Jesus Christ our Mediator

Jesus Christ our Mediator
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Life Planning Goals Journal

Life Planning Goals Journal

A Lifetime Pursuit
The Magnificent Seven
Spend 7 minutes daily and build your life

1. Label the front cover "Life Planning"
2. Write your name on the front cover 
3. Number the pages: 1, 2, 3, etc.
4. GOALS Section: Pages 1-10 is the Goals section:
write your goals in this section on Odd number pages.
Paste pictures of some of
your goals on the left side - the even pages of the Goals Section
5. JOURNAL Section: Pages 11- end of book is the Journal section:
write your daily journal diary entries in this section,
even and odd pages.
6. What do you want? Think of several short-range, mid-range,
and long-range goals you would like to achieve. Write these goals
inside your Goals Section and number each goal.
7. Read your goals and write in your Journal DAILY for at least
7 minutes AND Report a YES or a NO in your Life Planning
7-minutes page. 
Beside your YES or NO, write your current CTR %. Like CTR = 85%.
8. Add more goals to your Goals Section as you think of new ones
9. Write VICTORY in the margin beside a goal when you achieve it,
or highlight it, or put a check mark beside it
10.  Bring your "Life Planning Goals Journal” to class each
time class meets
11. Write the daily “Golden Nugget of Wisdom” at the top of a page

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