Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Arete Scholar/Athlete

Students, succeeding in school is like succeeding on the basketball court--both require hard work. The harder you work, the more enjoyment you'll experience from your pursuits. There is no substitute for hard work. Bill Bradley was both an Academic Champion and an Athletic Champion. He was an outstanding student at Princeton University and then a Rhodes Scholar in Oxford England. In addition to being an Academic Champion, Bill was a basketball All-American, College Player of the Year, Olympic Gold Medal winner, NBA World Champion, Senator of the state of New Jersey, and even ran for US President. Work hard in your worthwhile endeavors and enjoy the sweetness of great success. You can do it IF YOU WILL.


  1. yes i do believe that working hard in school is like succeeding in a basketball game. the harder you work the better you feel about yourself. so work hard and achieve. daisy L. pd2

  2. I think this is true. when you do good you have no worries and everything just comes out perfect. You don't have to stress about anything or worry about anything. thats the good thing about being a good person and knowing how to always CTR!.
