Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Self-Rule: Lead Your Life

"I am, indeed a king, because I know how to rule myself"

Pietro Aretino


  1. A King Is Still A King No Matter What Or Who They Rule! Even Ruling Yourself You Are Still A King! You Are A King Because You Know How To Control Yourself And How To Rule Yourself!
    --Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  2. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    You are indeed a king when you know how to rule yourself.You know how to reach the top and lead your life in the direction you want it to go.You know what choices will lead you in the wrong path and you have perfected how to prevent from ever going on that path.You know how to maintain yourself in certain cituations like your own job.You basically know how to guide yourself through objects in your path.

  3. I think what this quote is trying to say is that when you are the leader of your choices you can literally go anywhere you want. Once you know you're the leader of your choices, it's up to you if you want to choose the right. for example, if you think about a doctor; do you think someone chose for him to be a doctor? I don't think so, i think the doctor chose it's destiny and that was a smart choice. Just like the doctor, all the police men, fire fighters, lawyers and everyone you can think out there are leaders of their choices.

    Valeria V.
    block 1.

  4. I really like what this quote is saying. It inspires me to lead my life the way I want it. What it tells me is that I am the one who should lead my life. The way I want it. By Choosing The Right. To live the most out of my life everyday, like if tomorrow didn't exist. Living a successful life and reaching the top of the mountain.
    Jose D.
    Block !

  5. This quote is true because if you know how to rule yourself you can be a king. For example, if you know how to lead you will reach the top and become a king.In order to become a leader you need to be a team player and in order to become a king you need to be optimistic an always think positive. Always choose the right and you will become an academic champion you will be able to rule yourself. CTR 24/7 !!!!!!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  6. what this quote means is that you always have to be optimistic with yourself. always be a leader not a follower. by being a leader those choices are made from your own self and think you did wrong you would do better doing the right. never put yourself down by saying i cant do it, because you have never even try it before. always have a high self esteem and self confidence about yourself think positive all the time always have the highest expectations you could ever have and if you do the right and choose the right you will have no problem getting to what you expect.!

    Chris C.
    Block 1.

  7. Ruling your own life is extremely important because you are the only 1 who knows exactly what you want to do with it. If you don't lead your life, then your life will just keep going and going without any direction or goal to reach. Lead your life towards what you want to be or do with it and if you work hard at it, you will lead it to the finish. Lead your life to success and to what you know will be the right think for you and no one els. Don't let others lead your life because they might lead it in the way you don't want to go and you won't be happy. Lead your life to your success and to your happiness! =D

    aidee a.
    block: 1

  8. I like this quote a lot. It means that well to be someone successful and powerful like a king you have to be aware and cautious with your actions. Before you start to manage other people you need to first learn how to control yourself. I think that well this also means that you need to make the right choices. When you make the right choices and good choices you learn to be more responsible, which is very important! CHOOSE THE RIGHT!
    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  9. David amezquita
    Bolck 1
    in this quote to think of optimism is true. when you think of optimism you will rule yourself, lead your life and reach the top. if you think about optimism you will become successful person in life. Like Pietro Aretino
    i am indeed a king because i know how to rule myself with CTR

  10. You'll know when you ARE king, when you are happy with what you have done with you life. And leading you life is what makes you king of yourself. What if you friends told you what to do or what to say, then you wouldn't be a king of your own life. So remember choose the right and lead your life :) it'll take you far.

  11. what i think about this is ruling your self is to do a great think and you will get eery think that you want and to always do what you want yesesina.v. block.1.

  12. Its good being optimistic not always being in the negative side.
    When your optimistic you always get positive actions.
    Not when your always thinking about negative things your just making yourself suffer.
    Always have that positive side of yours in mind.
    You will achieve better goals(:

    Blankita U.<3
    Block 1(;

  13. this quote is saying we need to rule are self to reach the top. and be a good person and choose the right track. also have self control and have power. and graduate from high school to be a better person in life. also be postive in all the things you do. ALWAYS CHOOSE THE RIGHT.


  14. i think in this picture what it meensthat you need to rule your life and that dont let any one else do it for you and you got to rule yourself to the top and the only way of doing it is by choosing the right and then when you got a problem try to look at it from a diffrent view like look at the posivtive about things and dont look at the bad just look at it from a good point of view
    Ramon Salcedo

  15. This quote is tell you some details about optimism but to me is like when you have a goal you always would have the good side or the bad side but with optimism you always going to see the bad side like a positive side to you never give up the goal the you want to make reality but you could always use optimism in any thing the you would like to accomplish if you always choose the right. jonatan olguin block 1.

  16. You are indeed a king when you know how to rule yourself. You know what choices will lead you in the wrong path and you have perfected how to prevent from ever going on that path. You know how to maintain yourself in certain cituations like your own job. And always be choosing the right thing to do than the wrong thing to do. Like going home to study rather than hang out with friends late at night doing unnecessary things.

    MArcos C.
    Block 2

  17. What this quote means to me is that you should only allow commands from yourself. Do not listen to what others want you to do. If you rule yourself then you are able to feel confident in the things you do. Being able to rule yourself you will succeed. When you listen to others who try to influence you, then yo will most likely Choose the Wrong. Do the right thing and listen to your own self. Lead your own life. Choose the Right!
    Block 2

  18. Learn to do things for yourself. Don't depend on anyone to lead or guide you through life. For example, if you are doing a project and you decide to be in a group, that person may think that you are doing all the wok and you may depend on that person to do some of the work, and in the end you will have half of the project done only because you depended on someone. Learn leadership skills, and not only will you learn to guide yourself throughout your life, but you may help others aswell.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  19. I Think the same thing you are who you are and dont listen to anybody justbe your self and do what you gotta do not what they want you to be. anyone could do whatever they want they just need to focuse on it and never give up work hard work strong and work together choose the right!
    Guadalupe J

  20. i agree with the quote because its trying to tell you that you can be a king and rule something. And that something is you. you rule yourself so you can tell yourself what you want to do in life and what you want to become. And no one else can tell you what to do but yourself.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  21. everyone is in charge of themselves. only they will know what they want to be. only they can lead themselves. you should always lead yourself in the right direction, into something you will enjoy and that will benefit you in your future. set goals and try your very best to accomplish them. think about it very carefully and make the right choices.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  22. i like this quote its inspiring me to take control over my actions and lead myself to choose the right and be responsible. because there are good leaders and there are great leaders. the difference is god leaders sometimes dont choose the right and great leaders always choose the right and become successful and lead good human lives. i want to choose to be a great leader and choose the right.

    daniel g.

  23. Yourself your create something new in your life. The reason why, is because our own self are the once who think and our own thoughts. Nobody tells us what to do and on what we want to do, we are own selfs are the once who rule our own thoughts. Also we are the only once who decide and do what you will like to be in the future and to be a failure or not. We rule our own thoughts! Choose the right!

    Lissette J.

  24. A King is a king when that person rules something. Ruling yourself or ruling an entire place makes you a king. Because a king that doesn't rule anything is not a king. Optimism is something positive. Being optimism helps you set your goals and achieve them. If someone else is ruling you means you're not a king, you're not optimism about yourself. Because that person is ruling you and does things that you don't want to do so you have to control yourself. Be a king. Be optimism. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  25. being a king means you must rule your kingdom with great honor and respect, but in this case you rule your life with success and accomplishments. if you can do that then you can be a great king ruling your kingdom, or a boss managing his own company.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  26. To rule yourself is to always be control of your mind and body. Which is key to reach your potential success. Things will go bad and catch you in unexpected moments in your life. It is how you react to these moments that will help you reach the top. To rule yourself means to keep cool under pressure, to get things right and not procrastinate. If you procrastinate you can never be counted on or be trust worthy. Lead yourself to the top by being able to rule yourself. keep control.

    David P.
    Block 2

  27. what i think that this quote is trying to say is that we have control of ourselves. no one decides for you what you do. when your little you have your parents to guide you but as you grow up. you have more control of yourself and as you become an adult you have the full responsibility of your decisions and life. you rule yourself.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  28. I think that if you want to reach the top you have to be in control and know where you are headed. If you are gonna lead the way, you can't have anyone else leading the way for you because they might take you in the wrong path, just like how you can't have anyone ruling you life and making choices for you.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  29. I agree with this quote because i think that what is trying to say is that we need to rule ourselves. Anyone can be a king but they need to think positive and rule themselves.

  30. This quote is true because you are a king or queen if you know how to control yourself. You know how to lead and reach the top. You know what choices to make and what choices are wrong. So you should stay optimistic and never be a pessimist. So when you are a king the you Choose The Right.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  31. this quote says that if you push your self on doing something you'll achieve it faster.for example repeating what you want in order to remember what you want and alays have that in ind to accomplish it and say im going to achieve my goal sooner or later but im not giving up. thats a good example.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  32. i think what this quote is trying to say is that when you are the leader of your choices you can literally go anywhere you want. the only way of doing it is by choosing the right and then when you got a problem try to look at it from a diffrent view like look at the posivtive about things and dont look at the bad just look at it from a good

    BLOCK 2

  33. The quote says you are a king when you rule yourself. part of being the ruler of your self is optimism. you need to always think positive.
    Luis H. block 2

  34. this quote means that you can be your own leader by putting your own rules. for example try to remember what you want to accomplish and in order to do that you have to see all the time so you could write it down ina card like mr haymore so you can remember and achieve sooner or later.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  35. What i think this powerpoint is trying to say is that we all have to be optimism at one point, we must be positive at all times be happy and always keep moving foward in anything we do. I think that when your optimism you will always have positive actions going on in your life and also positive comments. I think we should all get to be optimism at one point because its choosing the right.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  36. i agree with this quote because being optimistic is a good way to show your a good thinker and a positive person, rule your life and let nothing bring you down.

    elvis. C
    block 2

  37. If you are king of yourself then nothing else matters because if you rule yourself you get to choose your own path you get to do what you want and YOU are what stands between you and your success. But what comes with ruleing yourself is responsibility because nobody is going to be pushing you to your destination because it is YOUR destination not anyone else's so push yourself to your destination and hopefully your destination is at the top of the student success pyramid. CTR!!!

    Hayro B.
    Block 2

  38. What this quote is telling us is making us think about how to be somebody important in life and to accomplish what ever we want to do by getting us to think and focus and making us do it. Your the leader of your self so every where you want to go you will go so always choice the right choices, so you could succeed.

    Leticia R

  39. i agree with the slideshow, i believe that being an optimistic person can make your life a whole lot better and be a positive one. i also think that if you believe you can do something THAT A SIGN. believe it and make it happened.


  40. You become a king by making good decisions and make your own rule domain and everything I wish I was Simba he was king of the Pride Land and rule all my kingdom.
    David M.
    Block 2

  41. leading yourself to life is what makes you king of yourself. lead your self to the top and take control to be a king to others. being a king is being successful you gotta go all the way to the top to have power and control, never give up the goal that you really want because there is always a way to the top. be positive about everything and always think positive never think negative or do negative stuff.

    alejandro linares
    block 2

  42. There's this saying that I saw once before, I really liked what it said, "If you want to follow me, Just smile." Smiling and being happy is what we all need. Being sad is boring, you're all depressed and don't feel like doing anything or seeing anyone. Sometimes I can't fight with my feelings but I have made inprovement in me and I actually manage to fight them now. Be the leader, Not the follower.

    Angelica L.
    Block 2

  43. I believe that there is no limit to knowledge; once you reach the top, i believe there is still a long way to go because there are things that are to be discovered and there are lots of mysteries to be solved and questions to be answered, so i believe a person would reach the top once they go for the impossible and keep on going until the day they decease. There is a life-time worth of learning and everyday we learn something new whether its something small or insignificant or whether its something big and important.WHat we got to do is keep researching and studying on something that attracts our interests/attention to know more and share more with people.
    block 2
