Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Your Habits

"Habits are first cobwebs, then cables"
-Chinese Proverb


  1. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Habits are developed when we do things we normally do each day,then they start becoming a part of life.Like for example playing basket ball outside then taking it at school.Habits can become a part of life,some are bad some good.So pursue your good habits and get rid of the bad ones.

  2. Everyone has habits, small ones and big ones! habits are things that come from you, things that you may learn from someone or something. habits can start small then eventually get big!


  3. Habits can be both good and bad for you. Some habits you may have can be no good when it comes to working or school. For example having the habit of being tardy is never good especially when you start working. While some habits are not good, others are very helpful. For example always being polite or being on time. There are many different good and bad habits but always try to bring out your good habits more than your bad habits. One great habit to always have is Choosing the Right! =)

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  4. I can't really pin point what this proverb means, but i think its trying to say that what you think is what you are. Habits become goals and once you have a goal you're set for life. I think it all starts with a dream, then a habit and then a goal you can hopefully commit to and pursue.

    Valeria V.
    Block. 1

  5. I don't really understand what this quote is saying. What I think it is saying is that when you have a habit that is bad you get into problems. But then, when you try to get rid of it, you do better. For example, if you have a habit of not doing your homework or something else thats bad, you have to try and try to get rid of it. You have to get things straight and do good. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  6. Habits can be something so random, but then all of a sudden they become something that is just stuck to you, something that you cant let go. For some reason or another its what you do best. Many habits can be bad but as well as good. Make your habits the best ones ;D

    Choosing the RIght<3
    Blankita U.
    Block 1(:

  7. i think that habit are a good thinks because you choose the think that you like the most and the think that you don't like most and it help you to choose the think that are better for you.

  8. Your Habits Start Of Weak And THen Get Stronger As You Progress! They WIll Become More And More A Part Of You The More You Keep That Habit Up! It Becomes More Easy To Do As Well!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

    BLOCK 1

  10. Well habits is when you do something over and over. We have our good habits and our bad ones too. Sometimes you don't notice that you keep doing that thing over and over becomes it became a habit. When you do something a lot of times it becomes a habit and well every time you do it the habits become stronger which makes them cables.
    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  11. This is a perfect example of what a person does whether right or wrong. Habits will always be a part of a person but it always starts off small, like a cobweb but after a period of time it will become harder to break like a cable. So its up to you to choose the right cable or you'll get a bad cable and it will be harder to break. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!

  12. This quote is true because habits are first cobwebs then cables. For example practice makes perfect. If you play any sport you have to work hard and persist to make your skills like a cable because you start off like a cobweb. Always work hard to accomplish your goals. So always Choose The Right 24/7 and you will become an Academic Champion!!! Keep on striving.
    Cesar C
    Block 1

  13. According to this statement, what is saying is that at first when you start with your habit its going to be easy to take down. But if you keep working hard at it, it will be hard to take down. Like if you want to dance at first its not going to be easy but work at it then you will get it....
    Alejandra P

  14. I think this is a good quote.I think what this quote is saying that at first its not really a habit but when you keep doing it becomes one it turns to a cable.For example if you study more and more your going to make it a habit.
    Alejandro Mecalco Block:1

  15. this quote is saying we need to have good habbits and work hard. the other think is to have good goals and have team work. also by haveing good goals you have a better life . and you will have success in life or all the things you do. so always CTR ;)


  16. Habbits are bothe good and bad for you but at 1st its not a habbit you got to do it for a while and get use to it before it becomes a habbit and maybe ant first it can seem a little hard but when you get use to it its not hard at all like an example is i use to somethimes play basketball outside my house but i would maybe play 1 time a week because i wasent that good now its like a habbit i play atleast every day..
    Ramon Salcedo
    Block 1

  17. When you start off with a plan, many things get in your way, which is the "webs", but once you get the hang of it and use to it, it becomes clear becomes the "cables."

    MArcos C.
    Block 2

  18. There are good habits, and bad habits. But the ones we are looking for are the good ones. For example, if you get into the habit of reading 1 hour each day that's a good habit, you may start off with one hour and then want to read more and more. Same thing with your nails, you start biting them, it's not so bad at first, but then after a while it becomes a ad habit of biting your nails every-time they grow a bit. Do something good, and let it become a strong habit like playing your favorite sport everyday.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  19. This quote means that your habits were once just something new that you could break easily. But after a while they became something more harder to break. Like a cobweb you can break with easy. But to cut a cable then you have to get all sorts of tools to break it. So turn your cob webs into cable and make them nearly indestructible.

    Juan C
    Block 2

  20. Habits begin by just being little things. You begin doing a habit and it might take awhile to get used to it. It might be a cobweb. But as time goes by and the more you do that habit. It gets stronger and it become a cable. It's more durable. Basically it means the more you do it a habit the more you get better at doing it. Soon it will be a routine and be part of what you do.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  21. Habits are things that people do everyday. Everyone has habits. Some habits are bad and others are good so keep the good ones because with the bad one, you will end up in a bad place. And with the good ones, you are choosing the right. A habit is a habit with you keep on doing it day after day after day. For example, one of my habits is CTR. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    BloCk 2

  22. What I think about this quote is that your habits are first just very thin and barely starting. At a later time, when you continue to do these habits they become thicker. This means that it is something that you do all the time and you can not try to stop those habits. There are good and bad habits. We need to know whether our habits are right or wrong. Choosing the wrong habits are not going to let you be successful in life. Make sure to always Choose The Right!
    L. Dorado
    Block 2

  23. this means a habit can be good and bad at the same time for example is your always tardy at work and mean to everyone because your-late that can be a bad habit. a good habit can be , being on time and greeting people with a nice smile like mr. haymore. and choosing the right!!
    esmeralda p.

  24. For example always being polite or being on time. There are many different good and bad habits but always try to bring out your good habits more than your bad habits. One great habit to always have is Choosing the Right!


  25. use your habits for good not for bad things. use your habbits in good use and you will be able to be a champion or winner by using ur habits

  26. Having good habits is a good thing that you pick up.having bad habbits is can be taken care of before becoming a habbit. a good a habbit i have is i tell everyone "good moring"


  27. this quote is saying that people need to have good habits and learn how to work hard, and work together, if you follow these steps you can reach the top.



  28. habits do start off small and turn out to be greater. if you do something you enjoy to do then it starts off as a habitat and the more you do that habitat then the greater it will be.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  29. it takes a while for something to become a habit. you have to work on it everyday. you can make anything you want a habit good or bad. all you have to do is work on it everyday. Luis H. block 2

  30. I agree with this quote. Habits weather they be bad or good one can start off as being weak like cob webs which are easy to change and break. However through repetition they can grow and be as hard as cable to change or break. That can result to a benefit as long as they are all good habits. If they are bad habits then you are in for a lot of work but over time you can change and beak all bad habits.

    David P.
    Block 2

  31. Habits is something you get use to doing, some habits can be good or bad for example a good habit is doing sports and being athletic, a bad habit is when you smoke a lot and cant stop. When doing a good habit all you have to know is that your choosing the right and when your doing a bad habit you know your choosing the wrong. Everyone has a habit, weather its small or big. What i think this quote is trying to say is that first habits are like cobwebs and once you get use to doing them a lot they become cables. One of my good habits is working out, i like running and exercising. One of my bad habits is biting my nails..

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  32. Habbits are good but they can be bad too. And you have to choose if you want them to be good. Or if you want them to be good. I would choose the right and make them be good.

    GOnzalo Ramirez
    Block 2.

  33. there are good habits then there are bad habits. but having a good habit is a very good thing. i like playing basketball at home. when i have nothing to do i go to my backyard and begin to play ball. its a very good exercise and i enjoy doing it. its a good habit for me. its also good because i practice and i get better at my dribbling.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  34. I think that what the quote is saying is that we need to develop good habits so that we can get used to them. If you get used to those habits then you will do them more often and it would just be something that you do on a daily basis.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  35. I dont really understand this quote. But i think that what it is trying to say is that everyone has habits, some are good and some are bad. But the good ones are the ones that will give you a better future. For example, if one of the habits are doing good in school and being responsible, that is what will give a good future. But if the habits are bad. Like, not going to school, not doing homework/class work, or not being respectful. Those are the ones that will give you a hard time in life. So to have a better future always choose the right and keep on doing the good habits but try to get rid of the bad ones.

  36. habits are things that we do now in life that we struggle to do good things like me my habits is putting on makeup to look good. You are always going to have good and bad habits.

    Leticia R
    Block 2

  37. Habits it becomes a cable on a continuation. A habit like if you study hard do your work keep on striving on the right path in a right path.
    David M.
    Block 2

  38. habits are good if they are athletic or something that keeps your mind of things by practicing.a good habit would be going for a walk or run.habits start off thin and end up strong and once they are strong they might be hard to make them thin agai.So i would choose the right and have a habit that i kan hold on to for the rest of my life.CTR!!!!!!
    block 2

  39. I agree you first have to try to do your work or anything that you are willing to do. Then you will see all the talent you have done by your own self. By knowing how to choose the right!

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2
