Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Friday, November 12, 2010

ASK and Learn

"Learning is rooted in questions developed by the learner"
John Dewey


  1. They say, you can't get to Rome without asking. Everyone is born not knowing a thing, and how can you find out more things? By asking questions of course. If you don't know and don't ask you'll never find out.
    For example, if you are in your chemistry class and you're learning on how to balance a chemical formula and you just don't get it, you have to ask your partner or your teacher. You need to get rid of that question because it will prevent you from moving on to the next chapter of chemistry. It's a step we all take. Choose the right!
    Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  2. what i see in this picture is that learning is infinate what i think this meens is that you can never learn to much the more you know the more your worth so you can never learn to much . and what i think about ask is that you should always ask questions if you have some dont stay quite because you wont learn .
    Ramon Salcedo
    Block 1

  3. what this quote means is that you will always learn more by asking questions in whatever situation your in. when you ask questions it is always getting your brain to work and you become a more successful student that way by coming up with questions to ask. for example when you need help in something that the first things you do ask someone for help or ask questions about it. my basketball coach (Coach Reed) always wants us to ask one question at least at the end of every meeting, because he says he gets our brains to work and to for us to be focus on what were talking about and thats very true.

    Chris C.
    Block 1

  4. I really like this quote. I think that it is very true. If you ask questions you will learn a lot. If you don't then you will not know much. For example, if you are in a class and you don't really understand the work, ask the teacher. You will learn how to do the work and pass the class. If you don't ask questions you will not know how to do the work and will not pass.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  5. when you ask questions you learn more, you get more information out of something when you ask, which makes you learn more. you learn many things; everyday, all the time no matter what! choose the right and ask away on something your interested in or may not understand.


  6. This quote is very true because you learn more when you ask questions. For example, if you never ask question you won't now many things but if you constantly ask questions your going to learn many things. Always ask question dont be afraid that your classmates will laugh at you. Always choose the right 24/7 and you will be an academic champion.
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  7. I agree with this quote. Asking is very important when it comes to learning. Sometimes when the teacher is teaching something many students don't understand it. So I think the students should ask to understand what they are teaching. If they don't ask then they are never going to learn, and if they do ask then they will become more knowledgeable. That's why it is very important to ask questions. For example, when I don't understand something I always ask so I can understand what the teacher is trying to teach. So I can understand a lot better.

    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  8. Asking questions is a very important part in learning. If you never ask questions then you will never really understand. No one should expect to understand things the first time and have no questions about it. Having questions can help you and others who might have the exact same question as you. There is always someone els who won't understand the first time either so asking questions shouldn't be embarrassing. Asking questions help develop your learning and sometimes can even help understand much more that what you expected. =)

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  9. According to this statement what its saying is that the way to learn more and understand is to ask questions. Don't be shy to ask if you dont understand. Its good to ask and the teachers will answer you and help you.
    Alejandra P

  10. This Is Saying That It Never Hurt Anyone To Ask Questions! It Benefits The Learner If You Ask Questions! If You Are Quiet And Don't Ask Questions Then You Will Be Lost! Its Always Good To Ask Questions About The Subject You Are On!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  11. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Asking questions expands your knowledge,becuase you ask for help when you don't know what to do.Raising your hand is the start of you learning something new.When you raise your hand,you show you are eager to learn.When you ask questions you show you have effort to learning.Just asking makes you a smrter and an Academic Champion.

  12. When you ask questions you are more then likely to understand the concept even more, because when you don't understand something you go right ahead and you ask your question to make the lesson understandable. Asking questions is a good concept it makes you understand and learn better,. Always ask questions when you don't understand that is why your teachers are there for, to help you and to explain to you what you don't get.
    Choose the Right(:

    Blankita U.<3
    Block 1 :D

  13. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    Asking questions is good because so could know what you need to do. if
    you ask you will learn more. the two magic words are ask and learn.
    raising your hand is important so you can know what's going on.
    Do it by ctr chooing the right!!!!!!!!!

  14. I agree with this quote. You learn by asking questions. Asking questions lets you find the answer to a problem and you learn from it to. If you never ask questions your never going to learn.
    Alejandro Mecalco Block:1

  15. this quote is saying we need to study hard and ask all the question we have. also be in the right track and learn alot of new things. the other thing is we need to put effort in all the things we do. alot of students dont like to ask question i think if you ask questions you would get it better. so alwayss CTR ;)

    Vanessa H

  16. Learning is powerful weapon to sucess in life to become some one but you need to put attention and listen what your teacher and parents teach you to learn to never give up to the obstacles the you have in life to beat your obstacle you will need to work hard and be smart about the things the you'r doing if you not put attention you not going to learn nothing and you'r not going to know how to do things to beat your obstacles the only thing you need to do is to choose the right thing not the wrong thing. Jonatan Olguin block 1.

    BLOCK 1

  18. I Also agree with this quote. I think that someone is always gunna learn by asking questions. Ithink learning is the key too success you need to be very succsesful in life and remember too always choose the right!
    Guadalupe J

  19. what this quote means to me is that learning is infinate...what i think this quote is saying that you can never learn to much the more you know the more your worth so you can never learn to much...what i think about ask is that you should always ask questions...there is no such thing as a stupid question...if you have questions dont stay quite because you wont learn anything.

    MArcos C.
    Block 2

  20. By getting the knowledge you need you ask questions. If you don't you won't get your question answered. For example, if you are unsure of what to do on your history project you need to ask questions because if you don't you will not get a good grade on it. If you misunderstood something ask what you didn't understand. Never be to shy to ask questions in class. If you are you can always ask after class.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  21. no person kan ever know too much.Knowing more is a good thing and having the guts to ask a question is very simple just raise up your hand and the answer will come to you.Asking a question that is for your education is a smart thing too do because then you can help somebody else that was in your situation.By asking a question you can know what to do and what your going to do next, or what is coming after.Questions is a step for success, but answers are the key.
    block 2

  22. i think when you don't understand something you should always ask for help. when you do then it makes things easier for you. they will explain it to you until you understand it clearly. so don't be afraid to always ask for help. not every one is perfect and knows it all. even the people who you think may know every thing still even ask for help when they don't understand something. always ask for help.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  23. if your willing to ask then your willing to learn. because i believe that the more you try and find out about anything you will learn the things you didn't know.


  24. This is so true, if you do not ask about something you do not know then you will never learn. I have this problem i get shy and tend not to ask about things i have no clue about and all that it leads to is me failing. So i suggest you raise your hand and ask as many questions as you need till you understand.

    Alyssa I.
    Block 2

  25. I agree with the quote because if you do not ask any question. THen you might not learn anything. Its better for you to ask because then you will learn many things in life and you will never stop learning.

    BLOCK 2.

  26. When you are in class and there is something that you don't seem to understand. It's always good to ask your instructor. You can learn more that way. You won't be left with doubts in how to do it. You will learn how to do it. Learning is about asking questions when you don't get it. So they explain it and then you learn it.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  27. I agree with this quote how are you ever gonna learn something with out asking any questions. When asking on how something works, you learn how something works. You then get a better understanding and you learn more. It's always important to ask questions. Never be shy about asking a question. There might be obstacles in your ways and if you need help getting through them ask your teacher for some help or someone. I am positive that they will help you and you will also learn along the way.

    David P.
    Block 2

  28. When you're asking questions, you are learning. Asking questions is very important because if you don't, you won't learn. You know things by learning and asking questions. You know more things and how to explain it better by asking. You can't go to another country without asking how to get there. Even the deaf people ask questions by signing. If you don't get a problem and you don't ask you will never know it. Ask and learn. Asking is a powerful tool to being successful in life. Asking a question in class is the start of you learning something new that you've never learned before. CTR on asking. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  29. his quote is saying we need to study hard and ask all the question we have. also be in the right track and learn alot of new things. the other thing is we need to put effort in all the things we do and work hard and strong and just ctr...

    Block 2

  30. if you do no know the answer to a question then you ask for help. when you ask for help you learn what you did not know at first. the more you ask questions the more you learn, there is not stopping your learning ability because it has no limit when you want to learn.

    esteban G.
    Block 2

  31. Asking questions is learning. Thats what this quote means. So if you are asking questions you are learning. Ask more questions when you can to learn more. Its like using the plus sign idea to learn more ask more.

  32. I think that what the quote means is that by asking questions you are learning more because if you don't ask questions you aren't gonna know what you're suppose to do. Also asking questions is a good way of learning because you learn about something that you didn't even know about before you asked the question.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  33. I agree because that's the way you learn by asking a question that you confusted on and not just staying quit without knowing what to do. That's why every time that you stuck on something ask your teacher for you can know what to do. Choose the right!

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  34. Asking questions is important, thats how you learn things. when you don't know or get something you need to ask a question. you don't know everything so it can't hurt you to ask questions. Luis H. block 2

  35. Asking a lot of questions is a good thing, it can get annoying at times but if you learn then thats something important. By asking questions you'll learn faster if you don't ask questions then you'll just be stuck the whole time and thats not a good feeling so don't be afraid to ask so you can learn. Learning is something very important in life you learn and you'll be more successful in life :)
    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  36. Learning is like the universe. The amount of matter of the universe is infinite. So the amount of things there is to know are still somewhere in the universe waiting to be discovered. imagine all the thing we know now and all the things there is to know times 10. Answers were discovered by questions that turns into knowledge. Ask questions, be wise.
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  37. I agree with this quote because asking questions is a way to learning. If you dont ask questions you are not going to learn as much as you could if you ask questions. For example, in school if you participate in class by asking questions it will help you to understand more and you will get better grades.

  38. I like this quote learning to study hard and all the questions we have, also we have to be in the right track and pay attention and by asking questions you get to understand concepts even moreis a good concept it makes you understand and learn better,. Always ask questions when you don't understand that is why your teachers are there for, to help you and to explain to you what you don't understand something you ask the teacher for help.
    David M.
    Block 2

  39. Learning is fun. Every time you ask a question, You learn something new. Asking questions helps you in a problem or situation that you might be in. In order to learn though, You will have to listen and read also, and make sure you are understanding it. Learning something new never ends, Everyday you will learn more and more new things.

    Angelica L.
    Block 2

  40. well i believe that if you ask questions you are a smarter person than the one who already knows the answer. So because of that i really like this quote and i always will ask questions about certain subjects even if i know alot there is still room to learn more.

    Hayro B.
    Block 2

  41. Asking questions is a very important thing if you don't ask questions you never going to open up.If you ask questions you are always going to know what to do, You will learn more important things by asking questions.

    Leticia R
