Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Monday, November 15, 2010


"Humility is royalty without a crown"
-Spencer W. Kimball

Spencer W. Kimball - Humility is teachableness-an ability to realize that all virtues and abilities are not concentrated in one's self. . . .
Humility is never accusing nor contentious. . . .
Humility is repentant and seeks not to justify its follies. It is forgiving others in the realization that there may be errors of the same kind or worse chalked up against itself. . . .
Humility makes no bid for popularity and notoriety; demands no honors. . . .
It is not self-abasement-the hiding in the corner, the devaluation of everything one does or thinks or says; but it is the doing of one's best in every case and leaving of one's acts, expressions, and accomplishments to largely speak for themselves. ("Humility," Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year, Provo, Utah, 16 Jan. 1963) TLDP:292; DCSM:27


  1. If you're humble a million doors are open for you. Being humble is being kind and thoughtful and down to earth. Being humble means, being simple and knowing the right from wrong. For example, if you really want some expensive clothes but you now your parents can't really afford it, it's up to you weather you throw a fuzz about not ever getting what you want; or considering it and accepting it. When you're humble you're more open minded and i think thats a quality everyone should have.
    Valeria. V
    Block 1.

  2. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Humility is a part of life,lots of people make errors,its just a way of teaching you how to do it right.Don't be ashame if something goes wrong during a speech just learn from it.Critisism is part of humility just laern from it.Humility is not whos cool and who is not cool,its just errors.Do not be ashamed you messed up in a sentence,just learn from it.Humility is royalty without a crown.

  3. What this word also mean is doing something which in this case teach others doing something goodness of your heart not for yourself. Having humility is part of c.t.r because your capable of not only having a good heart to help other but also making you look good and acknowledging the good in others, and not only you teaching them but you are also willing to learn and see what is right from others. having humility you would also realize that all your virtues and abilities are not concentrated in one's self, and faith as well.
    Chris C.
    Block 1

  4. its not a good feeling being humility. it may suck but you learn from it. you learn from that mistake you did with the help from others. humility is teachable in the way that you learn from it. learn from your mistakes and be willing to learn new things.
    -Stephanie S.

  5. Being humble is very good to be. Humility allows you to see the good in others even when they are bad. Humility gives you and others the chance to know each other and not judge before you do. Humility also gives you more chances at things like getting a job or simply making new friends because others see that you will be considerate of them and not just about yourself. Humility is always a good thing to have when it comes to others and yourself. Choose the Right.. =)

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  6. I don't really understand what this quote is saying. What I think it is saying is that humility will help you learn from others. So if you are humble, then you will recognize what other people do and you will see the good and the bad. Humility will help you learn many things. For example, if you are having trouble with something like HW. Your friend might help you.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  7. David Amequita
    Block 1
    Everybody has humility but they don't show it. The humility are the successful students. Be a humility student and you will success in life.
    The humble person recognizes and acknowledge
    and the good in others. So people choose the right and humble people.CTR

  8. Humble people always do the right thing no matter what. Humble people are very friendly and very kind. Humility is something that makes you a better person and a successful person. A humble person is always willing to learn. An Academic Champion always choose the right to be successful..ALWAYS CTR!!!!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  9. I agree with this statement. The people that are humble and are willing to learn are the one that succeed. You do not need to be royalty to be treated good. To have others to teach you. If your willing to be teachable you will get it.
    Alejandra P

  10. You are suppose to learn how to get help from others, when others help you, you get a different perspective of how you can work things out. Humility is when you learn from others without it you can not be the person you are today or the person you will get to be in the future.
    Choosing the Right,<3
    and getting help from others
    is a very good thing:D

    Blankita U.

  11. Being a humble person is very important. I think when your a humble person you get to accomplish more. You understand others more and well that helps you become a better person. Being a humility person is when you don't judge others and you don't accuse them. Being humble is a good thing. Being humble is choosing the right!

    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  12. this statement is telling you to humility yourself. humility don't make popularity. it gets you to faster to graduate or if your in a team if you listen it will get you to the big leads fast if you humility. for example if you humility in school the teacher will put you in smart classes.

    Kevin R.

  13. this quote is saying if you are humility you like to learn alot of new things no matter if you aready know alot. also you need to have faith and patient to be humble person. the other thing is you need to be nice to others and be in the right track. and be teachable and have acknoledge CTR ;)


  14. I think this is a good quote. Always be humble even if your the best at what you do. You can always learn from someone else. For example if your the best soccer player in the world, be humble about it because before being good at the sport you had to learn from others.
    Alejandro Mecalco:block1

  15. i think that humility is when you do the right thing and having to the right things and i also thing when people that what think about this
    yesenia.v. block.1


  17. Being humble while being at the best at what you do is the best choice you could make. Instead of thinking you don't need anybody's help always be ready to learn more to be better. And maybe even help someone that doesn't know much, know more from you. So keep your mind open to new and better things even if your good at it already. :)

  18. i didn't understant the quote but i think the humility is the if you feel inpire for good player in any sport to become a better player with a academic degree but you need to learn more of your teachers, to work hard and work with your classmates to you could always work together in any team . jonatan olguin block1.

  19. I think that being a humility person teaches others hoe to be a good humble person as well. For example if you are in 10th grace and a 7th grader is teaching you, you have to accept it. I'm not quite sure of this quote now that I think of it. If you concentrate on yourself, you are being selfish.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  20. If you're nice then many many doors are open for you. Being nice is being kind and thoughtful and down to earth, always choosing the right. For example, if you really want some expensive clothes but you now your parents can't really afford it, it's up to you weather you throw a fuzz about not ever getting what you want; or just accept the fact that you cant have ir and nothing comes easy
    Marcos C.
    Block 2

  21. I Think that this is a good quote you always have too appreciate what others do for you and always try your best choose the right!
    Guadalupe J

  22. that to learn how to get help from others, when others help you, you get a different perspective of how you can work things out. Humility is when you learn from others without it you can not be the person you are today or the person you will get to be in the future and succeed in the future and CTR!!!

    BLOCK 2

  23. Humility is a part of life. I believe everyone goes through it. It's not easy to avoid. I believe everyone does mistakes and thats part of life. You learn form your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. So just learn form them.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  24. people can choose to use humility or they can't. but most people that have humility choose the right and walk off becoming academic champions.but the choose not to have use or do anything with humility than they are the ones who are gonna fail and try to put others down by not choosing the right because they choose the wrong and they chose not to show their humility. so basicly to me this quote is say if you show humility its like your a king with no crown. a man who dosent rule over others!!!!=)

    daniel G
    block 2

  25. Being humble will get you to be appreciated. When a person shows humility, then they are showing the best of their personality. Being humble makes you realize and know what is good in others as well. I believe you can learn more as well because you are not being naive about learning new things.
    L. Dorado
    Block 2

  26. When you become humble you able to learn from other you become teachable. If you are stubborn and arrogant you will stay at the same place because you wont wanna learn anything anymore because you think you know it all. In fact no one knows everything. No one should not be arrogant they should be humble and learn from one another. Humility is a very positive thing. Choose the right.

    David P.
    Block. 2

  27. humility is something most people are afraid of because whatever they do other people will make fun of them to make them feel bad. humility is mostly around peoples high school years. that is the time when it is usually the worst.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  28. I agree because never tell someone that they can't do it, because that's how you put a person to go down and not even try. Also becuase you don't know how much each and very person is smart, because everyone is smart and talented! Everyone can do it but some people act like if they can because they want to be lazy but deep inside they know they could do it. It's just that they don't try, but if they do they will be a great and talented person and very proud of themselfs. Knowing that they did it when they thought they could'nt. You could do it! Choose the right!

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  29. the quote is saying that humility makes you royal because having humility makes you a good person. having humility means to always do the right thing. Luis H. Block 2

  30. this quote means you have to appreciate stuff in life like what your parents can afford to give you . for example if you really feel in love with a dress at a store but you know you ant afford so you know you cant by it. its better off knowing you cant buy instead of being cranky about it.

    esmeralda p.

  31. i think humility is when you do the right thing and doing the right thing on your own. Not anyone forcing you or telling you to do so. Chooose the Right :D

    Alyssa I.

    Block 2

  32. I didnt really get the idea of humility, it was a word i would just throw around. But now that i see the true value of humility and see what it truely means i have a new found respect for the word and now i think i will use it in a better manner and use it with caution because i dont want to call someone with no humility, humble. so because of this quote i will use the word alot more wisely and i will try my best to be humble aswell

    Hayro B.

  33. Humility. We must be Humble. Recognize and remember your root and where we came from.We must learn from others humility. For example a celebrity, most of them weren't always wealthy and famous. Some came from very low resources and have become very successful. Some were born in a crib of gold. Still the some behave humble even if they have had everything in their palms of their hand,and some that came from the nothing act very selfish because they the fame goes up to their heads, and that wrong. We must always be humble.
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  34. This is a great quote because when you are humble then you are teachable. If you are teachable then you can improve. When you can improve you can become greater. So be humble so you can learn and improve.
    Juan C.
    Block 2

  35. I think that humility is being modest and respectful towards other people. You should always be humble towards your friends by respecting them and listen to what they have to say. It doesn't hurt to learn new things from someone else even though you already know that stuff. For example, if you are the best at math, you should be humble about it because you had to learn it from others.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  36. i agree cause if you do not have humility then you wont be able to choose the right. And they alway humble to do that right and never choose the wrong. To always find the right thing to do and how to do it.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2.

  37. When your humble it means to view other before yourself. You always try to help other and do what you can to be there for them. You think of other before of yourself. Its a good thing to be humble. You get respect of people and you will be liked by many. People like when you help. Humility helps you become a better person and gets you farther.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  38. Appreciate everything that you receive from others. Humility is one way of learning, Its very important to learn from others around you, You learn from their mistakes so you wont do the same thing when something similar happens to you.

    Angelica L.
    Block 2

  39. Humility or humbleness is a quality of being courteously respectful of others. It's the quality that lets us go more than halfway to meet the needs and demands of others. Humility means putting God and other persons ahead of our own selfish interests. So be a humble person. A thoughtful and kind and good person is a humble person. Humble people are successful in life. Rather than, "Me first," humility allows us to say, "No, you first, my friend." You have a lot of people around you to help you and that very good, very humility. You can start being a humble person by choosing the right. Humility comes within you, everyone has it, but its on you if you want to use it. Being a king without a crown and slaves is having humility. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  40. Humility is being to able to learn from others, i think we should all learn from each other because when you work together you learn more and when you learn more you'll be more successful. We must appreciate in life and be thankful for everything we learn and do. We also must be humble, when being humble you get to acknowledge more and do more. So keep that humility up

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  41. this quote is saying that everyone has a humility way for people decide to choose the right or not. people that choose the wrong you'll never succeed.


    block 2

  42. i think that everyone should have Humility with appreciation because it would make a person better and more sophisticated.


  43. I agree with this quote because you dont need a crown to be humble. Having humility is appreciating what you have and not ask for more. Also to have humility means to treat others the way you want to be treated and not to judge them. If you are humble people will respect you and you will have a successful life...

  44. i think the quote is true because humiliation is not good, but lets you realize what you are doing wrong. but constant humiliation can be emotionally harmful to the humiliated because then they cant get overa simple mistake. With appreciation a person can accept the truth and improve on it.
    block 2
