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This post tells me that if you are patient with all things then eventually everything will fall into place. It might take a while for it to happen but eventually it will happen. Patience is the key to living an easy and happy life. The more patient you are the less stressful you will be therefore the more successful you will be.
Every thing takes time . You have to have patience, to learn how to wait. Waiting is not always fun but it is worth while because you get to enjoy it when it finally gets there.Be patient and have faith that everything you wait for is going to be good and that everything you endure while waiting is for a reason. While waiting always have a positive outlook never look at the bad side.
ReplyDeleteCynthia C.
Block 1
Every thing takes time . You have to have patience, to learn how to wait. Waiting is not always fun but it is worth while because you get to enjoy it when it finally gets there.Be patient and have faith that everything you wait for is going to be good and that everything you endure while waiting is for a reason. While waiting always have a positive outlook never look at the bad side.
ReplyDeleteCynthia C.
Block 1
i agree with this quotes. it is true we all have to be pacient
ReplyDeletein order to get or reach what we want. sometimes it may feel
like it is taking forever and as if its never going to come but
it will you just have to be pacient and keep working hard, and not
give up to get to your goal.
Griselda A
block 1
Having the courage to not giving up and doing something that you've set your heart to sometimes includes having patience. I really like this quote because great things come to those who are patient, sometimes it's not what we expect sometimes it's something even better :). Regardless of the matter it's good to never lose hope and never see the imperfections we have as a excuse to say we are not good enough. Yes we are no matter what others think, just be patient =).
ReplyDelete- Jackie L Block: 1
Within time anything can happen, it could be something good or bad. All you have to do is wait and see (: well thats how i think about it. Be patient as-well because you don't want to rush things when its not necessary. The Key to it is to be patient to everything. Also, i really liked the slide-share. It brings awareness of what to do in a moment. People should look at that as a guide.
ReplyDeleteStephanie H.
Block 1.
Patience is a virtue. This quote really exemplifies the necessity of having patience with yourself. You can't expect to know everything or be able to do something at an instant. You must have patience with yourself, or you will fail. You have to live life a little bit at a time.
ReplyDelete-Gustavo Lopez
Block 1
I absolutely agree with this because you do need be patient in order to succeed in life. Whenever we rush things, they never work out. We need to take a deep breath and wait for things to fall into perfect place. Everything comes when it is time... it is destiny. So if something is meant to be, don't rush it and it will come. We cannot make our life long career in a couple of weeks, it wouldn't be right. Therefore patience is the key to success.
ReplyDelete-Maggie U.
Patience is such a rare thing now an days. It is very good to have patience because you became a more reasonable and understanding person that way. It helps with your character and how you reflect on things.
ReplyDeleteMaria c
bk 1
If your patient, everything will fall into olace. If your stubborn enough and want everything done at the moment BYE good luck in life. But if your an Academic Champion and you know how life is, and how hard it is, you'll be patient because patient is success, patient is your future. Success, your future, your education, your career it takes time so be patient. If your patient it'll arrive. Choose the right.
ReplyDelete-Valerie A
Block 1
i think that being patience is important in life, you cant always expect for everything to happen quickly. also when doing something you need to take your time and do it correctly instead of rushing it. as for the slide i really enjoyed it especially the one that said "i should recognize how impossible is to please all the people all the time". this is so true you cant make everyone else happy all the time, as long as your happy thats all that matters:)
ReplyDelete-Jasmine G Block 1
Having to be patient most of the time will probably seem like a nuisance at times, but is how things are done. You can't expect something to be finished or to have arrived on the spot. You have to wait. Just like when you plant something. You have to wait for it to fully grow through care, nurturing; and most importantly, patience.
ReplyDeleteDarwin R.
Block 1
Like they say "good things happen for those who wait" I think patience is the key to have what we desire. "Great success takes time. Be patient and arrive." Great success does take time and time will take patience we need faith, confidence and most importantly patience and will have what we waited for so long.
ReplyDelete-Isamar z
Patience is always required if you really want to succeed, it is not possible to achieve all your goals overnight. Success takes time to achieve and it will bring you great happiness. If you really want something you have to be patient and wait for it to happen eventually it will. It might seem like a long wait at first but at the end the success is all worth the wait. Always be patient and many great things will come your way.
ReplyDeleteAlejandra S.
Block 1
Patience is essential in the way your life goes. When you are patient, you are just waiting for a better opportunity to come. When you rush through choices and don't think about it good, then you will have regrets later on. When you want to get something, you can't just get it right away. You must be patient and then better things will come.
ReplyDelete-Trinidad Munoz
-Block 1
my opionion on this post is that its trying say that when something is on your goals list... be patient for it. dont rush timeit will get oto you and when it does i garantee you it is going to be the best ride of your life. make usre you have your mind set to high."). make your dreams big . and remember chose the right because the right lades to success.
The quote is very true, and is taught in a lot of places, even if you don't really notice. I remember hearing something like this since I was a lot younger, to have patience. you sometimes need to have patience to get things you want, they won't just fall from the sky as soon as you want need to wait, sooner or later you WILL get it. Even little kid movie teach us, and kids to be patient, off the top of my head i thought of Kung Fu Panda when i read this quote. So ALLWAYS choose the right, and be Patient, especially with yourself.
ReplyDelete-Carlos A.
block 1.
I GUESS THIS QUOTE IS SAYING HAVE patience. i guess this can be true, i dont know really what to say, because i have no patience so i dont know waht to say.
ReplyDeletejorge c.
block 1
Patience is really important because it's something you must do to do things right in life . When you have patience it will earn you something good in life and you will enjoy it very much ,but if you don't have patience then how can you enjoy things and earn certain things. That's why patience is really important.
ReplyDeleteRandolph Lima
Never give up on your dreams always keep on trying. and you always trust your self that you can do it. have too tell your conscience you can do it at all the times. choose the right.
ReplyDeleteRaquel D.
ReplyDeleteDANIEL C
Patience is very important. We need patience for many things, everything takes time. We need patience for the many things we want. Sometimes we just don't want to wait and loose courage but we have to keep on going and great things will come to us. Patience is a virtue.
ReplyDeleteCrystal c.
Block 1
o like this quote its a really good one :) its true always have patience never rush things talk your time and do it right. when you don't have patience things good bad and you just mess up what ever you are doing. like i said just have patience there no need to rush anything :)
ReplyDeleteVincent G Block 1
Patience is your best friend, it helps you complete tasks that take time. Patience is what you definitely need in your life. When you have patience in your life, good things come to you. It may almost seem impossible at first when you begin to wait. But, if you have patience, it will be much easier and it will make it seem like you didn't wait at all. "Patience is a virtue" and it will help you throughout life. CHOOSE THE RIGHT ------->>>>>>>
ReplyDeleteJose N
Block 1
over the years ive learned to have patience for pretty much everything. like when i was little i would always want things fast like right there but if i just waited i could of gotten something better that i would like instead of rushing for things. ive learned to be patient for many things and events like christmas or my birthday, but if you wait you will truly be happy and it will be worth the wait. with patience you can think about what you want and get ideas of what your looking for instead of hurrying up to get something you might not even like. so be patient with CTR.
What i think this quote is trying to say is that you must be patient at all times. You must be patient with your self and others. Patience is one thing i don't have. I don't like having to wait for anything or anyone. The lack of patience would be my imperfection. Like the quote says, "do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them".
ReplyDeleteLuiz R.
Block 1
Being patient is sometimes hard but at the end you might get rewarded. Nothing can be done without patience. I like the quote it says to have patience but overall have patience with yourself, specially on seeing you defects and learn how to change them. learning the bad things not only the good ones about yourself is good but what is better is knowing how to change it and turn it around. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!
ReplyDeleteJacqueline Yanez Block 1
i like this quote it saying we need to be patient to do the things right.
ReplyDeletealso be respectful to others and work smart and never give up in the things you want to do. the other thing is have faith and confidence to master the things you want to do. so always choose the right track and take time to do the things. CHOOSE THE RIGHT :)
Patience is some thing a lot of people dont have but at the same time its same thing that a lot have. With patience you will do what you set your self to do. with patience you can so achieve all your goals. we all have to have patience in life and just keep persisting. Dont lose you self keep on your task and never lose your patience no mater what happens. This is you key and this will take you to be successful in you life. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
ReplyDeleteThomas P.
Patience is some thing a lot of people have but at the same tine a lot of people dont have that. if you have patience with in very thing you do then you will be successful. all the great people had to have patience to get we they are today. some of them had to take them years to get were their are but they never gave up and had patience. Patience is the key of being successful in life.CHOOS THE RIGHT !!!
ReplyDeleteThomas P.
i believe that practice makes perfect so we must practice our patience
ReplyDeletejoe a.
block 1
"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself." I believe what this is saying is true. You really have to patience with yourself first. Everyone should have patience with themselves first than trying to have patience with anything else. So choose the right!! :)
ReplyDeleteMarysol L.
Block 2
I like this quote because I agree that success doesn't come right away. If you want to be successful, you need to learn how to be patient and success will come at its own time. If you are about to give up, DON'T. You also have to learn to be patient with yourslef and not give up on your dreams because you think it's taking too long. Success will come at its own time, that's why the best thing to do is be patient and wait. Choose the right!
ReplyDeleteBrenda B.
Block 2
The quote "Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew." is very interesting its true you have to be real patient especially with yourself you have to not discourage yourself keep your self up and learn from your mistakes make them better because everything you do is the start of something new<3(:
ReplyDeleteDalia Barragan
block 2
Success will not come to you. You will come to success. Be patience, it takes time for you to be success. Being success takes time because you have to work hard. If you are patience and is waiting for success, then you will never get it. WHY?? Because you have to work for it. Work hard, work smart, and work together. Master every moment you have. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
ReplyDeleteSalvador P.
Block 2
Having patience is the key to achieve all your goals you set for yourself in life. Slow and steady wins the race. You are not always going to accomplish everything at such a quick rate. You need to slow down and go through all different obstacles to get what you want.
ReplyDeleteJesus A.
Block 2
"Good things come to those who wait." I don't know who said that quote but I have heard it a lot and for the most part it is very true. If you are struggling with something don't give up, just have patience and keep trying, eventually you WILL get it.
ReplyDeleteOmar Diaz
Block 2
I really like St Francis De Sale's quote. It is completely true, have patience, much patience. Instead of dwelling on your flaws, try to improve them. Have the patience and it takes to get to your goal. Success takes much patience and hard-work. The slideshow on how to improve your patience is completely motivational.
ReplyDeleteBrenda E.
block 2
I believe having patience's is a skill because it's something that you work on and develop over time, Patience is not something you developed over a night it's a skill and a very good one at that. The quote by Saint Francis De Sale is a great example of what patience's is and a skill to be well mastered.
ReplyDeleteManuel P.
block 2
work hard but don't wear yourself out. go easy on yourself but don't have lack of energy. have patciences on youself
ReplyDeleteKaty C.
Block 2
it is so true when you wait, later there will be great things for having the patience. Being successful does take a lot of time and we have to learn to deal with it in order for us to reach it. Its about having faith and confidence to what you're doing and lots of patience but it will come.(:
ReplyDeleterubi arellano
block 2
I really believe in the quote "Great things come to those who persist." Every one has to work hard on something they want to accomplish. If you could do everything the first time you try it, i think life would be boring. When you finally accomplish it and look back at everything you did, its the best feeling ever. You need to have patience with yourself, and never give up. No matter what anyone says, take it one day at a time, and you will succeed :)
Marleen J. Block 2
ReplyDelete--MONIQUE C.
haveing faith mean a lot because i have notice that when something bad is happening that person always says oh my god and haven't gone to church i mean only when something really really bad happens person think about god and that not true faith that because they need something in re-turn...
ReplyDeleteJackie J
Block 2
The most important step for everyone is to always be and show patients because everything thing in life takes patients and it is better to know how to be patient because if your not patient your going to be all nervous your not going to be able to focus so its good to be patient and be patient with your self because the more patient you are with your self the more calm you are and the easy you accomplish things and if your not patient with your self if your always doing stuff non-patient you may have some risk to look forward to so be smart and be patient with everything most importantly be patient with your self
ReplyDeleteRogeliuo Aparicio
I really liked this quote because it tells me how to be patient and why. All the things in life come when your patient. I especially like the patience slide show, it showed me that patience is really important. The quote tells me that i i don't have patience in myself, i will lose courage and not reach some of my goals in life. But, if i do have patience, and courage, and keep on working hard, when the time comes all my goals will be achieved. CTR!!!!
ReplyDeleteADRIAN V.
I believe patience's is a skill and should be well mastered over time and the quote by Saint Francis De Sale is a great example of what patience's is and it's something that is not developed over time and you need to work at it and master it
ReplyDeleteManuel P.
block 2
This is probably one of my favorite blog postings. The patience thing is cool because of some quote that I like "time will tell" and with that you need lots of patience. This should also help all of us to realize that we are all only human, everyone makes mistakes. We are all animals and we do what we please and we don't want people telling us what to do or judging us, so who are we to do the same to others?
ReplyDeleteJessica R.
Block. 2
Patience is something hard to gain. Especially if you are impatient. But its also a good thing to have because than you dont tend to rush things. If you have patience than I think you would be a more calm person. I also think that makes you more understanding of peoples situations. So people whoever reads this be patient and CTR!!!
ReplyDeleteLuis Meza
Block 2
This blog has made me think that everything comes in there own time that we shouldn't get mad only one person couldn't do or because the thing that u really wanted you didn't get it on the day that you wanted it . Many people think that the stuffs are the most important things in the world when there not .
ReplyDelete"The wind could take words ,but it can't take actions."
the most important thing in the world are:your health , your education,your character , and mostly your parents. Those are the most important things . if you want something then you need to work very hard to accomplish those things that you want.
Sheyla .C.
Being a successful person takes precious time. Being patient is the best way to become a successful person. If you rush in the thing you want to do then it will either not happen or happen the way you don't want it to come out. So be patient and take time to succeed.:)
ReplyDeleteBridgit E.
Block 2
Yes. This quote is right. Patients is what gets things done. Not only academically or work but in all your daily basis. When things are done in a rush they might be done wrong or it might be more work. For ex, waking up early making a nice yummy breakfast and taking your time will be a GOOD morning, but waking up late, not knowing what to cook and running late to school or work will be a bad busy morning, be patient and don't rush. Choose the right it will make a difference.
ReplyDeleteKarely A.
I would have to agree with the following quotes because being successful takes time! Rushing things is not good because things dont get done correctly! Good things come to those who wait! So its important to be patient! :DDD
ReplyDeleteAnna E.
Block 1
Romans 5:3-5
ReplyDeletewe also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
we must have patience to achieve many great things. like it says here patience leads to character and character to hope once we have that hope nothing will stop us because our hope will go on.if wwe arent patient we can lose many thinsa just like saul lost his kingdom for being inpatient.
--joe ayala
block 1