Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom"
-George Washington Carver


  1. this quote is saying that we need to have education to have a better life. also have freedom and work hard to be a better person and you would have the key to freedom. also being in right track would give you the key to education in life. haveing freedom is the best think you could have to have a good life CTR ;)


  2. Education takes you far away. It doesn't mean studying every subject possible, it just means study enough to get somewhere and not fail and stay behind choosing the wrong.
    for example, if you set a goal in life and you complete it; you did it because you had the knowledge to get there.
    Everything just starts with you wanting it.
    Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  3. This quote inspires me a lot. It teaches me an important thing about life. Education is very important. Everyone should have education because you can succeed in life. If you have education then you will be free because you chose the right. You will have a good job. For example, a lawyer has a good job because he got educated and is earning a lot of money.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  4. Education can make you have the freedom you always wanted. With education you can have the freedom to explore new things. It also lets you become independent and that is a huge freedom. You can be free to go out in the world knowing much more than the people who choose not to have education. Education gives you the freedom to have more options in life as to what you want to do and the chance to be educated in it. Education is very important and it gives you many privileges and one big one is to have the FREEDOM!! =)

    aidee a.
    block: 1

  5. i think by this picture what it meens is that education is the key to freedom because you need education to be smart and succesfull in life and education makes you free because you got nothing to worry about so it make you free and sucesfull

    Ramon Salcedo
    Block 1

  6. This quote is true because education is the key to a better life style. For example, if you graduate and go to college and you get a degree you are going to have a better life because your going to have more opportunities of a good job. So if you do well academically you will be free. So always be an Academic Champion so you can be successful in life. Choose The Right 24/7!!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  7. Education is what makes this world go round :)If we didn't have educated people then imagine how the world would be? Education opens a lot of doors for anyone that is willing to achieve freedom and a better living in life. So stick to your education and you will achieve anything you want. Choose The Right!! :)

  8. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Education is the key that unlocks many great things ahead.Education brings you may things you could ever want like the car you always wanted.You always be able to support your family when needed.You will be a man or woman of great knowledge.Your academic success will let you be free to go to places you would have never gotten to without and education.Work hard now and you will be rewarded with many great things.

  9. I think Education is very important. The more education you have the more successful you'll be. When you have more education you get more opportunities in life. Its beneficial when you have more education that makes you a more intelligent person, a more knowledgeable person. I really think everyone should try to get the more education possible. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!
    Izamar Rojo
    Block 1

  10. According to this statement, what its saying is that with an education doors will open for us. We will get a good job or career. Education is the key to live a happy and successful life. Without it we would not have good oppertunity to do things. For example, we might have a good job or career but if we dont have an education our thoughts and ideas wont count to the workers.
    Alejandra P
    Block 1

  11. The key to freedom u need to educate and learn well for you could unlock the door to freedom. education you need to work together and work hard for you could be free. for example like a basketball player the work as a team the work hard to educate themselves to freedom. pay attention to the teachers and in school always choose the right.

    Kevin R.
    Block 1

  12. education is the key to everything! when you have education you have everything. try new things, and learn new things! choose the right when you learn new things! be an academic champion all the time, every where you go!

  13. When you have education its like you have discovered another new world. Why? because you know many new things. Education is the lead to success without education is like your disqualified from so many things. From like a new world where you are excluded of learning new things. When you have education you just won the key to open up those things.
    Choosing the Right<3

    Blankita U. :D
    Block 1

  14. I agree with this quote. If your educated you will be free because your going to know more things. Your going to live smart and always choose the right.
    Alejandro Mecalco block:1

  15. If you are an educated person then you will unlock and discover what is behind those doors for you. For example, if you are studying in high school, and you graduate, that education that helped you graduate is the key to the next door, and after that you never know what to expect. People may think that if you get the necessarily education you need you will be free, you won't have to worry about getting minimum wage etc. If you believe i yourself to do better you open doors to your life, its up to you to decide what doors you will choose to open.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  16. Education Is Everything. People That Dont go To School Or Never Graduated Are Either In Gangs, Jail, Dead, or On The Streets Begging For Change In Downtown L.A Streets. If People Study And Go to School And Graduate, You Never See Them Beggin for Change, They Ask How Much Is The Object They Are looking At. Education Is Everything, Some People Got To Find THat Out The Hard Way.

    Marcos C.
    Block 2

  17. I agree with this quote because i do believe that education and knowledge are the greatest thing to have in this world. The higher of an education you have the further you will go in this life. An educated person receives all the perks that the business world has to offer. Trust, being an educated person you will see that many doors to open when you have knowledge for any subject or field well. Learn as much as you can and continue your schooling.

    David P.
    Block. 2

  18. I agree with this quote. I believe that education can bring freedom. For instance, when your mind is full of knowledge you are able to understand and be free about the courses you are taking. You won't need to struggle and feel confused about anything. You feel independent and free when you know about something that your teacher is talking about.
    Block 2

  19. Education helps you find a career and find the perfect somebody for a person because education is used throughout a individuals life time and that is a very key factor in earning freedom.Working hard equals determination and commitment.Working together infulences the spread of ideas among others and working smart means trying your best at your skills.
    BLOCK 2

  20. I Highly agree with this quote because you need to learn new things and people should stay in school because in school we learn something new everyday :D and I also think in order to go far or to get a good job you need too be very smart. Another thing I also think that you need to be well educated to meet new people or to even get a job thats why u have too choose the right and be an academic champion!
    Guadalupe J

  21. I agree with this quote because if you dont studying then you wont know what you wanna do later in the future. And if you studying really hard and never give up then that golden door will open up to you and that golden key you have will be useful in life.

    Block 2

  22. This quote means that if you have education and you use it, you'll be free and could accomplish so many things with education. With education you can be a successful person in life. Without education you be a person working for another person receiving orders to what to do. CTR is the key to success and freedom. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  23. well i agree with the quote education is the key to unlock every single door in your life, it helps you to do better in your life to be smart....

    Tiffany Ibarra
    Block 2

  24. I agree with this quote because education is the key to a better future. iIf we dont get our education we are not going to be successfu. To have a good and successful future we have to work hard in our studies. So we have to WORK HARD, WORK SMART, and WORK TOGETHER.

  25. i highly go with this, because its true, once your done with your education life is the best with you. you can choose a career that your interested and enjoy life :D


  26. This quote is saying that if you make it thru education you will be able to have the life that you wanted. you would be able to do and accomplish many things you wanted after u are done with education.

    Elvis. C

    block 2

  27. This quote means that if you are educated then you are free. So it means that you can do whatever it is you want to do. If you have an education you can do whatever career wise not break the law or something like that. If you have a real education then you can be free and work in what you want to do. Thats what this quote is about.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  28. We all have a dream, and education is the key to it. Without education we can't be what we want to be when we grow up. With education more doors open for us and we have more great possibilities, It gives us freedom.

    Angelica L.
    Block 2

  29. I agree with what the quote says because without an education you aren't gonna get that far in life. With education, you have more possibilities and more doors will be open for you. I believe that it sets us free because we are gonna be able to use what we learned later in the future.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  30. To me the quote means that education can make you free. with the right education you can be and do what ever you want. the more education you have the more freedom you will have. Luis h Block 2

  31. Education is very important you need that to get threw in life. Without education then you really wont go far in life. So please go threw school and finish your education. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from doing the right thing.

    Alyssa I.
    Block 2

  32. Nice quote. Education is the key to freedom because without education you wouldn't go nowhere in life. If you work hard, work smart, and work together you'll be on the right track to success. When they mean that education is the key to freedom they mean that once you become successful and you succeed all your dreams and goals then you become free and can do anything you want to. if you don't have that education key you wont be free and you will be living life like if it was a prison.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  33. if you work hard and work smart and work together then you will succeed in life. education is very important. thats why its very important for you to attend school every day and complete all assignments. things would be very difficult without an education or a high school diploma. education is the key to freedom.
    Joana Gonzalez
    block 2
