Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Always Choose the Right

Follow Yahoo! Sports Olympic blog, Fourth-Place Medal on Facebook and Twitter.
"China was stripped of a team all-around bronze medal from the 2000 Sydney Olympics on Wednesday because it fielded an underage gymnast. Dong Fangxiao was discovered to be 14 at the time of those Games, two years younger than the minimum age requirement.
The medal will be given to the United States team which finished fourth in Sydney. The IOC has asked for China to return the medals "as soon as possible" so they can be reallocated to the U.S. team."
Students, how embarrassing; what a shame, how sad. China thought they were getting away with cheating, but no, it caught up with them even several years later. Dong Fangxiao is now about 24 years of age, and how do you think she feels? The glory and fanfare of winning the olympic medal is long gone, but memories of cheating and CTW impact for years long after the they occur. She should have been strong enough to CTR and not let the Chinese persuade her to CTW, but she was weak and fell for the temptation. Imagine how she feels today and how she faces people and what they think of her action. She hides her face in shame along with all the others who permitted this infraction. They knew about, but were too anxious to WIN, that they CTW. "The short term gain is not worth the long term pain."
Today, cheating is wide-spread throughout athletics, schools, families, communities and nations, and we need to do all we can to promote goodwill, that which is right.
Students, Always Choose the Right, CTR. If you CTW, you may get away with it for a period of time, but inevitably it will catch up with you, even if it's in the end. Individuals, teams, churches, businesses, schools, states, nations.....all must always do what is right--no exception. "True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right" (Brigham Young)


  1. It is pretty sad when people cheat during sport games. It kind of makes people think what is now real and not. There is many people that look up to these athletes . And it tears them up when they find out they being cheating all this time.

  2. What i think about this is that it really doesn't matter how old you might been, it matters of much heart you might have in the sport. you have to give it 110% in every way you can. CTR!!!!
    jonathan per.2

  3. I think that this is a good example of choosing the wrong. This is a good example because it shows that if you are dishonest the truth will come out soon. That is the reason that i try to be honest most of the time. That is what I have to say about this post.
    Santiago Per.2

  4. yes i do think that now a days everyone cheats everywhere they go for many reasons and i do think that its not right. Even if in sometimes it seems that nobody know you may get away from it for some time but eventually it will come out for everyone to know.
    karen L pd.2

  5. I once heard someone say that justice is eternal. I suppose that sooner or later, the consequences of your actions catch up with you. The facts are always there, regardless of whether or not one manages to hide them. At some point or another, someone else will discover the truth and when all is brought to light, it can be embarrassing. I think it's safe to say that if you're always honest, you'll save yourself some face.
    Period 2

  6. Well i think Dong Fangxiao should of thought about the consequences. She probably thought that she would get away with it. She did get away with it for like 10 years but it eventually it caught up with and now they are taking away the medals. She CTW so now she gets the consequences..
    -Fabricio p.2

  7. I think cheating is one of the worst things that you can do. Cheating is not good, and in sports its even worst! I think that China should be taken off from the Olympics so they can not cheat anymore. I am sure that the young Olympic medalist is very embarrased and is ashamed of herself for cheating and winning something that she shouldn't of won because she was underage. She should have waited 2 years and practiced harder so she can win the medal fairly and not by cheating.

    Omar V.
    Per 2

  8. I think that its right that they took away the medals from china because that was not far that everyone knew the age required to compete and yet chin put a athlete that was younger. Just because she was really good and I think that if she would have waited until she was old enough she could have won the medal honestly and with out cheating but now she has to give back the medal and has to live with the fact that she cheated.

    silva period 2

  9. Cheating is never right its always wrong if you cheat you choose the wrong and thats very bad so always choose the right and live life happy and not miserable with lies

    Fernando jacinto period 2

  10. What china did in the Olympic games was wrong by putting under age athletes to compete and wining the event they competed in. I think that was unfair because every one knew about the rules and how old the athletes had to be. That was justified that they take away the medals that china got from the under age athletes. I know that the athletes must feel bad now that they have token their medals away but rules are their to be followed no matter what.

  11. What china did in the olympics was unspeakable they cheated and they thought they would get away with this but they couldn't because lying is very bad and they should always CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!
    Fernando Jacinto period 2

  12. i agree with what this says china chose the wrong so now they have to pay for the consequences. their were rules that had to be followed but unfortunately they didn't so either way they were left with nothing because the medals will be taken away from them and the shame of being known for cheating will stay.
    Karen L. pd 2
