Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Have Confidence: PREPARE

"Thorough preparation breeds confidence"
Gerald Bell 
"The Carolina Way"


  1. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Being prepared is a key to achieveing the grade you want and scoring high on your tests.Be prepared for tests and quizzes that you know that are coming up and some that may be given that same day it is announced.There are many little things you can do to be prepared like having an extra pencil,getting the most important meal of the day or getting the required sleep every day.When you are prepared you are confident cause you already know the answers without seeing the test or quiz therefore an easy A.

  2. Focus on what you want! choose the right all the time. don't let anything or anyone bring you down. ignore all bad things and people, don't let others talk you out of doing something good in life. do something with whatever you can and may have. be responsible with the actions you take. choose the right all the time and your life will go on nice and smooth!
    Stephanie S
    Block 1

  3. When you prepare for anything in particular you're prepared for anything. When you're prepared you don't put your self down because you're confident you can do it. For example if you prepare your self for a sport when its game day and you feel confident because you prepared for it all year long. But if you're a rookie and you prepared very poorly then you're confidence is very low and you won't play as good as a person who prepared. thats why you always have to prepare just incase something comes in handy.
    Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  4. I really like what this quote is saying because it inspires me. You have to prepare before you do something. You need to practice. If you don't practice you might not do it right. By preparing you will get confidence and you will do it right. For example, I prepare before every baseball game. I practice and practice until that day comes. Come game time I have confidence that we are going to win.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  5. When you prepare for any test or quiz you have lots of chances of passing the test or quiz. For example, when you study hard you are preparing yourself getting ready. by preparing yourself it brings you lots of confidence because you know you could do anything after you prepared.
    Always choose the right and you will be in the student success pyramid with all the academic champions. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  6. I agree with this statement because thorough preparation we do get confidence in what we want to do. We all have to prepare for everything in our lives and we have to be confident in what we do. We have to be in control and show that we know what we doing. Like for us seniors we have to be confident that we will graduate and will have a good future. life is about preparing for other things to come. And have the confidence that it will go all right.
    Alejandra P

  7. Being Prepared Can Always Help One Feel More Right About The Situation They Are In! If You Are Prepared And Ready For What You Are Going To Do Then You Already Won Half The Battles Just By Being Prepared! It Gives You A Boost In Your Confidence For What You Are Aiming To Do!
    Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  8. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    The first thing is to prepare for what you are good at. Then practice to become very good at it. You would be on top of the game knowing how to it. Though preparation breeds confidence. Success is a way of thinking and a way of being. CTR

  9. Being prepared is a very important factor to success. Preparation gives you the confidence you need to succeed because you know that you have prepared well and learned what you need to learn to do a good job. Confidence allows you to achieve your goals because it gives you positive thinking and motivates you. If you don't prepare, then you won't be confident enough to do your best. Prepare well and gain the confidence you need to be successful in your future! =D

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  10. Being confident is very important. When your confident in yourself you feel good about yourself. In order to be confident you have to first be prepared. When your always prepared then nothing can go wrong. When you are really prepared you gain confidence. If you have confidence in yourself its because you chose the right.
    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  11. what i think that this meens is that you got to be prepared like if you have a test study it the day before and thats how you gonna do good in it so the way to choose the right is to always be preparedwhen you gonna do a test or any other thing like a baseball game the little kid is practacing so when he gets older he will be good at baseball....

    Ramon Salcedo

  12. this slide is awesome!! it says wonderful positive things and i think it very right what it says. if you have a dream to becoming a movie star its all up to you if you work hard enough to become one, if you put yourself down you are not going get nowhere like that. having very low self esteem. always be prepared for the obstacles that you are going to have in life some very hard and other very easy. if you practice and if you are choosing the right you wont struggle getting past the hard ones just never give up. for example me in practice i always practice hard so i could be ready for my next game and wont be afraid of our opponent. but i wont be afraid because im already prepared. always give it all you've got in any goal your trying to reach. like my coach says "always finish what you have started" -Coach Reed

    Chris C.
    Block. 1

  13. what i think about this is all your dreams will come true. but first you have to prepared so all your dreams come reality that will be a nice think. dream are just dream and if they are dream they stay dream for life.

  14. this quote is saying we need to be prepared for anything that come out in life. also be confident practice to be a better person to have a better future. and let your dreams come true. and always choose the right track and always CHOOSE THE RIGHT


  15. I agree with this quote. If you prepared and practice every time you always going to be better in your classes, in any sport, or anything but for that you need to be focus at what you try to study or practice and don't give up when you got a problem in be optimism and you will see everything positive and you will make the goal come true in be in Academic Champion chososing the CTR. jonatan olguin block1.

  16. Being ready is always a lot better than hoping for the best at the last minute, or if you haven't practiced for a game then you wouldn't be ready for anything and have less confidence of winning than you usually would have if you practiced. And even in school if you don't study it will affect you greatly if you don't prepare yourself. So choose the right and prepare yourself everyday because life isn't going to wait when your ready!

  17. Prepare Before Something Big Like A Baseball Game Or A Concert. Practicing Before Anything Will Prepare You FOr What Is Coming Up Later On. For Example, Band Members Always Play Alittle Bit Before A Concert BAckstage Before Playing Live, To Warm Up And Do Awesome At The Concert And Everyone That Went Will Like It.
    Marcos C
    Block 2

  18. I Also agree with this quote i think that everyone will get and be better if you have practice, for example if you just get into a sport bt you dont know how to play well theres no need too worry about anything theres always practice you can always practice 2 or 3 times a day till yu get the hang of it, so dont worry about it just remeber to work hard work smart and work together ctr! (:
    Guadalupe J

  19. This is true because being prepared is the key to being confident. If you are prepared then you are confident in what you have done. So lets say you have a big final coming up if you are not ready you wont be confident. But if you are prepared then you are confident and you will succeed. Also in the business world if you aren’t prepared then you wont be confident with what you have done, you might even get fired. But if it was the opposite and you were prepared then you would be confident in what you did and you might also get a promotion.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  20. What i think this quote is trying to say is that when your more prepared in something you will have more confidence in doing it. For example, in a test when you don't prepare yourself you won't be confident in taking it. You will probably get a low score. That's why preparation brings confidence, in almost everything.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  21. When you prepare yourself with practice, and with attention, then you will eventually feel confident about doing what you have been practicing. For example, I always study and practice for my vocabulary quizzes on fridays and I feel confident about doing the quiz. I end up getting a perfect score. Prepare yourself.

  22. This quote is saying that if practice a lot you will remember what you learn, you will be prepared for any challenges.It is best to always be ready to hope for the best.

    Elvis. C
    bloc 2

  23. I really like what this quote is saying because it inspires me. You have to prepare before you do something. You need to practice and let your dreams come true. and always choose the right track and always CTR

    BLOCK 2

  24. Preparing for anything is always going to give you the best results you can have. if you prepare for the CAHSEE then you bet yourself you going to pass it guaranteed. and practicing with minor problems will help build you confidence so when you actually go take the real test, it will be like practice or perhaps easier.


  25. the quote is true. if you are prepared for something then you will be more confident about what you are doing. if you practice for a test then you are going to feel better about taking the test because you are ready for that test. --Luis H. Block 2

  26. I agree with this quote once you prepare for circumstances and certain obstacles you gain confidence. Confidence, knowing that you have certain actions if something goes wrong. You're prepared for anything so now you believe you can do anything. Preparing is key to one success you have to know everything that might go wrong and have solutions to those problems so the only result can be success.

    David P.
    Block. 2

  27. this quote means that who better than yourself can choose the future you want. it all meeds time practice thinking positive and thinking big, thinking you will achieve one day and feel better about yourself. you feel so good that all that hard work you did was worth it. choose the right

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  28. i strongly agree with this qoute becuse when you're prepared you don't put your self down because you're confident you can do it. Confidence allows you to achieve your goals because it gives you courage and motivates you to do the stuff because your confidence of yourself. always be confidence about your self and always be prepare to choose the right.

    alejandro linares
    block 2

  29. I agree, because you got to believe in your dreams in order to make them come true.If you don't make a move on it then your just dreaming and you will never get anywhere. when you a have a dream or a goal go for it as soon as you think about it good. Because well if your just saying saying you are you will is always going to go like that so insted of saying it so many times do it. I know some people say that there going to wait but in that time you wait your just going to forget about it by the time passing and what about your goals you just left them behind. So try to make your dreams come true. :)

    Lissette J.

  30. It is better if you have had practiced and be ready for your next game than to hope that the game will go well. The same goes for when you have a very important interview, you should practice how you will answer some of the questions that might be asked. That way you will prepared and feel confident and not nervous.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  31. i think this quote is saying the more you study and the more you pay attention in class it's like preparing yourself for whatever comes to you. and once you prepare yourself and you get through whatever then you begin to gain confidence and you stay with that positive attitude that you can do it. success is a way of thinking. you need to think hard about your choices and make the right choices.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  32. You always need to be ready for anything life throws at you. Always be prepared for anything. For example in school they can give you a pop quiz and you might fail it because you weren't ready, this can all be avoided by being ready and studying. Choose the right it will get you far :)

    Alyssa i
    Block 2

  33. I think this quote means is that if you are prepared take responsibility of scoring high grade in tests the bigger problems you solve them faster you grow by being confident in yourself in everything be your self be prepared for anything.
    David M.
    Block 2

  34. Everyone has a dream, you should make it real. Get prepared all you can to make this dream come true. Be confident about yourself and know that you can succeed. Waking up early, coming to school everyday, doing a lot of work, facing stress, dealing with this and dealing with that is all worth it. At the end of the day you feel great inside knowing that you did a lot in this day and not just waste your time. You may not see it right now but you will see it in the future. We have to do our best in everything and be glad that we atleast tried. Be positive and follow your dreams, Always.

    Angelica L.
    Block 2

  35. I agree. Preparation is the same as getting ready or for another example practice, and when you practice you prepare, you prepare for the confidence and boost your going to put into anything your doing it can be sports, homework, or even chores. Being ready and prepared is good and in fact would make you play better and do things way better. SO prepare yourself at anything you do that way you can get some confidence and succeed in all your goals. :)

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  36. i can see how this would work out because if your prepared you wouldnt be scared of anything that comes at you so i look at it as like when your about to go on stage for an audition and you practiced everyday really hard then you'll be prepared and you'll most proboly get the roll but if your not prepared then you'll be scared and you'll lack confidence so always be prepared if you want a great attitude and great confidence

    Hayro B.
    Block 2

  37. You could always make your dream come true if you try and never give up. Practice is very important because it prepares you to make your dream realty. The more you practice the more you become good at it and the next time will be much better.

    Leticia R

  38. Being prepared requireslove and hope for the game or subject.Practicing certain things can expand the mind and create ideas for the future.We begin practicing from the moment we arrive to the world, we learn to walk, talk, read, write, and have fun habits. We can never stop practicing because then we would just become quitters. its best to keep on practicing till the end because one aint an expert at everything, but practicing can get you close
    block 2
