more you work hard on something you really want to do the more u will be more good at it because not every one is good at everything people have different ways of doing something or learning something so the more you work hard and work smart the better you will be at that sport hobby or game and not only for that but to also make you a better person in life and make other people feel that way.
    Rogelio Aparicio
    block 2

  32. I think that the quote "Just like anything else, the more you work at it the better you're going to be" has a lot of meaning. This quote is very true because when you have trouble doing something, the more you practice with it, the more you are going to become better(: This can help you in many things such as school, work, and other things in life. So, when you want to succeed in something, try your best so you can become better at it. You always have to make the best decisions, CHOOSE THE RIGHT!

    Brenda B.
    Block 2

  33. The Quote "just like anything else the more you work at it the better you're going to be." is true. The more you work on your writing skills the better you will be. The more you practice your typing skills the better you will be. The more you study your math problems the better you will be. But you always have to work hard, work together and work smart. You also have to CHOOSE THE RIGHT!
    Marysol L.
    BLock 2

  34. To me this quote means that if you believe in yourself and have a mindset than you will be able to become whatever you want. You can do anything that you have your mind set on. Just believe in yourself, and try o be best you that you can be... PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT, Don't let anybody put you down and just be yourself because that's all thats ever gonna matter.

    EDGAR A.
    BLOCK 2

  35. practice makes perfect. i play guitar and this quote tells the truth i practice 2 hours a day and in my opinion I'm really good. the more you do something the easier its going to be the next time around. You get use to whatever your hobbies are. Again practice makes perfect.
    jesus G.
    block 2

  36. i totally agree with this quote. the more you work the better it gets and eventually you'll be. always work hard and at you're best. give it all what you have to what you want to be, you'll succeed. working smart,hard and together is the key terms in life. always CHOOSE THE RIGHT. =)

    Rubi Arellano<3
    block 2

  37. This is an nice quote. The more you practice in things you do not know the more you get better at them. Like for example for one day to another your not going to know everything and be good at everything. It takes practice and when you practice more the better you will be in doing anything. So always try and try and practice at things you quite don't get so you can succeed and be better at it. never give up on anything!!
    --Diane V.
    block 2

  38. I agree with Michael Phelps quote because when you keep working hard the better you are going to be. I can relate to this quote a lot because when iI was in 6th grade i was playing the trumpet and i sucked!!:D But once i reached 8th grade in my band class i got really good because i kept working hard to learn how to play it right!(: and eventually I did.>.<3 so basically what it is is that just keep working hard and it will get better ;)
    Dalia Barragan
    Block 2

  39. Work hard work smart work together will make you a good person. work will make you a winner.(:When you work smart you succeed in life. By working hard you get far in life and make you a better person as you go in life. When you work together helping one another you better yourself and the other person to always work together to get far in life. By working smart Working hard And Working together you are choosing the right. Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!:)
    block 2

  40. Every time you choose the right it makes you feel great inside,woking together means that you don't have to do things by yourself. working smart just means that you go the extra mile to get what you want and if keep on going you will get there. Their are many ways to work but the best ways are: Work hard, work smart, and work together and everything will work out for you...CTR=D
    Jackie J
    BLock 2

  41. To me this quote means that in order to be good at something it takes practice. In life to get where you want to be, doesn't come easy. You have to work hard on it and not get discouraged if at first you don't succeed. You can't give up on something if you don't fully commit. If you keep going, put all your effort, and always try your best, you will see a the end it all payed off.
    Marleen J Block 2

  42. The more you work on something you are passionate about, the better you will be at it. If you work hard on something or a goal you want to reach you will eventually get there. If you work smart and make the right choices you will be good at whatever it is you want to accomplish. Determination, passion, intelligence and working hard is all it takes to accomplish goals. Patience is also one strong factor to accomplish goals.
    Brenda E.
    Per 2

  43. By working hard, working smart, and working together you will always be better at things. You will be successful and like they say,"practice makes perfect" so always put your head in the game and never give up, because at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again! be positive and you will always win.

    Bridgit E.
    Block 2

  44. the quote "just like anything else, the more you work at it the better you're going to be." is true. THis quote makes me think about the future. I always try working hard, working smart, and working together because i become a better student. Thats why i always choose the right --->.

    Omar M.
    Block 2

  45. since I started his class I've learned about CHOOSE THE RIGHT and leaned that I have to work hard, work together, work smart and that If I do all of these things I will be successful and have a better future and hopefully have a great career
    Manuel P. a.k.a <>
    block 2

  46. Work Hard, Work Smart, and Work Together, that is our class mission. If we work hard we can achieve the things that we want in life. By working smart you learn to choose the right and do what is needed to achieve your goals. If you work together with your classmates if makes it easier for everyone because you help them and they help you and by doing so everyone succeeds. Practice makes perfect! CTR! yeeeee!!

    Omar Diaz aka phrenchfries :D
    BLOCK 2
