Jesus Christ our Mediator

Jesus Christ our Mediator
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

CTR Project

Project Objective:
Students will work collaboratively to create an awesome CTR artifact

Divide into groups of 2 or 3 or 4 students 

  1. Go to front of room and sign-up at podium to join your group 
  2. Sit with your group and begin to brainstorm about which artifact you would like to do. 
  3. Go back to front of room and write in your artifact
  4. Start creating your artifact

As a group, decide upon a CTR artifact from the following options that your group will do:

1) Create a CTR movie using iMovie or your smartphone or both. Show it to the class. Each group member must be in the movie

2) Write a CTR Rap song and sing it 

3) Write a CTR skit and act it out

4) Write a CTR poem and share it with the class

5) Write a CTR song and sing it 

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