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Monday, November 29, 2010
Intelligence + Character
Martin Luther King
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I really like what this quote is saying. Intelligence and character make a great combination. They will help you get a good education. You will get a good education if you choose the right. You have to put effort into getting an education. Your character combined with your intelligence will help you do that. Thats why you should always Choose The Right.
ReplyDeleteJose D.
Block 1
It's not just about being the smartest person. Nor being the nicest out there. To be a true academic champion and to be able to be a good successful person in life you have to have intelligence and character. Your character says a lot about you. If you have a good attitude, door will be open for you.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't have a good character; and you don't like criticism people give you then might as well not do anything. You have to learn that in life nothing is ever gonna always go your way. you have to earn it, with intelligence and good character.
Christopher Argueta
ReplyDeleteBlock 1
Intelligence and character are 2 things you need to reach the the true goal of education.Intelligence is important to help reach your academic goal.Character is whats gonna get you closer to your goal.Charcater shows what kind of person you are and shows if u have intelligence based on your character.Showing character is shown as you help people who needed it like for example helping your family clean the house.So always have great character it makes you a better person.
Having good character and intelligence is a great thing. Being intelligent is good but if there is no good character, then being intelligent won't take you as far as you would go with the character. Both of these qualities go great together because having good character allows you to gain more intelligence and share that with others. Character is what i think matters most because if your intelligent but have a bad character, then people won't want to hire you at jobs or simply befriend you. Good Character and Intelligence are a big part in reaching your goals and having a good life. =D
ReplyDeleteaidee a.
block: 1
intelligence plus character; when your a smart person and have a great personality, you have a good character. thats when you've reached the goal of true education. you have the intelligence and at the same time the character. be smart about things and try to reach your goal. just add that little something to it, and in no time you;ll be reaching that certain something you've always wanted.
ReplyDeletechoose the right!
Stephanie S.
This quote from Martin Luther King Jr is very true because intelligence and character is what really matters for a true education. For example, if you what to be an Academic Champion you need to have a good character and be a team player. In order to be a good character you need to have good manners, behave well, and you need to be respectful. In order to be intelligent you need to work hard, work smart, and work together. Always Choose The Right 24/7 and you will be an Academic Champion.
ReplyDeleteCesar C.
Block 1
I agree with this quote because its true. Each character has its own intelligence and will show it off in their education. Some people who have the intelligence of anything will have a goal set for them after college. A lot of them work the intelligence off in their careers. everybody is different in their character but still have intelligence.
ReplyDeleteAlejandra P
I agree with Martin Luther King Jr. Intelligence is very important but so is character. Its important that well that you are smart but also that you help other people and have good manners. To have true education and be successful you have to have both. Having good behavior is also part of having good character. In order to obtain true education you must learn to be a good person. For example well it really doesn't matter if your smart unless your willing to help others when they are having trouble with something. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!
ReplyDeleteIzamar R.
Block 1
I do agree with this posting you should be intelligence and a character of your own. Studying is good for your life. Behavior is good to show around people and intelligence. for example in school you need to read and your own character.
ReplyDeleteKevin R.
Having smartness and having a great personality is what makes a great character. Lets say they are hiring a person with atleast a high school diploma and a great personality. There are two people applying for the job, there's you and some other girl. The girl is a graduate from high school applying to college know and she is a down to earth girl that bonds with people really easily. Then there's you, your not a high school graduate but you have a great and awesome attitude maybe even better than hers, but who are the people going to hire the 2 for 1 quality or just the person that has one quality? Eventually her, thats why you have to be smart about the things you do when you do them.(:
ReplyDeleteChoose the Right((:
Blanca U.<3
I agree with this quote. Education makes you smarter but it also teaches you good character. They teach you how to be a good person so you can live and have a good life in front of you.
ReplyDeleteAlejandro Mecalco Block:1
I agree with this quote. In education you need to used intelligence in be character to learn and to accomplish your goals to success in life to you could be a important person in your life. jonatan olguin block1.
ReplyDeleteHaving intelligence is great to have in a successful life, without it your not really going to go anywhere. But intelligence and character is even better to have all together, people will not only look at you because of your intelligence but also but because your a bright person and do good things for you and other people so keep on the path of CTR! and become even better than you ever dream possible!
Not only do you have to have the knowledge but you have to have characteristics as well. I think that if you don't have characteristics then you are a vegetable. For example, if you are fun and upbeat but dont have the intelligence you need to gain it because what is someone without one or the other.
ReplyDeleteBrittany Chavez
Block 2
I think this quote means that if you have smarts and manors, then people will go far with just those to characteristics. It is like people need to have intelligence because not that many people know how to fix cars or how to do lab experiments with that science stuff. And good character is the best thing to have.
ReplyDeleteMarcos C.
This quote is meaning that when a student has character and intelligence, then they are able to succeed in education. For instance, if you put effort in your character and in education then you are on your way to the top of the student success pyramid. Make sure to use your character and intelligence when you are at work, school, or in any thing that relates to this and you will be able to become successful.
I agree because if your put those together you will success in life but you also got to t try hard for it. Everyone is intelligent and has talent but you just don't show it. It's time for you to show the world that your smart and you are intelligent with alot of talent and character. Do your best to work hard and success put effort into it everyone could do it! :)
ReplyDeleteLissette J.
Block: 2
be smart. be intelligent and have a great character.. by you choosing the right you will become very intelligent. and you will have a great character and personality. you will make the right choices..
ReplyDeleteJoana Gonzalez
true education is not about what you know, but what you can do with that knowledge and the character you show, will help you find the friends that will help you to reach your true education. without any of that stuff it will be hard for you to reach your goals in high school. especially without the proper skills and tools.
ReplyDeleteEsteban G.
Block 2
I think that if you can add intelligence and character you will end up with a great answer. if someone can be both of the things, they can show a lot of respect and knowledge
Block. 2
This quote is saying that intelligence and character matter because you can be a successful person in life. However character means a lot too because it shows the type of person you are.
ReplyDeleteElvis. C
block 2
i agree with the quote because if you do put intelligence first then you will succeed. And you will become an academic champion. And you will always be choosing the right. and what ever u want to be you just put intelligence first and you will succeed and work hard, work smart, and work together.
ReplyDeleteGonzalo Ramirez
Block 2
this quote means you can be your own intellegence and charatcer to show people what you cando in life. poeple like to see that for school and work . working hard can lead you to achieve what ever you want. for examlpe if you want to get a job you have to give character and intellegnce in order to know how to work it in whatever you choose.
ReplyDeleteesmerald p.
block 2
I agree with this quote the best thing you can receive in all of your studies is learn how to be a good person. Character shows who you truly are. If you are noble and courteous or are you stubborn and pompous. Intelligence comes with all of these traits but its up to you who you choose to become as an individual. Use your intelligence for the better of man kind. Help someone out not because there might be a reward, do it because its for the better of your community. strive as one. Learn to be a good person.
ReplyDeleteBlock 2
David P.
This quote is right because if you want a real education then you need to be intelligent and intelligence goes hand in hand with character. Your character is how you present yourself your personality. If you give off a good vibe then everyone will believe that you are charming. So to be intelligent you should also be charming, and smart. So getting a great education means that you need to be both intelligent and have great personality.
ReplyDeleteJuan C.
Block 2
I don't really get what this quote means. But I think its trying to say is that when you truly are trying to reach the goal of true education. You become more intelligent but also gain more character. You become a better person not only more intelligent.
ReplyDeleteLuis J.
Block 2
Intelligence and character are the main keys in true education. If you want better education, you need more intelligence. HOW? By studying and working hard. You get intelligence by studying for classes. You get character by helping around the house. You can wash the dishes or clean the yard. Both of these keys help you be educated. Be a good person. Help others when they are needed. Help your mom when she didn't even ask for help.
ReplyDeleteSalvador P.
Block 2
I Also agree with this qoute I think that intellegence is what we need in life. we need intellegence in everything specially in work because we need to achieve all our goals and not choose the wrong because it will get you in bigg trouble so work hard work strong and work together.
ReplyDeleteGuadalupe J
that the quote is saying is that intelligence plus character is that just do what right and good for you and your education so you can set your goal and so it can come true and keep following you dreams and goals to CTR and be an academic champions
The quote to me says that you need to have good character and be intelligent to to have a true education. i think you don't have to have a good character to be smart and have a true education but that's just what i think. Luis H. Block 2
ReplyDeleteI believe in this quote. When you put intelligence and character together you become a true academic champion, your smartness and your personality are very important in an everyday life activities or in school. When you become that i guarantee that your life would be in better hand. I think we all have a positive character and good intelligence we just have to use it ever day hour and minutes. When adding these to goals together you will reach your goal no doubt. So just choose the right!
ReplyDeleteDiana Gonzalez
Block 2
I agree wit this quote because if you want to have true education you have to have intelligence and character. If you have character, you have intelligence because intelligence is part of character. One example of having intelligence is doing good in your studies. If you want to have character and intelligence you have to ALWAYS choose the right.
True education needs intelligence and character, If you don't have character you won't become an Academic Champion. With character you feel you can do anything, you feel good inside, and you make people around you happy.
ReplyDeleteAngelica L.
Block 2
intelligence is necessary because you be to be smart in order to succeed and go to college so you can end up in a good job and be successful in anything that you do. if you have no intelligence than your just dumb and won't know what to do when you start working. character is also necessary so you wont be a dull person you will be able to have service with a smile. these are the 2 necessities for a good education so that you can succeed in life and earn a good job.
ReplyDeletedaniel g
block 2
Intelligence comes from within you making good decisions and right choices in life Martin LUTHER King Jr. did he was a civil activist fighting thier rights I admire Martin Luther King Jr. He was a person of heart.
ReplyDeleteDavid M.
Block 2
You need intelligence in life to be successful. Just work hard in school and learn many new things and you will be goood (:
ReplyDeletei really dont know what else to say just Choose the Right! that says it all (:
Alyssa I.
Block 2
Its really true what the quote is saying the intelligence comes with the character, because you might have all the intelligence but if you don't have a good character you are always are going to fail as a personality. Having a nice personalty is always going to take you to a good path.
ReplyDeleteLetcia R
Block 2
i think that having character means being unique and having a habit of doing things without thought or consideration. Being intelligent doesn't necessarily means that you have to have character, because all people are different and having character may affect a way of living. but that being intelligent makes you not think twice about what is right and what is wrong to do. Having character can be good for others because that would be the way they see you and think of you and know who you are once you show your true character. Most people hide who they are, but a person with character can live with reason to not be ashamed of who they are.
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