Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Read and Lead

"Today a reader tomorrow a leader"
-Margaret Fuller


  1. Reading influences a lot. It's incredible how reading expands your imagination and it expands your reading skills. The more you read the more you know. it doesn't necessarily mean reading sci-fi books or non-fictions books/novels. It could mean reading science/math/history/ or english books. Quite anything is helpful, and you always learn something new with every page you read. Why not read if it's YOUR own benefit?
    Choose the right(:
    -Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  2. What this quote means is that if you have good work habits and have a positive way in thinking such as in reading you will learn more positive, and better ways of thinking so later on in the future you could become a leader instead of a follower. to me this would also mean that if your a reader there is always lots of new things to learn and that would lead you to being a leader later on in the future.

    Chris C.
    block 1

  3. I think what Margaret Fuller is trying to say is that if you read a lot you'll become a leader. For example, if you read a lot you will become smarter and a leader. Reading gets you smart and it expands your vocabulary so it's good to read once in a while. Don't be a follower always be a leader. Always Choose The Right and you will become an Academic Champion!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  4. I think this quote inspires a lot of people. It inspires them to move forward and lead other people. First they have to learn. They have to go to school and choose the right. Go to college and graduate. Later on, they are smart enough to lead other people. For example, the President of the U.S. was once a kid in school. He later grew up and is now the President of the U.S.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  5. Be ready for challenges in life. today you can be something you wont be the next day. you can become something even better like a leader.
    you can start off small then soon become something even better, its all on you. for example, today you can start as a janitor and tomorrow you can become the principal of the school. its all on how you take things.

    -Stephanie Sanchez

  6. This means that if your read and work hard you can be a leader. A leader has to have a good knowledge about what they are leading. Having that knowledge is what makes them great leaders. To be a great leader you have to study and work hard to lead the rest in the right direction. Being a leader is a great responsibility but if you are prepared with the knowlege and committed to it then you will always succeed. =)

    aidee a
    Block: 1

  7. According to this statement, what is saying is that once a person can be reading someone else success and the next thing you know that person becomes a success leader. It can be a little boy reading about basketball and the next his one of the leaders of the team. This can happen to anyone unexpected. Thats how every leader and success people start. They are readers and good students and have good grades and they become a leader.
    Alejandra P

  8. This Is Pretty Much Saying That You Must Learn Before You Can Lead! You Must Have Knowledge In Order To Lead! Without Knowledge You Will Never Make It As A Leader! Thats Why You Must Strive To Learn!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  9. I agree very much with this quote. This means that well reading leads to success. When you read you become more knowledgeable and well thats something that leads you to success. Reading is very important. For example I think that well people who read are a lot more successful in what they do which makes them leaders.
    Choose the Right!!!
    Izamar Rojo
    Block 1

  10. I really like what this quote is saying how today your a reader but come tomorrow your a leader. If you make a commitment to your self to anything you put your mind to theirs nothing that can stop you from being a successful person. So do what is needed to be a leader in life weather its in the class room or on the field or even any where do it. Also you can always use the CTR to build that road to being a leader. So i do agree with this quote is saying

    zachary h
    block 1

  11. this quote it saying that you can be a smart person with alot of goals. the other thing is to have a good habit and you would be a good leader. also if you like to read or you are a good reader you could become a better leader. and you could be a better person in life. always CTR ;)

    Vanessa H
    Block 1

    BLOCK 1

  13. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    People who commitment to reading are important because you have a better vocabulary. so read every time you can be a leader tomorrow.
    The key is to read so you can learn t speck to other. become a leader by reading everyday .Choose the RIght !!!!!!!

  14. This quote rephrases as how you can learn so much from books, teachers, school, even the internet.(: As you go along learning new things you are noticing how you are improving everything you know. That is why everyday you learn something new the next thing you know your sharing it out with your friends and peeps.
    Always Choose the Right<3

    Blankita U. (:<3
    Block 1 :D

  15. in ths picture i see 3 people working togheter to study their homework working togheter as a group like teamwork and they are all learning something new and their a sharing answers like group because thats what your suppose to do .

    Ramon Salcedo

  16. This quote is true. If you want to lead you have to know what you are doing. You have to study first in order to lead. If you read and study tomorrow you could be a leader for ex. you could be the boss of a big company or a president.
    Alejandro Mecalco Block:1

  17. what i think about this is that you read and read you leader a lot of words that you didn't know and it help you a lot. you always read something when you go out and look for a job or for some order thing that what i thing
    yesenia v.

  18. This quote is saying that if you work hard you will be a leader because no good leader ever is a true leader if they don't have good work habits and being responsible. Its better to read today because before you know it you'll be a leader :)

  19. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Reading is a very important aspect life.Reading expands ones vocabulary thus making the person smarter.If you commmit to reading you can commit to lead other people.As we speak there is a child reading a book and might be our future president just by reading a book when he was a liitle boy or girl.Many children can read career books and decide thats what they want to do for the rest of their life.

  20. in this picture what i see is 3 pople working togheter to finish a project and sharing answeres and reading to get smart because knolege is power

    Ramon Salcedo

  21. Today a reader, tomorrow a leader means that today you are learning leadership and how to choose the adequate. Tomorrow you will be a leader of a group of students who are learning leadership themselves. For example, if you are in a club 1 year you learn that club so next year you will be the one leading the club. If you believe in yourself as a leader you will get far.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  22. this means the more you know the better you get at knowing stuff around the world. for example your mind and imagination get better. or you can also get a better job by knowing more stuff than others thats my opinion about this quote.

    esmeralda p. block 2

  23. What i think this quote is trying to say is that if you read for at least 30 minutes a day eventually you can get smarter, learn bigger vocabulary words, or have better fluent language and all that can get you to be a leader. Someday some one would compliment you on how smart or intelligent you are and what help you get intelligent was reading. So i think everyone show take this quote as a recommendation because being a leader feels good.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  24. no one in this world can get anywhere in this world unless they pick up a book and read. with the knowledge they get from reading that book they will be able to go somewhere. of course it will take them a while......... unless they read more books. with them reading more books their knowledge will grow and they will be able to get further in life.

    esteban g.
    block 2

  25. Reading is very good. It helps with your reading comprehension. it helps you memorize what you read if you really put the effort into it and pay attention. find things that you have interest in and you will learn more about it. the more you read and learn more, the more interesting it gets. one thing leads to another and you would want to know more. then you've learned many new things and you expplain to other people what you've learned. you become the leader. you show, and explain then they learn. the more you read the more you know and thats how you become a leader.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  26. I Agree with this quote because the more you read the more you learn & the more you learn the more you get too succeed in life, you need too be strong & work hard because later in life all that you did will pay up so always choose the right & succeed in life(:
    Guadalupe J
    Block 2

  27. this is true because all great leaders were once great readers. because they learned hot to use invasion plans, battle plans,etc; and also everything you do in life is going to involve reading. so its better to be a great leader and reader instead of just someone who can read and not lead.

    daniel gonzales
    block 2

  28. When I read this quote I instantly thought about the scholar route. if you take the time to practice and read books on end till you become an expertise on that field of subject. Then you're ready to become a leader and lead in that field. You will lead todays youth in America. To portray and mentor the next leaders. The cycle continues; ready today and become tomorrow's leader. That is a key to become a successful leader.

    David P.
    Block 2

  29. i agree with the quote because some people that read in life. And put their effort into it a lot. Then one day they might become a strong leader. And do a really good job at it.

    Gonzalo Ramirez

  30. Reading can become a big essential in life. When reading threw out your life it actually opens doors for you. Reading can be part of your everyday life.It can be for a job, like a librarian. Some use it as a hobby. No matter what it is you like to read and for what ever reason you do it for, just read.
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck :2

  31. I agree with this quote because reading is one of the ways to succeed in life and if you want to be a leader you have to work hard and study a lot.

  32. To be a Reader is to be a Leader. what this is meaning to me is that reading is the best thing to do everyday to be successful. When you read your mind expands. You learn new things and perhaps new words. Reading is fundamental.
    Block 2

  33. That is really possible and i agree because reading could help you do better. Not only reading but working hard and doing your best too. We could all do it if you try very hard. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  34. This means that if you study and try hard you will one day be someone great. So if you commit to what you are doing you will be the best at it. this is an incredible quote to live by. So do your best and be the best.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  35. What this quote means is that if you have good work habits and have a positive way in thinking such as in reading you will learn more positive, and better ways of thinking so later on in the future and just choose the right....

    Block 2

  36. Well I say reading is really important in life because you get smarter and you need to know how to read so you could get a good job or make something out of you:)

    Tiffany Ibarra

  37. When a person reads, they become more knowledgeable and gain many information. They usually know many more words and know what they mean. It helps them become more successful in their studies, which leads to success in life. You can become a successful person in your career, and become a leader, manager, owner, etc. Reading helps you in your life.

    Luis J.

  38. I think this quote is saying if you work hard and learn you can become a good leader, it will make you succeed...


    block 2

  39. If you read and read you see yourself more smart just by reading you could make a very improvement in your life reading is always needed everywhere you go if you read then you lead do something good then it comes out later the work you do
    Leticia R

  40. I believe that reading is important because it helps you to better comprehend words that you have never heard of before. In order to be a good leader you first have to have studied first.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  41. I think this quote inspires a lot of people. It inspires them to move forward and lead other people. Think positively only. First they have to learn. They have to go to school and choose the right by getting good grades and attendance and citizenship. Go to college and graduate. The later on after graduating, go and do something with your life. The president of the U.S was maybe a high school graduate. Never know what will happen with your life if you choose the right always.

    Marcos C.
    Block 2

  42. In order to be a leader we have to be a reader, work hard as much as we can. The more we work hard the better your future will be. By reading we learn a lot of new things, We obtain information that will be usable later on in our future.

    Angelica L.
    Block 2
