Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Friday, February 14, 2020

Never Tell a Lie

Never Tell a Lie

Lead: Paul Hatch

My teacher told me I should never tell a lie
Because a lie will bring you trouble sure as pie
It's an awful thing to do, and it's true as true as true
You'll get caught and then you'll start to cry
You'll have a horrid, painful pounding in your head
And then you'll feel your face get hot and turn bright red
Then your heart will start to thump
In your throat you'll get a lump
And you'll feel so bad you'll wish that you could
lie right down and die
You're just better off to never tell a lie
Not even sometimes!

Remember, never, never tell a lie
No lie

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Sting of the Scorpion

CTW is like a scorpion

The Scorpion of:

  1. Drugs
  2. Alcohol
  3. Tobacco 
  4. Vaping
  5. Dishonesty
  6. Cheating
  7. Laziness
  8. Vulgarity
  9. Disrespect
  10. Stealing
  11. Rule-breaking
  12. Disobedience to parents
  13. Promise-breaking
  14. Anger
  15. Bullying
  16. No Honorable Goals
  17. The Wrong Crowd, Bad Company
  18. Gross Websites
  19. Lousy Music
  20. Cheesy Movies
  21. Immodest Clothing
  22. Dirty Jokes
  23. Nightclubs and Bars
  24. Bad Sportsmanship
  25. Sexual Immorality


CTR and avoid the Sting of the Scorpion

Friday, February 7, 2020

The 3-Fold Wellness Triangle: Body-Mind-Spirit

Choose the right by seeking to have a super healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit for a happy successful life. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020


The Harmful Effects of Drugs
Research online to learn about the harmful effects of drugs.  Write in a new post in your E-Port.
1. Write specifics how drugs harm you
     2. Include data statistics and graphs about 
drug’s harmful effects.
3. What percentage of teens have tried drugs?
4. How can you promote SAY NO TO DRUGS?
5. Add Pictures:
6. Challenge:  Write your commitment and 
promise to never use drugs, Never.