Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Thursday, October 28, 2010


"Reading is thinking"


  1. Reading is so imporatant because as you read your mind instantly processes all that information and helps you understand it. You can find so many helpful things while reading that will help you achieve academic success. Many great philosophers throughout history published their studies in book form and you can read and learn what they knew which is astounding. Reading regularly is also a good trait to have since most people don't like reading and are missing ths benefit of reading. Reading is Power.


  2. This quote to me means, when you read something there is always something to think about. When you read you learn something about the topic. Reading is something successful, reading makes you think and always gets you somewhere far.
    Read as much as you can((:
    Choose the Right<3

    Blankita U. ;D
    Block 1 (:<3

  3. I think this quote is very true. When your reading your thinking which is good. I see reading as a good way to exercise your mind. For example I love to read. I see reading as a way to entertain myself instead of watching television or doing something else that isn't that very productive. I also believe this is true because well when I read I feel like if I am thinking because I'm paying attention to the book! Reading is a great exercise for your mind!
    Izamar Rojo
    block 1

  4. well reading is really important in life. alos help you think and achieve in your classes or any where. also by reading you learn new things that you havent learn about in school. somethimes it might be boring reading but it worth it. so always CTR ;)

    Vanessa H

  5. i think in the picture in the top the guy is a lil stressed and he should consider reading so he can feel more relaxed and in the second picture they are working togheter as a team the guy and the girl they are reading thinking and achiving.and the class looks quiet like if evrybody is responsible to do their work and i thing the class is CTR.

    Ramon Salcedo

  6. Reading is fun because you achieve many thinks and get smarter. For example, you expand your vocabulary and you are able to think more creatively. Some people think reading is boring but my personal opinion is that reading will get you ready for life. So always choose the right and you will be an academic champion!!CTR
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  7. i really think that reading is a way of life. Reading takes you many places and it can take your really far, in a really good way. For example, if you were to read 5 books per month, compared to a person who doesn't read at all. Its guaranteed that you'll be more fluent in speaking and in reading. My personal opinion is that reading is really fun, i enjoy it and it's a time killer too. So maybe it's not that bad.

    Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  8. Of Course You Have To Think To Read! If You Don't Think About What You Have Read Then You Are On A Steady Path To Nowhere! Its Pretty Pointless To Read And Not Understand A Word You Just Read! That Is Why You Must Think About What You Read!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 2

  9. In this picture there are three words. these words are very positive words and if you them its guarantee that you would be success and that you are also c.t.r choosing the right. if you also read think and achieve you would very truly reach all the goals you want to set in the future so CHOOSE THE RIGHT! and you would be a successful student.

    Chris C
    Block 1

  10. According to this statement, what is saying is that while your reading you are also thinking. If you read you think and you have a image of what you reading. Also students have to read and think about what they read cause they might have to write a paper on the story or have a test about it.
    Alejandra P.

  11. I think this quote is very true. It is true for a person who reads. When you read a book, you are thinking at the same time that you read. You are thinking about what you reading. For example, if you are reading a book on sports history, you are thinking about what happened and how it happened. If you don't think you will never learn.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  12. Reading is thinking because when you are reading your thinking about what it is that your learning. Reading can take you so far in your academic life only if your willing to put in that work and achieve. Also it is fun to read if your willing to make it fun and exciting so it will be easy. So make reading a part of your daily life so things could come easy in the classroom. There for reading is thinking and if you keep doing this you will be successful in life.

    zachary h
    blook 1

  13. when you read you think, you read what you think. reading can be fun depending on what your reading. for example if your reading your favorite magazine, its going to be fun to read because its something you like and enjoy. i think its all on what your interested in, that you'll think its fun to read or not.
    always choose the right, and read, read, read!


  14. Reading is very important because that is how you learn. Reading helps you study and achieve academic success. Reading can also be fun when you have interest in what you are reading. Some reading material is very interesting to some people while it can be extremely boring to others. Reading is a very important part of life because we have to read almost everything so we can go through our daily lives. For example, we read the signs on the road or the newspaper to get informed. Reading helps you think and achieve. =)

    aidee a.


    BLOCK 1

  16. what i think about this is that reading is a good think i like reading is fun you read ever think and that you see and get you thinking about what you read about.
    yesenia v.

  17. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    i think in this quote its true because reading is the key to thinking.
    Reading is important if u don't read your not gonna know words to say.
    the three important words are read think n achieve so you can be academic champion>CTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I think this is true. If you read something you end up thinking about it. Sometimes when i read something interesting I think about it for a while.
    Alejandro M. Block:1

  19. Christopher A
    Block 1
    Reading is like an exercise for your mind.Reading makes you wonder whats gonna happen next.When things go wrong in the book you wonder how will it be resolved.Reading expands your vocabulary as you see new words you could not pronounce or know the meaning of.So start exercising ur brain by reading 20mins at least a day.

  20. I think that by reading you are achieving better comprehension skills. You won't have as hard of a time trying to understand some words by reading. It is true that when you read you are thinking because you are using your brain in order to process what you just read.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  21. reading is thinking because when you read a book you try to think what is happening and what will happen next. you try to visualize what is going to happen in the story and you just want to try and finish it to get to the end.

    esteban g.
    block 2

  22. I think this quote is very true. It is true for a person who reads. When you read a book, you are thinking at the same time that you read and that sometimes reading does make your head hurts and you think alot to but its good to read everyday the class looks quiet like if evrybody is responsible to do their work and i thing the class is CTR.



    BLOCK 1

  24. is true because when you finished reading a book and think about what you read you start to come up with ideas of your own.
    reading can help improve communication and how many different words a individual uses to talk in a sentence knowing what they just said
    block 2
    albert perez

  25. im not a big fan of reading. i'll only read if it's necessary but if i had a choice, i would choose not too. it's just not for me. unless it really catches my attention and read a little bit of it and i seem to like it then i will keep reading it. i do understand and agree that reading can better your knowledge and help your reading comprehension.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  26. Reading will make you think alot and maybe get you confused a little bit or sometimes but it does really help. Even thought we sometimes don't like to read we do realize the difference that it does help us alot. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  27. I think this quote is really good. It means that if you read you get smart and achieve more things in life. I'm one of those people who doesn't like reading, but reading is important. You can achieve a lot just by reading a book, the newspaper, etc. Reading is the key to thinking. By reading, you will learn new things. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  28. Reading is Thinking. When you are reading you must understand what you are reading. Therefore, you must think about what you have read in order to know. For instance, when you are reading a math problem, you need to understand stand the question and think about how to solve it. Think about context clues while you are reading so that you can understand the text.
    L. Dorado
    Block 2

  29. I think the quote is true. when you read you think and you learn. the more you read the more you'll think and learn. You'll achieve more. Reading is something that everybody should do.
    Luis H. Block 2

  30. I agree with this quote because it is a known fact that reading stimulates your mind. Books are a great way to form ideas and opinions by yourself upon reading something intellectual. The only way that reading doesn't make you think is when you have distractions like music or the t.v in the background, your mind wont be clear and be able to form new ideas and conceptions on your own. So turn of t.v or music and pick up a book.

    David P.
    Block 2

  31. Reading it's really important its really fun too. Reading also helps you to speak better and pronounce words with out any problems when you read its really helpful its not hard just read one hour everyday and it will help you improve in your CTR.

    Leticia R

  32. I believe in this quote because while you read you have to think what that message is trying to say. Reading helps you progressive in so many categories like it helps you on your vocabulary, on your sentences, grammar, and it helps you THINK clearly. I like reading because when i read something that gets my attention i think about it alot.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  33. I think that reading is one of the most important things to do in life. By reading our reading skills get better. Some people think that reading is boring but if you actually read something that you are interested in it will be fun.

  34. When you read it involves thinking. You go through words and you have to think what they are trying to tell you. When you are reading you think of what the story is saying and visualize it as you read it. Some words might be hard to understand but using the words around, you can think and try to figure out what it means. Reading takes alot of thinking even though many people might not realize it.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  35. Well when you read you have to think or else you wont be learning anything from what your reading. Its like when you read from a magazine you think about what the article is about. But when it comes to reading a book most people don't want to read or if they do read it they don't think about it. Its like exercising your mind so you should learn something when reading anything.
    Juan C.
    Block 2

  36. i think reading is a really good way of improving on your speaking and knowledge in life. it takes you further in life like getting to know new places and speaking properly than just Volga language. and it makes a person look and sound smarter than a person who dose not like reading at all thats my opinion .

    esmeralda p.

  37. Reading can actually be very fun. I use-to be one of those kids that would HATE books! The problem was that i just hadn't found the right book. I would always read a book someone forced me to read. I went to the library and was looking threw books and i came across named "The Outsiders" i Fell in love with that book because it was very interesting. Ever since i read that book i find more and more books to read (:

    Alyssa I.

  38. I agree with this quote because when you read you think about the book. reading a book is choosing the right..



  39. Reading is very important for us to develops our minds. Reading is a process that makes our minds do some thinking to really understand the literature. It helps us develop skills of sight learners. So read,read,read!

    GO CTR :)

    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  40. I Also agree with this quote because reading is fun and it is true that when you read more your mind expands and people actually learn a lot of new things and words so its good too read i Also enjoy reading my self CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!(:
    Guadalupe J

  41. Reading can be really fun, As you read you learn new things, New information. Make sure to think and understand what your reading otherwise you wont be learning anything. Reading is very very important, Always make sure to read!

    Angelica L.
    Block 2
