Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records."
William A. Ward

Overcome Adversity Quotes


  1. I like this quote ,either you break which means you give up or break records which on the other hand means to succeed in life and show what you are capable of doing .The best thing you can do is try your hardest to stay on task and think of how you can become victorious and achieve great things and not break ,and persist in all your life goals to achieve them the right way by choosing the right..CTR!!!!
    Randolph Lima

  2. The message of this quote is simple; only you can choose which way to go. YOU. No one else can do it for you. Only you can choose HOW FAR you want to go. if you break a few things, that's good, but why not try to break the whole thing?

    Maria C
    BLK 1

  3. Adversity can make you grow as a person and it can make you become a better person too. When something seems hard we always have to keep trying an trying and not give up. If you give up you will not accomplish your goals and you cannot be an Academic Champion. Academic success might seem hard at first but after the success you will feel great about yourself, and proud of yourself. Do not let adversity bring you down and cause failure in your life. Choose the right.
    Alejandra S.
    Block 1

  4. Ahh, nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. If you can't handle something at it's worst then you can't handle it at it's finest. You have a choice to never give up but if you do give up then you'll end up regretting it. If you face adversity and overcome it, you'll be much stronger person for it. That is why you have to love adversity.

    Gustavo Lopez
    Block 1

  5. What its saying is that it might get some men to either just break (not make it) or men to break records (make it). There for some men will be able to make it to achieve what ever it is that they want to achieve. Some men will just break and thats when they fail to achieve what ever is it that they want to.

    Yazmin C.
    Block 1

  6. yes it is your choose if you want to be successful or not. you might get get influence by other people but is till up to you to make your decisions. Don't follow the steps of the people who CTW but do the right and choose the right. when you do something wrong or fail at something is easy to point finger but the only one to blame is yourself the same if you are successful.
    Jacqueline Yanez Block 1

  7. this quote is awesome. it is so true! some people aren't meant to take on certain pressures. and if they do, it doesn't turn out pretty. But when people can take on the heat, it turn into an epic struggle to reach the top and conquer all goals. :D

    Darwin R.
    Block 1

  8. It's true, many people break in their life, break will be like giving up, they feel like they can't continue, like they don't see nothing just bland in dark. But, successful people don't break themselves, they break records, they become better, they achieve, moving forward. Many people can't handle the pressure but true success comes from those who don't break. Break Records don't break yourself.

    Choose the Right Always!1

    Karely A.
    Block 1

  9. Many times when we want to achieve something in life, there are many obstacles that get in the way. For some thats a reason to give up but for others, it's just a motivation to keep going and not give up. Don't let something break you,let it make you, make you in to that person who overcame those obstacles, and achieve their goals. =)
    -Jackie L. Block:1

  10. Be enthusiastic have energy in everything you do or endure. Persist in your goals work hard to achieve them , have a great attitude. Those who achieve have a great personality and good character. All these characteristic lead to a good successful person and life. Your future will be bright and will break boundaries. Follow these tips and be successful.

    Cynthia C.
    Block 1

  11. When you break, it means you aren't strong enough to accomplish your goals and your plan in ife. The people that break records have a winners mentality and never give up. When they see somethings going wrong, they try their best to make it right. A good example of this is Kobe Bryant. He brakes records and also breaks ankles.
    -Trinidad Munoz
    -Block 1

  12. I agree with the following quote because the choices you make in life are up to you. A lot of people choose the right but many choose the wrong. Many do the right decision by choosing the right and breaking records but many break and don't do anything with their life.

    Anna E.
    Block 1

  13. this quote/image isnt one of my favorites
    but i think that its message to everyone
    reading it, is to keep going not to give up
    half way through your way. the only way
    to make it to the top is to do it the right way
    taking the right path, there is not no easy
    way to making it to the top, and if you do by
    cheating soon or later youll be back were
    you were.
    Griselda A
    block 1

  14. What i think this quote is trying to say is bad experiences cause some people break and give up. Other will learn from these bad experiences and you it to succeed. No one wants to have bad experiences, but when they come you have a choice. Choose to break or choose to break records, give up or learn from that mistake.
    Luiz R.
    Block 1

  15. Your choice "Choose to break OR Choose to break records" love it! Most people should choose to break records that's choosing the right, nobody should choose to break and fail that would be choosing the wrong. But what breaks us makes us stronger. We need to work hard to reach our goals and when achieved we should set more, we would just need to be persist.
    -Isamar z

  16. this quote is fascinating because its true. some people give up and loose hope to achieve their goals. others who are more successful in life face adversity and dominate it. don't let things control you, you control it. you must face adversity with enthusiasm and energy to overcome it. so take adversity straight on and break records with CTR.


  17. This quote is definitely true, it's all up to you. Whether you choose to break or choose to break records that all up to you. You control what you want, you control who you are and who you can be. If your choose to be an Academic Champion, you will be if you put effort and you choose the right. Also, if you choose to break records of your life. You'll be proud of yourself.

    -Valerie A.
    Block 1

  18. this is true when something is hard most people give up & for others it causes them to try even harder & do even better.i think we should all break records & when the road is hard we just have to keep our heads up & believe in ourselfs.
    Cindy M.

  19. i think this means that means that if you hard in to whatever you want to accomplish you will accomplish it. You need to have the endurance the persistence to achieve it. If you dont have this you will not accomplish it. I like the quote because it is true only people who persist and have the adversity will achieve their goals. I think that a good example will be of Michael Phelps working hard everyday and he won i think 8 gold medals.

    BLOCK 1

  20. this quote is sorta like a motive to everyone who has in mind reaching a goal. this post stated that if you were 3/4 of getting to the top f a mountain but then all of a sudden you had the urges to pee.. you would be i a hard decision wouldn't you be . well, this post practically says that when you are in something similar to that not exactly hahah pretty embarrassing don't you think:) hahahah well when you are in that situation push your self towards your goal because it would be better for you to reach the mountain and break a world record , than to have to climb all the way down and have not accomplish anything . fellow readers have enthusiasm when you are reaching a goal because enthusiasm is better than feeling like a quitter.

  21. It is your choice if you keep on going or not. Your life is on you if you say I give up. or you keep going that a good thing to do if you give your not choosing the right. you can't give up on your dream. always keep it up always choose the right.

    Raquel D

  22. Adversity can cause some people to fail, but it could also make a person stronger. We always learn from our harsh times, but we choose to just fail and never try again or get back up and stand firm and strong to continue. We need to have enthusiasm to persist to keep on moving forward. We have to work hard to get where we want to be or what we want to be.

    Crystal C.
    Block 1

  23. i guess this is saying that you can break records. i dont know really what to sya about this
    jorge c.
    block 1

  24. Its better to brake records because thats how you know you made it to where you want to be, made it big in life. Try to do that young folks (: Because if you break you break your hope and spirit together. And thats not good.
    Believe to Achieve (:

    Stephanie H.
    Block 1.

  25. In life you have choice to make. Some you will definitely regret, others you won't. But the most important choice is choosing which one is right. If you make the wrong choices, you will be stuck in sadness and unhappiness. Don't choose the wrong choices because you will be stuck in places were you will regret being at. You have the choice to do good in this world, or be bad in this world. You have the choice to break the rules or break records. I would choose to break records because that is were choosing the right and being successful comes in. choosing to break the rules is choosing the wrong and you will pay the consequences. CHOOSE THE RIGHT ----------->>>>>>>>>>>

    Jose N
    Block 1

  26. Depending on how the person take adversity, that will either lead to two things and a struggle and fail into braking, or a struggle and success causing it to be a broken record. One thing is for sure, you don't ever give up, you have to keep trying no matter how hard the struggle you have to keep trying, you have to fight to break a record before the struggle breaks you! For example me, I'm not a student type for school I struggle in school to get good grades but I never give up, I haven't given up, and I don't plan on giving up when I'm this close to victory, and if takes me a step down one step away from where I was, so I will climb back to where i was and continue on my way in order to break a record that most people don't get to, I am going to graduate! No matter how much adversity comes at me or gets in my way I will get through it.

    Dennis D.
    Block 1

  27. I like this quote because it is true. You could break, or you could break records. This is true because in life, you have two options, either you fight for what is yours or you let someone bring you down. This quote I can relate plenty too. In my personal life there was so many obstacles trying to break me, but I am not going going to let anything get on my way.
    --Maggie U.

  28. Adversity dose causes some men to break or just make the stronger. If you are trouble dont worry you can make it. The trouble that comes to you only makes you stronger and stronger. but we must hold on and support all that comes. this can also break records but this all up to you. CHOOSE THE RIGHT and break records!!!
    Thomas P.

  29. This reminds me to work hard in everything i do and not to let small things or difficulties stop me from reaching my goals. i also like the quote from John Churtaon Collin:)

    -Jasmine G Block 1

  30. this quote explains its self. the more you want something the more you are going to try to get it and like the quote says others break records. the reason why adversity breaks people because people cannot handle the work or the practice because either its to hard or they just give up.
    Vincent G Block 1

  31. i like this quote it saying we need to work hard and be a successful person. and have energy to do the things that make you happy and be a respectful person. the other thing is always go for your goals never give up and achieve.also choose the right track so Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT :)

  32. The n eon the bottom sounds better. I would choose the break record. CTR. In every person, lies a successful person. But sometimes that person doesn't want to show it nor be one. But its best to show it because it will show people that you are a great person and is really trustworthy. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!

    Salvador P.
    BloCk 2

  33. If it were my choice, I would choose to break the record. I think that if I would be able to accomplish that, I would feel really proud of myself(: In order to break the record, you have to practice and work hard every single day until you think you can do it. People may get in the way and won't let you break the record, but don't let them bring you down in any way. All you should do is keep going! Choose the right :)

    Brenda B.
    Block 2

  34. it is cool when we challenge ourselves to do more.
    this helps us achieve more and be successful.
    we have to brake barriers not let the barriers brake us :P

    --joe ayala
    block 1
