Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Our first teacher is our own heart."


  1. Just By Listening To Our Hearts Can Teach Us Many Things! As A Matter Of Fact It Was Our First Teacher Before Anyone! It Always Knows How To Choose The Right Regardless Of How Big Or Small It Is!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  2. I think this quote by Cheyenne relates to what i always like to say: "When my heart and mind are on the same page, i know its right." Sometimes you know you have to do something but your heart says no, or vise versa. i think your heart has more power over mind, you just have to know how to use it wisely. for example, when it comes to choosing what you want you have to think is it right ? And then you proceed to think: "Does this feel like the right thing to do?"
    think about those things before you decide anything.
    choose the right :)

    valeria v.
    Block 1.

  3. This quote is true. Our heart is the first one that teaches us the good from the bad. If we are doing something bad, then our heart tells us not to do it. We should always listen to our hearts because they tell us what to do. Our heart will naturally tell us whether to do something or not. To choose the right or not. Our heart will teach us to CHOOSE THE RIGHT.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  4. I agree with this quote because I believe our hearts are what tell us what we really want in life. Your heard tells you what it is that you love to do. Once you listen to your heart, the you can start to follow your hearts dream to your own success. Pay attention to what you most desire and to what makes you happy. Your heart will always want to best and choose the right way but it is up to your own self to choose to follow the right way your heart is putting out for you or to choose the wrong and go other ways. Listen to your heart and work hard to follow your dream and you will always reach your success. =D

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  5. This quote from Cheyenne is very inspiring to me because it tells me to follow my heart and do the right thing. The fist teacher was my heart because it showed me how to follow my heart and it showed me what's right and wrong. Always follow your heart and you will be successful in life. Always choose the right make the right decisions in life and you will have a great character. Choose the Right an you will become an Academic Champion.
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  6. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Your heart does certain reactions that you do when you decide the right or wrong.When you accomplish a goal you get a a heart warm feeling.When you decide to do something that hurts yo or another person you feel quilty.Your heart tell you based on the feeling if you decide right or wrong even if you think it was right you know it was wrong.If you do something really bad some people tell you"Do you have a heart?".It means that you did not listen to your hurt and hurt yourself or somebody else.ALways listen to what it says.

  7. Have a warm heart. Make right decisions and be honest all the time. You can learn from your heart, by being nice and by having a warm heart. Have a heart that will learn with you and can teach you things. Choose the right all the time!

    Stephanie. S

  8. What this quote means is that well listen to your heart. Your heart always knows whats right. So its important to follow it. It helps you do the right thing, it tells you to choose the right! Also well what it means by our heart is our first teacher is that well you learn from your heart, and well like teachers, our hearts are our leaders, and we need to listen to them. By listening to your heart you won't make mistakes because it knows whats best. Therefore it avoids you a lot of trouble so listen to your heart and always choose the right!

    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  9. I agree with this quote because what its saying is true. The teacher that we have with us always is our heart. We will always hear people tells us to follow our hearts. Your heart speaks to you and just you. For example, if you are stuck in something and you don't know what to do, just be by yourself and listen to your heart. The heart is never wrong.
    Alejandra P

  10. Our heart is the one that gives you the steps
    to proceed in what you want, to accomplish what
    you LOVE<3
    it is very important to follow your dreams
    and doing what you want with your heart.
    Your heart is the one that guides you
    and is the leader to your success.
    That is why your heart is your first teacher ever
    since you were a baby a little boy/girl
    your heart always led to something you were
    passionate about when you were in diapers.
    Trust your instincts and most importantly

    Choose the Right(:

    Blankita U.<3
    Block1 :D

  11. what i think about this is that choose the right think that your heart tell you to choose and it will be the best thing to do because it telling you the right thing not the bad thing to do that my option i don't know what other people think about this.


    BLOCK 1

  13. this quote is saying we need follow waht are heart say and let it teach us. and we have to feel proud about us no matter what. also are heart would lead us to the right track no matter what. are heart would tel us to choose the right or the worng. we could be successful in all the good things we do so always choose the right ;)


  14. i like this quote because it the truth you have to follow your heart and if your doing something always choose what comes first. for example if your learning how to play basketball learn the things from heart so you could do them next time without forgetting because your learning how to do them and your going to have them as your daily basis. your heart its something that you could learn from even though it dont speak to you. so next time you do something listen to it because its always right!
    Chris C
    Block 1

  15. whati think this picture meens is that if you look hard it to your heart that it will show you how to ch00se the right nd it will show you how to choose the right... and it will make yo make the right decesion

    Ramon Salcedo

  16. I think this quote makes you think about your heart is your first teacher the teach you to make the right or wrong but if you choose the right you always going to do the right thing to success in life but you are the want the makes the decision what you want to choose the right or wrong.Jonatan Olguin block 1.

  17. I agree with this quote. Your heart is your first teacher because it teaches you to be honest and to choose the correct decisions. Your heart will be with you till the end helping you.
    Alejandro M. Block:1

  18. This quote is true. Our heart is the first one that teaches us the good from the bad. If we are doing something bad, we feel awful inside and feel all weird and feel like throwing up. We should always listen to our hearts because it always tell us what to do. Our heart will naturally tell us whether people are doing good or bad, choosing the right or choosing the wrong. Our heart will always teach us to choose the right.

    marcos c

  19. The first person to teach you something isn't a person it is your heart, yourself. You decide whether you want to listen. You teach yourself what to do at the right places. Follow what your heart says and not what other people tell you what to do. You decide whether you will listen to your teacher or not.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  20. The first person to teach you something isn't a person it is your heart, yourself. You decide whether you want to listen. You teach yourself what to do at the right places. Follow what your heart says and not what other people tell you what to do. You decide whether you will listen to your teacher or not.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  21. The quote is trying to tell us that when we listen to our hearts we can learn many things. Our heart can teach us many things in life but we have to be willing to listen to it and follow what it says. Paying attention to your heart can help you out alot.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  22. Our hearts are the first teacher that teaches us. It teaches us to be honest and kind and to always choose the right. Clearly our hearts don't choose the right or wrong for us, it just tells us what to do. Choosing the right comes within you. It teaches you to always follow your heart and to do right. If we are doing something bad, our heart tells us not to do it. We should always listen to our hearts because they tell us what to do. Sometime we don't follow our hearts but thats on you because our hearts are always right. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  23. Everyone should always listen to their heart. People with no heart choose the wrong. Because they don't have that feeling of guilt. When you do have a heart then they should know better than to choose the wrong. They get that guilty feeling. People with a heart do care. It's your first teacher. It teaches you to be honest. And helps you to make the right choices.
    Joana Gonzalez
    BLOCK 2

  24. This quote is true because since we were younger we taught ourselves if something hurt we wouldn’t do that anymore. So if you are doing something bad then you shouldn’t do it anymore. What you taught yourself was that something was bad and if you keep on doing that you will get bad consequences. Also what’s good, same thing if you do what’s good you will get good consequences.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  25. The Heart is something that is never wrong.
    We must listen to it and
    do what what the heart thinks is right.
    When the heart want to feel loved it lets you know by,
    making you feel a way you can't describe when you are with that special someone.
    The heart also can teach you not to let it get hurt or making a good decision for your sake.
    listen to it to see what i am talking about....
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  26. i think this quote is right because your heart will show you what is right and wrong. if you want to know if something your doing is right or wrong just look in to your heart and it should tell you. --Luis H. B. 2

  27. when we were little we learned things that are parents or anyone else could teach us. we still knew things but did not know where they came from. our hearts were what were teaching us all of that, but we just did not know. when we were little we would have crushes on other people, our hearts are what lead us to what is right, we just have to listen to it.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  28. i like this quote because it the truth you have to follow your heart and if your doing something always choose what comes first. for example, if you are stuck in something and you don't know what to do, just be by yourself and listen to your heart and just (CTR)!!


  29. i agree because your first teacher is your own heart. and it shows you to be honest and respectful to not just your teacher. But to everyone and never disrespect anyone in life or else they will disrespect you back so choose the right...

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  30. this quote means that listening to our hearts is our first teacher .
    for example if you honest and choosing the correct decisions. it also helps you out figuring stuff in life like careers what you would like to grow up to be it has to be with love and your heart will let you know what you like and what you do not like.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  31. I agree with this quote you have to listen to what your heart says. Your heart knows what you want it yearns for it. All you have to do is listen to it and go get it. Happiness will surely pursue you after you pursue what your heart is calling for. Would you rather be in misery and boredom? I doubt that I bet we all rather enjoy what we do in life/ Therefore pay attention to your heart. Its your own navigation system.

    David P.

  32. I agree with this quote I also think that it is great because there the first ones too actually teach us new and great things that no one has taught us before and i find that first teacher very special, but theres others that don't start school till later and they have all 6 or more teachers i really like that quote(: so continue working hard, smart and work together choose the right!!!
    Guadalupe J

  33. listen to your heart. Your heart always knows whats right, its important to follow it because it speaks through you. your heart is your first teacher you ever had because your teaher is the one who teached you wts right and wrong. i look up to my first teacher.

    alejandro linares
    block 2

  34. its true, always follow your heart, because it just might take you to the place you would want to be. and if you make mistakes learn from your mistakes, just as in the picture, learn from your heart.


  35. This quote is saying to always follow your heart. Following your heart is the best choice you can have within you because your hear knows the right and wrong, its like your teacher that can teach you the rest of your life.

    block 2

  36. i like this quote, because its so true you should always listen to your heart and follow it. If you don't know how to decide things from right from wrong then your heart will lead your way!
    Choose the right and follow your heart :)

    Alyssa Ibarra.
    Block 2

  37. I agree. Our heart is the one that makes up our decisions in life and the one that teaches us and makes us learn. Our heart determines of being our teacher because it leads us too bad and good things, our heart helps us learn lessons. Our heart teaches us many things like trust, honestly, hurt, regret, happy and so on. Its up to us and hope that our heart helps us choose the right and not the wrong.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  38. I agree with this quote because your heart is the one that tells you what to do. So always listen to your heart and always make the right decision.

  39. "Our first teacher is our own heart."
    I agree with what the quote says about our heart being our first teacher because it helps us choose right from wrong. When I have a doubt in my mind I listen to what my heart is telling me so that I won't make a bad decision. Also when my mind and heart are on the same track I know that what I am doing is the right thing to do.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  40. What I believe this quote is meaning is that you should always listen to your heart. Your heart knows whether something is right or wrong. For example, if you are doubting about something, listen to what your heart is telling you. It is teaching you from right and wrong. We all know we need to choose the right.
    Block 2

  41. our first teacher was our heart because it taught us how we can listen to our heart or our brain. most people think with their brain when some think follow their heart. so in other some people think differently. so comes the phrase "THINK WITH YOUR BRAIN. BUT FOLLOW YOUR HEART." this actually makes a lot of people think about what should they listen to their heart or their brain!!!!!!

    Daniel G
    block 2

  42. alot of people go with their heart and do whats right according to what they feal is the right decision. Going with your heart doesnt take much time to realize that its the right decision.All you simply have to do is follow yout heart ans in the end you would feal very pleased and satisfied in the end.
    block 2

  43. True, because well if you listen to what a good person is teaching you then you will go to a good future and successful life. Learn from the good teacher that is teaching you how to do the right work. :)

    Lissette J.
