Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Friday, December 10, 2010

Born to Succeed

"Men are born to succeed, not fail"
- Henry David Thoreau


  1. I think in this life we are here to make some type of accomplishment. Wether its a small one or its a big one like becoming the next president of the united states. Fact is, you're never looked at in a good way if you fail. You have to set your goal ever since you know what exactly life is about. for example, if you don't know where you're going in life; thats okay. that doesn't mean you're gonna fail, that just means you don't know exactly what you want. The most important thing to think is that you can do it, and you will persist until you succeed.
    Choose the right.

    -Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  2. Follow your dreams and never give up! Be a successful person and achieve in as many ways as you can. We are all born to succeed, so always choose the right and try your very best at things. Everyone can succeed if they try their best! Choose the right 24/7!

    Stephanie S

  3. This Quote Is Saying That We Were Born To Succeed! If You Fail In Life Than You Have No Purpose In Life Unless You FInd A Way To Reverse The Effect And Do Something Better With Your Life! It Was Always Meant For Us To Succeed In Life! Never To Fail And Lose This Game We Call Life!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  4. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    It is true that we are born to succeed and live successfully.The second you are born you are destined for greatness,but its up to you to make it happen.Failure is not an option that will give you many oppurtunities in life.No one has ever made a successful as a loser and wasting their time in this world that we only get to live once.Follow your dreams and use your time wisely as it will expire in time.Our future depends on you if you decide to grab the chance.

  5. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    Its true what this quote says that "men are born to succeed, not fail"because were the leaders of tomorrow. So we need to work hard to success in life. Follow your righteous dreams and goals you have. Born to succeed with CTR and we will always a winner with CTR.

  6. I really like what this quote is saying. It is very true but some people don't realize it. People are born so that they can succeed in life. They are born so that they can make a difference in this world. So that their names are know. So that people know who this person is. If people are not successful it is because they didn't try hard enough. You should always try your best and CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  7. This is true Men were born to succeed not fail. For example if you want to succeed you need to choose the right everywhere you go, you need to have a positive attitude, and show a good character towards people. I always work hard, work smart, and work together so i could succeed in life. Never choose the wrong because you will fail and no one would be proud of you do choose the right. Always Choose the Right and you will go far. Ctr!!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  8. I believe that everyone is born to be successful. It all depends if someone decides to follow their dreams or not. You can be as successful in your life as you wish. If you work hard and are determined to reach your goals with a good attitude then you will be successful. If you choose to not follow your dreams and put them aside, then you will never reach the success you want. Never give up and you will always succeed.. Choose the right!! =D

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  9. I think that this quote has to be change. Men and women are both born to succeed. Everybody in this planet are here for a reason. Whether its to succeed and become something or to help others. This could mean that you can make a good name for yourself...... People are here to succeed not to fail.
    Alejandra P

  10. i like this post and comment as well. in my opinion i think that too that we were all born to be successful people. i know that i was born to be a successful person because my parents always tell me everyday how did you do in school and they have also told me that they both want my brothers and myself to be better than them in life because they say that now in days compare to before we have it easy. for example if you want to be a lawyer, doctor, teacher, etc.. you have to work hard and you have to want to do it because for you to become anything in life its there you just have to want to do it and follow your dreams by also choosing the right!!
    like the songs by the way Mr. Haymore

    Chris C.
    Block 1

  11. this quote saying we need to work hard to succeed in life also always choose the right track. to be a better person you need to do all your golas you have in mind. the other thing is to follow your dreams and live successfully with no problems in life. always CHOOSE THE RIGHT :)


  12. Every person in the world is born to succeed,
    if you choose to do it. If you out your mind and heart to
    it you can "ALWAYS DO IT"
    never say you cant or think positive when your
    trying to do something you want to.
    IF you get to it and you do what you want to do
    you will succeed(:
    Every person has the right to be someone and become
    something they want to be(:

    choose the right<3

    Blanca U.
    Block 1

  13. i think that both women and men are to succeed and not to fail and they will always succeed and i think that they love what they do to succeed in their life .

  14. This statement is right mens are born to success and not to fail. So always do the right thing in life for you wont make mens look bad. Women were born to success in life to. For example if one mess up in your group everybody mess up in that one group.

    Kevin R.
    Block 1

  15. Well what this quote means is that well people are born to be successful. In order to be successful they have to have goals and also try very hard to accomplish those goals. We were born to succeed to work hard, because if you work hard you live successfully and hard work always pays off. So just always try your best and choose the right.
    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  16. I do think men and women were put on this planet to succeed not fail, but it's up to us to make sure we succeed. Each person has to do what they need in order to succeed, not any kind of inheritance or struck of luck is going to make you successful. So work hard and keep choosing the right!!

  17. I agree with this quote the we did born to succeed and not fail but it's are decision if we want to success in life by working hard, smart, in groups and not giving up what your goals are if you be optimistic you will be proud of your self choosing the CTR in used all the time but if you choose to fail you will have a bad reputation and you be embarrass of your self because you choose the CTW. jonatan olguin block 1.

  18. It is true that we are born to succeed and live successfully, but its up to you to make it happen. Failure is not an option that will give you many oppurtunities in life. No one has ever made a successful as a loser and wasting their time in this world that we only get to live once.Follow your dreams and achieve your goals. Your future depends on "YOU" if you decide to grab the chances of being successful
    Marcos C
    Block 2

  19. Women and Men were meant to succeed in life. They were put on earth to choose the right, and learn from the wrong. For example, if you see someone stealing or cheating from someone, from that experience you learn not to choose the wrong.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  20. I think that this is true because we are not supposed to fail. Why are we not supposed to fail because we were really put on this earth to succeed and be great. So what we have to do is be great and just succeed. We have to be all that we can be. So do you best and be successful.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  21. Everyone on this planet was born to succeed. To accomplish something. No mater how big or small the goal was.. No one is a failure unless they choose to be. That's why you choose your own path.. Make your own decisions.. If you fail to accomplish it then you get up and do it again. Everyone is successful if you just choose the right.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  22. When one dreams they see and adventure through life going a thousand miles per hour. and when one wakes up, they become new people we have to see ourselves in the future how we want it to be. We all have to make the right decisions and learn from our mistakes.
    block 2

  23. Well i think that women are born to be successful too. Men and women, everyone were born to succeed and not to fail. But it depends on you if you succeed. You succeed by choosing the right. Set some righteous goals and you will achieve great things in life. Believe to achieve. If you believe you will be a successful person and you try and try hard for that to come true, you will be that important person. Everyone was born to accomplish things in life, whether they are bad or good. The bad goals will end you up in trouble and you will not be successful. The good goals will end you up in the best of the best life and you will will be successful. CHOSSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  24. I agree with this quote but it should say men and women are born to succeed, not fail. And no one should fail in life. They should succeed in life. And always choose the right. And live a happy life.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  25. This quote signifies to me that everyone on earth was put here for a purpose. We are all meant to succeed if we all do we could make our world a utopia. Where everything is almost as perfect as it can be. For this to happen everybody needs to do their part and contribute. Know what you want to achieve and go out and do it. Persist to become perfect, work hard to achieve, and always choose the right. Remove failure from your vocabulary because failure to you can never be an option.

    David P.
    Block. 2

  26. I think what this quote says is true. We are meant to succeed in life, no matter in what it is. We have to decide what we want to be successful in and reach that goal. Work hard and don't stop until you succeed.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  27. Because even when we fail we still get something out of it meaning we still succeed. For example if we are playing basketball and we make it to the championships and lose, we still succeed because we gain experience and we gain heart knowing that what we are we gonna do right next year and next time win it. so we weren't put on this planet to fail but to succeed in different ways that people just don't think about. so we got to choose the right and keep working hard that we can become more successful.

    Daniel G.
    block 2

  28. this means that we all have goals in life no matter if their small or big . but the point is to accomplish them. for example if you really want to get straight A's you practice and listen take notes etc.. but everyone has set goals in life. even little kids they see the example we give them so then they try to be like us so we have to be good examples for them.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  29. i believe that everyone is born to succeed, because no ones is born to fail, unless you choose to go the wrong path.
    "Men are born to succeed, not fail"
    - Henry David Thoreau

    I think this goes both ways not only for men. males/females are both born to succeed.

  30. I agree with this quote because everybody is born with the ability to succeed and work hard, but if people fail might be because they give up easily.

    block 2

  31. if man was born to succeed, then they should not fail. everyone should succeed so that the ones that are succeeding can set a perfect example to the ones that are failing. the ones that fail will see how those people are and they will try to be like them.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  32. God put us human to be somebody and change the way the world was ever seen, and we did.
    We all have a destiny in this dimension, whether we get one or we make one.
    What we are here for is to succeed.
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  33. I believe that everyone is born to be successful. person has the right to be someone and become something they want to be and Be a successful person and achieve in as many ways as you can.

    BLOCK 2

  34. the quote is true, we were put in this world to do the best that we can. we are not supposed to be failures we are supposed to be successful people. --Luis H. Block 2

  35. I agree with this quote but i say that everybody was born to succeed not only men. BUt to be successful in life you have to choose the right and accomplish your goals. Also try your best at everything you do and never give up.

  36. I agree that men and women were born always to succeed thats the whole point of being born because from the second that your born your parents start to imagine you as a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer they always imagine you as a successful individual that has goals and knows what he or she is doing. So with that we should always fight and struggle to become the best at whatever we do and become successful, not just for our parents but for ourselves. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!! :D

    Hayro B.
    Block 2

  37. I think what this quote means is that people are born to be successful. In order to be successful they need to have goals and try very hard to accomplish those goals and accomplish them, work hard because if you work hard you can live successfully and the hard work pays off. So always work hard and try your best and choose the right.
    David M.
    Block 2

  38. I believe that anyone can succeed if they work hard to achieve their goals and dreams in life. Everyone has somewhere where they would like to go, the only thing that they can do to get there is strive themselves to get there. In order to know where you're going you have to know where you've been.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  39. I think that EVERYONE is born to succeed not just men. Everyone that is born in this world is given many chances to succeed its just up to you that it all depends on, it all depends if you choose the right and when you don't then you fail. So follow your dreams, desire and goals because everyone is put in this earth for a reason, to make a good change and to live life right and successful.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  40. Men and Women have to be equal both have to follow there dreams to be a very successful person in life. That's because they really want to be really successful or else they would'nt even try to be a successful person. So if you have a big dream go for it don't wait for you can follow and enjoy your dreams.

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  41. I do think mens are made to succeed. I think everybody is made to succeed not only mens but girls to mens are more strong then girls but every human should try the best and never give up.Failure is not good it doesn't open a lot of opportunities in life.

    Leticia R

  42. I think that this means to always follow what you have planned for the future and work hard to obtain what you dreams are for your future .If you work hard for it you deserve to make your dreams become a reality.

    Randolph lima
    Block 1
