Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas Traditions


10 Wonderful Christmas Traditions From Around The World

Hello folks, how are the preparations for Christmas going? Decorating the entire house from wall to wall, baking all sorts of treats for the feast, shopping for gifts and immersing in the local holiday celebrations. What is there to not like about Christmas, it even makes winters feel cozy! For a couple of weeks every year, the world takes on a magical glow, people look merrier and a festive vibe fills the neighborhood. It is the time when we want to be with our family and traveling is just not on the to-do list! But what if we could change that? The most fun and interesting Christmas traditions from around the world have the power to push you to the airport to travel far and wide to live all of them, one each year! Shall we present to you our favorite traditions which are loud, proud and guarantee oodles of fun? Number 1. Iceland Number 2. Ukraine Number 3. Philippines Number 4. Sweden Number 5. Austria Number 6. Russia Number 7. Norway Number 8. Colombia Number 9. Venezuela Number 10. Canada

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