Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Monday, August 30, 2010

Persistence and Growth

Amazing Bamboo Growth

One of my most favorite inspirational examples about persistence is the story of an Asian Bamboo species that even after five years of watering, weeding, and fertilizing is barely visible. Then, in a span of about six weeks, it grows two and a half feet a day to 90 feet and higher. It grows so fast that you can literally “hear” it growing. The question to ask is did the bamboo grow 90 feet in six weeks or did it grow 90 feet in five years? Obviously it grew 90 feet in five years, for all the time when growth wasn’t visible it was developing a massive root system that would later support its magnificent growth.

Compliments of, August 30, 2010


  1. It is better to make various goals for ones self through their lifetime. Everyone should start with short-term goals and work hard to achieve them. After that you should develop long-term goals and work even harder to achieve those since they will take much longer ,but in the end will give you much more satisfaction. So through persistence and hard work you can achieve amazing feats in life just like the bamboo tree.


  2. wow that is very interesting how bamboo grows two and a half feet a day. It is amazing how the bamboo is 90 feet. I would like to actually see this for myself I think that would be a really good experience and a wonderful thing to see!
    Izamar R.
    block 1

  3. This is a great example for persistence. Because i'm sure that the person watering the bamboo stick believed that with persistence the bamboo stick would grow; & they believed until they succeeded. Just like this plant or the plants' owner, a person has to persist until they get what they want in life. You know where you have to go, but its your choice to persist and choose the right path. Choose the right.
    -Valeria V.
    Block. 1

  4. The bamboo represents people, if you start on something before you have a strong root then eventually it will fall apart not having a chance. But if you have a strong root, you will start off strong and you will get strong and large like an Asian Bamboo. So choosing the right before it actually happens will help you in the long run :) CTR!

  5. This bamboo stick grew very long because they would water it and fertilize it thats why it keeps on growing. This bamboo represents people's growth because in order for a human to grow you have to feed them. If you have faith you can do anything you want. Always choose the right CTR!!!!!!
    -Cesar C.
    Block 1

  6. Christopher A
    Block 1
    I think this means that while its growth wasnt visible,it was developing a root system that would helped later support its growth.It is like life you have to plan ahead to make a smoother and enjoyable road for you to take.It takes time for one to grow and future planning relieves you from future stress.

  7. i think it grew in five years. 90 feet is really big so i doubt a bamboo grew really fast in such a short amount of time, which is six weeks. choose the right. :)

    -Stephanie Sanchez

  8. bamboo is a really nice plant to have in your house because it work hard plant. also bamboo grow really tall alot of people like to have that plant because they have faith on it. ;)

    Vanessa H
    Block 1

  9. tht would also be my question did it really grow that fast? but these types of trees are very unique and are also very strong. This is a very shocking article, and intresting as well.

    Chris Cruz.
    Block 1

  10. I think this is very amazing and also interesting. It is amazing how fast these plants could grow in so little time. After five years of preparing, the bamboo finally sprouts out and grows at an amazing pace. i agree that this is a great example of persistence.

    aidee a.
    block: 1

  11. The Asian Bamboo is a amazing plant on earth that grows to be 90 feet tall in five years. The Asian bamboo grows to be 90 feet in five years by watering, weeding and fertilizing how it should be. This Asian bamboo has been developing massive root system that could support its self.

    zachary h
    block 1

  12. I don't really understand this quote. What I think it is saying is that it takes time for people to understand how life is. When you are little, you don't know anything about life. Until you are older you start to figure out how life works. Just like the bamboo, it took five years for it to grow. Until it finally grew.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  13. Eventually the bamboo's growth was in five years but it was noticeable after some what time. Thats when you can tell that anything could happen in this world.

    Blankita U.<3(:
    Block 1

  14. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    this quote is telling me that i should plain a head for the future like the bamboo did like they plain a head . So the fertilizing support the bamboo for 5 years we should do the same. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! CTR

  15. This is so amazing how this plant can grow so big. I know the Asian's love this plant. This plant the bamboo is one that people believe that its strong to hold people and some use it to build homes. This bamboo plant is good to cause they believe that bamboo can do a lot of things.
    Alejandra Padilla

  16. There saying that the bamboo is something alike like us because we could grow to maybe not grow 90 feet but we could grow in are head with are minds but chose the right !!

    Manuel Diaz
    block 1

  17. I think this quote signifies the way a person can become successful even if someone of higher authority keeps chopping you down. They do not want you to succeed the odds are against you. Then you have to be like the bamboo and secretly prepare yourself and build on your success with out visibility. When the moment is just right you can leap on to the success spotlight out of nowhere. Choose the right.

    David P.
    Block 2

  18. This post to me says that over time we can be like that bamboo. We can grow to be great and the height of the bamboo represents the amount of knowledge we can accomplish threw 5 year. 90 ft is pretty tall, so imagine how big our knowledge can be. CTR :)

    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  19. we can really relate in the same way because in order to grow and be successful we need a strong foundation to rely on because if we try to grow with out the foundation we would topple over. So we have to be like the bamboo and gain our strong foundation by Choosing The Right and staying in school once that is done we can grow and prosper.

    Hayro B.
    Block 2

  20. I think that what this saying is trying to say is that as time keeps on passing that bamboo keeps on growing and getting bigger. This saying relates to us because as time keeps on passing we keep on learning new stuff and we keep on getting smarter.
    Yadira Yanez
    Block 2

  21. Yea the Asian Bamboo is really strong and each day it gets even more stronger. Each day the root of this Asian Bamboo got bigger and stronger and later on it would help support the growth. It's the same as a kid. When a kid borns he is born weak but when the time passes the kid grows bigger and stronger.

    Salvador P.
    BloCk 2

  22. This story about the bamboo is actually amazing. I never knew something like this can actually occur, though i can relate to it. This happens with children. At a very young age you don't see them learning knew things because they can't speak, but as the years go by you realize that they learned words but couldn't speak them. As with the bamboo you water it and it takes its time to begin to grow and once it starts growing, there is no stopping it.

    Lydia D.
    Block 2

  23. i agree with the quote and what it says. And if you really do put your mind into something you really like. Then your dreams can be like a bamboo stick and grow really big and tall.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  24. Wow that's very impressing! It does grow really fast because 90 feet in 5 years thats alot. Especially because there very thin too. I think that's very talented and impressing!.

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  25. i think its really amazing how fast bamboo can grow!!!!but its sort of like a child as well because just as bamboo grows 90 feet in 5 years a human child can really change alot in 5 years as well. but i still think that its really cool how bamboo can grow 90 feet in 5 years!!!XD

    block 2

  26. I believe that this quote means that people dont seem to notice the hard work you do to get your skills and knowledge that they later on are impressed of. During 5 years you are working hard to gain new skills, and when you are done with all that studying and what not, you finally use them and it's as if you had that knowledge in you.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  27. this is an amazing story by how fast this bamboo grows, but it grows fast because it gets watering and fertilizer. so its saying that if we do whats right and follow instruction we can grow as well as the bamboo. thats a really good example of how fast we can grow in the future by choosing the right paths and becoming someone in life by growing.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  28. this reminds me of how i grew as a baby to know being a teenager .

    vicky castillos

  29. i find it interesting how fast bamboo can grow in a short amount of time same with people. no matter how long u have not seen someone they will always be different the next time you see them.

    block 2

  30. Its Really Trippy That Bamboo Trees Can grow Up To Be 90 Feet Tall Now That Is Amazing! I Never Knew Anything Can Grow To Be That Big. WEll I Guess People Learn Things Everyday

    Marcos C.
    Block 2

  31. I am amazed to read this interesting fact. I never knew that this asian bamboo tree can grow up to 90 feet in about six weeks, i think that is really phenomenal to grow that fast. Its a well inspiring fact that i admire because it shows to me that if this asian bamboo tree can grow that fast in a minimum of six weeks than i can reach and accomplish my goal in a minimum time too.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  32. its really amazing how that bamboo could grow so much its a really inspirational bamboo and grow in such a little bit of time i think you always see the effort at the end like the bamboo

    Leticia Rojas

  33. I think its pretty amazing how they grow and develop up to 90 feet in five years..

    Castillo, elvis

    block 2

  34. its cool how it grows two and a half feet in six weeks, making it stand at 90 ft in five years. I'm thinking that it has a massive root system so that i can help it support the growth, its incredible...

    Block. 2

  35. i think this is trying to say you should never give up. everything takes time. it might take a while but it is all in for a good cause. you should always pay attention and just keep trying and trying until you get it. never give up and always have faith in yourself and in whatever it is you want to accomplish.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  36. this quote is a good example of persistence. many people give up in what they try to accomplish because they don't see result as fast as they would like. they think its a waste of time to continue trying to accomplish their goals, so they give up. but most of the time it just a matter of time. it takes to time to accomplish your goals, so its better to just wait for the results to come and not give up.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  37. This is a very amazing quote, i like the example it gave, individually we are all one drop and together we are a ocean. This quote brings out teamwork in it because for example if one person in a soccer team scores a goal the whole team scores as well because they contributed to helping the player score the goal therefore it is called teamwork. Teamwork can not just only be in sports it can also contribute to your school work like school projects or doing chores around the house. Teamwork only makes everything better. CTR(:

    Diana G.
    Block 2
