Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Monday, December 13, 2010

"The successful man is the average man, FOCUSED"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Focus on everything you do! Put your very best attention on it and choose the right! If you're doing something, try to put your very best attention on it and don't lose focus! focus on that one specific thing! Be responsible and do it right. CTR!

    Stephanie S

  2. i think this is very right and being focus is a main thing about choosing the right. if your always focus on doing the right you will become very successful. for example when im playing basketball and im on the court in order for me for things to come out right i have to be focus. another example when your shooting free throws you have to concentrate in order for you to make them. in your studies if your always focusing on your tasks you would succeed but you have to work hard and always focus on the good and positive things that lead you to success.!

    Chris C
    Block 1

  3. This video was sad because this guy lost one of his parent. i thought he was not gonna play the basketball game, and it is hard watching your team play and not you. But the other team did the right thing and the coach told the player to miss that two points shot. They show respect for them for the team.

    Kevin R.

  4. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    Sportsmanship is really part of the game need to be fair all the time. Character is what maters its all u look in the game and player. it was a great story to see they chosen the right. They also show a lesson to their players that they will carry though their life's.

  5. Sportsmanship && Characteristic

    This video really impressed me i really never thought that after two
    teams being competive with each other they would let there
    opponent win. This really was something really honest and
    truthful what this team did for them.
    They have a very truthful heart, it wasn't even a
    hypocritical thing but it was something they wanted to
    do and something they will always remember
    "love was in the air"

    Blankita U<3
    Block 1(:

  6. Sportsmanship and Character; I think the other team did the right thing. Both teams have great sportsmanship and character.
    Alejandro M.

  7. I agree with this quote you need to be focus about what you want to accomplish to make your goals come true in your life to you could succeed in life but you would have some problems to focus in you decide if you want to be focus or not you will fail in your life. If you choose the CTR you will be focus every time in your life. jonatan olguin block1.

  8. Sportsmanship & Character.

    Honestly to me, winning isn't everything. It's about knowing i put in all my hard work, and knowing i had fun with my teammates. That's a win for me. To know there are still people that do good deeds, is heart warming because good sportsmanship isn't around a lot anymore. After watching that video; i realized that individual that lost his mom was very brave and strong to come back and play. And as for the other team, they showed true sportsmanship.

    valeria v.
    block 1.

  9. Sportsmanship and Character
    On the video clip we just seen is a very very good example of sportsmanship because these two basketball teams were like almost rivals playing against each other. when they heard what had happen to one of the players mom the other team also reacted very sorry for the incident and wanted to know what they wanted to do, but they began the game. "Chantal" the captain for the knight who's mother had passed away arrive to the game to play. this just show how strong he was and it also show that the other team had heart and was willing to make him feel good about what had happen. this is just being fair and not taking advantage of others even if you dont know them.
    Chris c.
    Block 1

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sportsmanship and Character
    I feel bad for the lose of his mother, but what actually amazed me was the way the other team acted towards them. They could have easily taken those 2 points when he joined the team, but instead they decided to just miss on purpose to show they weren't cold hearted. They played with their hearts and in the end everyone won friendship. That's choosing the right!!

  12. Sportsmanship and Character
    I felt bad for the boy who lost this mother and still ended up playing the basketball game he was brave and courageous. If i was that kid i wouldn't of even shown up to the game i would of been all depressed and sad but that kid was strong. The basketball coach was a great person he showed great character and sportsmanship because he made his player miss the two free throws. This shows me that their is a lot of good people out their in the world that care about what happens to you.
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  13. Sportsmanship and Character
    When I saw the video I got inspired. I got inspired to show a lot more sportsmanship when I am playing. I really like what the other team did. They showed respect for the other team. They missed the free throws on purpose because they wanted to make sure the other team knew that they respected them. A friendship was created between the two schools. Anyone can do that, but only a few do it because they CHOOSE THE RIGHT.
    Jose D
    Block 1

  14. Sportsmanship&characteristic
    well i really like the video is was really nice but it was kind of sad when a team mate lost his mom. and he needed to play in the same day and he did play in the game. but in order for him to play the other team need to take two free shots.because he came little bit late when he came they aready turn in the roster. but the coach of the other team was nice that he told his player to miss the shots that was so kind of him to do. he dident need to do that but he knew it was the right thing to do he CTR :)


  15. Sportsmanship and Character
    When I saw the video I got inspired. I got inspired to show a lot more sportsmanship when I am playing. I really like what the other team did. They showed respect for the other team. They missed the free throws on purpose because they wanted to make sure the other team knew that they respected them. A friendship was created between the two schools. Anyone can do that, but only a few do it because they CHOOSE THE RIGHT.
    Jose D
    Block 1

  16. what i thing about this is that when you have a game you have to say focus and that is the best thing to do.

    About the video that we saw was sad because i will not wish any one that sadness i been trough that and it a lots of sadness. But the good thing is that their friends were their to cheer him up and let him know that the will be their for him and think that is a nice thing that their friends were their for him and that a good friendship


  17. Sportsmanship and Character
    Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    This was a great story about sportsmanship and character they will all remember.The coach and the players knew what was right to do and give them a fair chance because that was the right thing to do.People who choose the right get life changing experience.Having sportsmanship and character means you are a great person who does the right decisions.This moment will forever be in there hearts and will be a legend for future players who will play on that same basketball field someday.

  18. If you are focused you will succeed. When you don't put your mind on one thing it's hard to focus on what you will achieve. For example, if you are playing a game, and you are thinking about something else that is not the game, you will end up losing because you are not focused. When you think constantly about what's ahead of you, you tend to get it done with ease if thats what you have your mind set to.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  19. Focus Is The Key On Making That Goal Or 3 Pointer Shot. People Need Focus To Make The Free Throw SHot After The Penalty, To Make The Extra Point Field Goal After The Touchdown, The Focus To Make A Hole In One, Or The Winning SHot. Focus Is the Key To Graduate High School, Focus On Your Homework/Classwork, And Study HArd FOr Those Tests And Quizes.
    MArcos C.
    Block 2

  20. What I think this quote is trying to say is that to be successful you have to be focused. When you try to succeed in something you have to be focused to be able and reach the goal of success. Keep your mind in your goal and you will find it easier to accomplish it. Just be focused day after day to achieve.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  21. So lets say that you want to build up a company if you are focused on making the company a success then it will become so. On the other hand if you aren’t very focused then it will go downhill from the beginning. That’s why average focused people are successful in everyway.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  22. I think focus is a very important key to success and to find the answer in a matter of seconds. Focusind on activities or focusing to aim is a skill that is aquired, but can also be improved.Everybody should focus in their studies and in their life so they can go farther than others. Focusing is choosing the right because you stop and take the time to find solution .
    block 2

  23. What I think this quote means is that if you stay focused in anything that you do, then you will be able to do it successfully. For example, if you stay focused on an exam, you will be able to pass the test because you stayed focused the whole time. Make sure you have your mind at the right place and always think positively.
    Block 2

  24. i agree with the quote because it is true. FOr a man or women to succeed they need to focus on what they are gonna succeed in life. Or maybe if they are doing like work or something they need to focus on the work and not anything else.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  25. Any man can be successful all he has to do is stay focused. Focus on what you want to achieve and focus on what you need to know to stay on the course of success. All you need to do is focus don't be distracted. If you want to be successful you will be determined and do anything it takes to accomplish your goals. Choose the right and stay focus on your goals. The average man can be the most successful man on earth if he just stays focus.

    David P.
    Block. 2

  26. I Also agree with this quote, i think that you are always suppose to be very focussed on what you do but not just on anything on everything you do in life, and you will be very successful in life for example if your in class and you don't no much in that class well you are suppose to be very focused while your teacher is trying to explain so you cab be successful in li!fe so work hard work smart and work together choose the right!!
    Guadalupe J

  27. To be successful, you need to be focus on being successful. Be focus on your goals because with just one wrong turn, you can loss it everything and it would be really hard to get right back up. Focus on creating your goals and accomplishing them. Be the average man. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    BlocK 2

  28. this means that focusing at something you want to accomplish helps you get their faster. for example the guy that is focusing on making the golf ball in the hole. the has to try hard to focus and that the main reason.

    emeralda p.
    block 2

  29. Yeah, focus on what our doing to achieve your goals. Focus really hard on your work and work smart even as a team if you would like to. If you don't focus on what your doing when everything is going to come out wrong or you won't achieve your goals. Focus and you will achieve your goals and dream. :)

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  30. the average man is successful when he is focused on what he wants. the more he focuses on his goal then he will achieve it in do time. a lot of people do not realize that patience is what they need to focus so they can be successful like other people.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  31. f your always focus on doing the right you will become very successful. if you dont want to be focus you will fail in your life.After watching that video; i realized that individual that lost his mom was very brave and strong to come back and play. and i would like to be like him.
    alejandro linares
    block 2

  32. I think this quote is true. If you want to succeed in life then you need to focus on your studies, in practice, in whatever it is you want to accomplish. You need to study and practice and mainly of all FOCUS! And you will succeed in whatever goals are set..
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  33. Sportsmanship and Character

    This video is inspiring. It showed a lot of respect towards each other even if there rivals. The coach the players and the referee all chose the right. It takes a lot for the player to miss both shots on purpose. I highly admire that. I wouldn't know how to handle one of my parents death. It takes a lot for that player to even wanna play after his mother's death. A great character story its only a shame that someone died. Sometimes the worst situation brings out the best out of all of us.

    David P.
    Block. 2

  34. Focus is the main priority in everything. When you focus you do everything better because if you have a bad a negative attitude and you don't focus everything would just come out wrong. When focusing you must pay attention and relax the whole time because it helps you concentrate in whatever you want to do like your homework or a soccer game or class assignments. Choose the right and focus daily!

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  35. Sportsmanship and Character
    That was a great story, and was nice to see the opposing team doing something nice. You really blame the player for being their late when he was at the hospital. Losing someone isn't easy to overcome especially if it's a parent. He had strength to overcome it for the game and to focused in playing the game. I think it was the right thing to miss the free-throws, because it was a good reason why he was their late.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  36. Sportsmanship and Character
    The video was amazing. It showed good sportsmanship and character. The player missed those two free shots on purpose. He's considered a great player with great honor and respect for the other player. No one lose. Everyone won each other's respect.

    Salvador P.
    BlocK 2

  37. the quote to me is saying that anybody can be successful as long as you stay focus. you always need to be focused on what you want. Luis H. B.2

  38. sportsmanship and character

    it must've been hard for the captain to play while he had the thought of his mother passing away that same day. it also took a lot of guts for the other team to give up those two shots, especially when they are the rivals. even though they gave up those two shots they still felt that they did the right thing by not making them.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  39. Sportsmanship And Character
    i thought the video was great. what that other team did was amazing. they showed good sportsmanship and great character! neither teams even thought of being selfish on wether who was going to win or not! they played a fair game. no one won, no one lost. best thing was that they all felt good about it. they felt proud of themselves knowing that what they did was a great thing!
    BLOCK 2

  40. Sportsmaship

    You hardly ever hear a story like that, when you do your shocked and impressed that their actually is people out there that are honest and are sportsmanship. I think this sets an example to any team member out there.

    Brittany Chavez
    Blck 2

  41. Sportmanship and Character Video:
    This story is really interesting how people could be very nice even though like they were going to play against them. That's something that will help them someday in there life when they really need help. It's very impressing that someone would do that, that means none of them lost they both win and both teams are champion. That was very good and very kind instead they made a friendship. :)

    Lissette J.

  42. a focused person has to always choose the right. always focus on your goal and don't let anything prevent to from reaching to your destination.


  43. This quote is saying that if you always focus on your work or on anything challenging, you have the ability to end up achieving.


  44. Sportsmanship and Character
    I really like this video because it shows a perfect example of sportsmanship. the player that missed the shots could have chosen the wrong and made those shots but he didn't, he choose the right and he missed.-- Luis H. B.2

  45. sportsmanship and character
    I think it was a great story about character and sportsmanship. I think that it was a touching story what i liked most of this story was that they all worked as a team they were helping him out with his problem they were all sticking together. I also think that its great to have good character and sportsmanship they chose the right they worked hard worked smart and worked together as a team they will go very far!(:
    Guadalupe J

  46. Sportsmanship and Character

    The video really inspired me a lot since am in a sport, what the kid did was very generous and fair and was basically the right thing to d. Nobody lost in that game everyone won of them became winners because they choose the right. That was sportsmanship and character right there, he did the right and i would definitely take that in consideration and play with sportsmanship in all my games.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  47. Sportsmanship and character
    What I felt about the video was inspiration and happiness it was really nice how the coach and the players supported they knew what was right which was give them a fair chance.People who choose the right gets more chances in life. Focus on everything that is important, put all the hard work and think hard because it will show off at the end.
    Leticia R
    Block 2

  48. Sportsmanship and Character

    So what these 2 teams did was amazing. The student that purposely missed those free throws had very good sportsmanship like conduct. He knew what had happened to the other players mother so he said "No if we win we'll win with honor. We wont win by cheating." Even though they lost they made a friendship with the other school. Thats why this podcast is so great.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

    The was sad but i think that it's a great example of sportsmanship and character. What the other team did was show respect to the other team.
    I agree with this quote because when you focus and put your mind on something you get to accomplish you goals.

  50. Sportsmanship and Character

    So what these 2 teams did amazing. The student that purposely missed those free throws really had a very good heart for the kid cause his lost his mother that day showing a lot of courage and nobody won or lost just that that game had a good heart and sportsmanship. He said "No if we win we'll win with honor. We won't win by cheating." Even tough they lost they made friendship after all with the other school. That's why I like the podcast the video just it was good. Stay focus in the game.
    David M.
    Block 2

  51. Well I agree with this statement. Anyone can be successful, they just have to put all there attention in what they are doing. If they are paying attention to what they are doing then you know what you are doing so therefore you accomplish the goals you set. Also well stay focused in what you do, focusing is important because if you get distracted then you might go the wrong way. So choose the right!

    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  52. Sportsmanship and Character
    I am really impress by how the teams worked together and had respect towards one another. that make me have respects towards them. they choose the right and got respect back and friendship. though i do feel bad for the player that just lost its mother but hundreds of respects and honors for them unlike the ones that won with out honor and sportsmanship.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  53. Sportsmanship and Character
    I am really impress by how the teams worked together and had respect towards one another. that make me have respects towards them. they choose the right and got respect back and friendship. though i do feel bad for the player that just lost its mother but hundreds of respects and honors for them unlike the ones that won with out honor and sportsmanship.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  54. i think this is very right and being focus is a main thing about choosing the right. if your always focus on doing the right you will become very successful. Also well stay focused in what you do, focusing is important because if you get distracted then you might go the wrong way!!(CTR)

    BLOCK 2

  55. Sportsmanship and Character

    The basketball video is an amazing story. There is not many people who have this heart. The only thing players think about now is winning. To win isn't everything. The good thing is that is in this game not one tea either won or lost. They both won FRIENDSHIP and that is what matters. The guy that lost his mother must have had a lot of strength.

    Block 2

  56. I agree with what the quote says. In order for someone to be successful they need to be focused on what they are pursuing and nothing else. For example, if you are playing chess you need to be focused and not let anything or anyone distract you.

    Sportsmanship and Character
    I thought that that was a great story. I liked how even though the one of the members of the team was going through a hard time the team was there to give him support. Not only did his team give him support but so did the other team when one of the other team members missed the foul shots on purpose and even though his team lost they left as winners.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  57. This is true because if you don't focus you really get lost. I always feel lost and don't know how to start when i don't focus. By focusing you make things easier for yourself and sometime for others. This comment makes me think to always take it slow and think about what i have to do.

    Omar M
