Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Small Precedes Great

"From small beginnings come great things"
A Proverb

Students, just think about it. Great things come from small beginnings. For example, from one small acorn a giant forest can result. From the small beginning of kindergarten one can become a high school and university Academic Champion. From little league one can go to the major leagues.  All great students started small, but they persisted by working hard, working smart, and working together and they became academic scholars and high achievers in school. 


  1. This is very true, we have to start off from the bottom to truly get to the top. And you will feel very accomplished for doing so.

  2. i do believe that from small beginnings come great things. For example if you want to do something good in life when you grow up then you have to start by going to school when you are small and go on until u finish school. daisy L. pd 2

  3. I agree with this its very true. from small things great things come along. Besides you always have to start small to get big and better at anything you do
    karen L. pd 2

  4. I believe that this is a good post. I believe that to become great everyone has to start from somewhere and it might beginning small but with time become big. That is what I have to say about this post.
    Santiago Per. 2

  5. I think that they made the right decision by taking away the medals because that is not far that everyone had to compete a certain age and they lost and someone that was not competing in the age group won and that was not far because everyone knew the age required to compete in the sport.


  6. ANy little beginnings can become great things as the time passes by. YOu have to always start from the bottom and work your way up. If you always work hard things pay off at the end. So always CTR!
    -Fabricio P.2

  7. I think a lot of people spend most of their time trying to look at the big picture not realizing that everything is composed of smaller parts. You can't expect to change something that's already established, something big, systematically. It'd be overwhelming. You have to take things one step at a time, from the bottom up. One really makes a difference. Take, for example, voting. Many people feel that their vote won't make a difference, and because so many people don't vote, it doesn't. If everyone would take the time to just cast a ballot, then they'd see that their opinion is taken into account. It all starts at the individual level, at one.
    Period 2

  8. I think that this quote is a very good quote because it's very true. No one started off knowing what they're good at. they had to work hard to reach up to where they are at! They always chose the right and got to where they are at now. Choose the Right!!

    Omar V.
    Per 2

  9. I think this works well for us who do the right choice. It makes us built our lives stronger fro time to time.

  10. This thing is true. LIke every person starts from the bottom. YOu have to work your way up. In order to do that you have to choose the right and not mess up.
    -Fabricio P.2

  11. I think that this quote is very open minded because its like saying that the are many people that can make a big difference but people think that they can't do anything because they are small or that they are too young to do things. That is why their are many people that think that they can do things if they just put their mind into it and that they work hard and do their best in life and to always work hard no matter what. It dose not matter how tall you are or how old or young you can always make a big difference in the world and on the people you care about the most.

  12. I think that this quote is very great it says many things because when you start small you could make something bigger you could play high school sports and then become good and then to college then pro you started small then big so work hard work together so always CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!

  13. This is very true and eye opening great things do come from small things, also something small con turn into something huge. Just give it time and effort and something small will turn into something big.

  14. I think that we all start small specially the very important people. We all start with nothing but to be bigger have more and become better we have to work hard so great and better things can come along.So i do agree that "from small beginnings come great things".
    Karen L
    pd 2
