Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CTR Makes Life Beautiful, Like the Earth and Nature

"To touch the earth is to have harmony with nature."
Oglala Sioux

Beautiful Nature
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CTR Makes Life Beautiful, Like the Earth and Nature


  1. Live your life to the fullest, just remember to choose the right all the time. Life is very beautiful, and it can be even more if you choose the right and do good things in your life for it to be more wonderful. Be an achiever, and succeed in life!

    Stephanie S

  2. In Order To Be At Peace With Earth You Must Be At Great As Nature! It Makes Life Easier If You Are One With Nature As You Are Suppose To Be One With Life!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  3. I think that this quote isn't so much about succeeding. I remember on a hiking trip i read this sign that was next to a tree and it read: "Take care of this ground for one day you will be part of it." It really had me thinking because in reality it is true. We our part of this land and this is our home. We have to take care of it because if we don't who will? When we recycle, or when we save energy we are helping our mother nature. Thats choosing the right :)

    Valeria Vargas.
    Block 1.

  4. Being good to the Earth is very important. If we are bad to it, we are destroying our home. Try your hardest to help out our Nature because this is all we have. If we destroy our Earth by littering and cutting down our forests, then eventually there will be no more Earth for us to live in. Nature brings us peace and harmony because of the beauty of it and if destroyed, the world won't be so peaceful anymore. Nature is here to help us live our lives with peace and to value our Earth. Live life beautifully and take care of our Earth for it is the only home we truly have. PEACE ON EARTH!! =D

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  5. This is a good quote be good to nature all the time. Nature is beautiful its a part of our community that we should always keep clean. Nature is what we live in and people should stop vandalizing nature. Nature is a beautiful part of this planet. Always chose the right and do what's right and you will be on top of the student success pyramid with all the academic champions. CTR!!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  6. This quote is very good. What I understand from it is that you should live the best out of your life. To live your life beautifully. If you live your life in a bad way, then you won't like you life. You have to live the best way possible. You have to CHOOSE THE RIGHT. If you choose the right then your life will be very good. You will become a successful person and your life will be as beautiful as nature. So always CHOOSE THE RIGHT and your life will be beautiful.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  7. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    This quote is very true we need to love nature in every way its likes a human if we don't take care of it, it might die. The touch the earth is to have harmony with nature. Be good to nature and it will be good to u. Live your life as beautifully as nature is beautiful. Its like god created nature very carefully to be beautiful. Do it CTR>

  8. I really dont understand what this qoute is saying but i guess its saying that since we are in earth, that we get along with nature. Really i don't know what to say, but i guess this a good statement because its saying in a way that if we are peaceful with nature then we will be peaceful with ourselves.
    Alejandra P

  9. this slide share is just very beautiful. nature is something very beautiful thing on earth. its like what gives earth life and motivation to people here that live on it. nature is also very spiritual and you should take nature and use it as a big example or a motivation so you could live your life as beautiful as nature on earth.i really like nature myself when im around nature i feel so relax and its like a good feeling being around something your really not around if you live in a city. but as the quote on top say "C.T.R makes life beautiful" yes it does because your always doing the right and alot of good things will come to your if you choose the right.!!
    Chris C
    Block 1

  10. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    CTR applies to everything even the when it comes to the earth you need to make the right decisions like using reusable bags instead of having to waste more trees.Earth is giving us life and we have to keep our lives and the earths life.Have a sensitive and spiritual nature to everything you do and appreciate the things you have that people don't have.If everybody chose the wright the world would be like heaven no gangs,graffiti or things that give our society a bad reputation.

  11. Well I think what this quote means is that well to be very good with nature. And also help out. We need to take care of our earth. Nature is beautiful and that is why we need to be kind and treat our earth with great care. Life is beautiful as well that is why we also need to take care of our lifes and choose the right!
    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  12. what i think about this is that nature is beutifal if you ch00se the right nature will be nice back to you and that just be goodi what you do

    Ram0n Salcedo

  13. This slide show looks nice it's all about nature and beautiful thing around it and always live life beautiful like nature. The slide show has good pictures around the world about nature and earth. It shows everything in summer, winter, and snowing days. For example if you disrespect nature then it would look ugly. So always choose the right then nature would look beautiful.

    Kevin R.
    Block 1.

  14. what i think about this is that nature is a nice thing because it does a lots of things it gives you nice thing a lots of trees and nice flowers i think that a nice that nature give use a lots of things.


  15. I don't understand this quote but i think the is like if you choose the right you will be in peace by not doing anything wrong and nothing bad it would happen to you just choose the right it you will success and see everything good. jonatan olguin block 1.

  16. This is a good quote. We should take care of nature instead of destroying it. The earth is where we live in its everybodies home so we have to treat her right.
    Alejandro M. Block:1

  17. this quote is saying we need to be a good person and good to nature.
    and to be succesful you need to make life beautiful to live like earth and nature it make you choose the right track. it really beautiful when you live the good life with no problems in mind and have freedom always CTR :)


  18. In reality as soon as you hit earth you have a bond
    to it to always try and make the best out of it(:
    i really don understand this quote but im trying to
    either ways always choose the right
    no matter what<3

    Blanca U,
    Block 1

  19. I also agree with this quote I think that the world would look and be very beautiful if we all choose the right and do what's best for us. I also think that if you work hard work strong and work together you will go very far and be very successful. for example a lot of people smoke and they there killing the environment don't you think that if we stop the world will be much more beautiful? think about it. world doesn't change unless we change our selfs.
    Guadalupe J

  20. This Planet Is Already Beautiful. Choosing The Right By Throwing The Trash In The Right Places And It Will Look Even More Beautiful Than The Earth Is Right Now. By Throwing Only Trash In The Trash Cans And Bottle And Cans In The Recycle Bins Will Help, Little By little Will Help The Earth Become More Beautiful Than What It Is Right Now.
    Marcos C.
    Block 2

  21. If you succeed you will live in peace. If you succeed you will feel as peaceful as nature. For example, if you finish college on time, and you get a good job that will maintain you, you will feel happy and successful. If you go down the wrong road and your not in school, and still living with your parents your gonna feel angry and stressed out.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  22. If you always choose the right then your life will be nothing but beautiful. When you live a life of nothing but right decisions then you will have a great life, nothing but smiles and positive things :)
    Always choose the right and you will see a beautiful life to live forward to.

    Alyssa I.
    Block 2

  23. I don't really understand this quote but I think it's trying to say that we have to say is that to touch earth, you have to be nice to it. Don't destroy the earth by dumping trash everywhere. Keep it clean and respect it.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  24. i agree because if you dont be good to mother nature then who would. and like the quote says to touch the earth is to have harmony with nature. And it is true we need to take care of our enviorment and need to respect it. And always take care of our earth.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  25. "To touch the earth is to have harmony with nature."
    What this quote means to me is that Earth is beautiful and to be able to live in it, we should all be living in harmony. Nature is a beautiful thing that helps some of us just relax and enjoy it.
    The slideshow shows many images on how beautiful this world can be. I enjoyed looking at all these pictures. Now I only imagine myself being there and enjoying those views.
    Block 2

  26. i agree because if you dont be good to mother nature then who would. and like the quote says to touch the earth is to have harmony with nature. And it is true we need to take care of our enviorment and need to respect it. And always take care of our earth.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  27. i agree because if you dont be good to mother nature then who would. and like the quote says to touch the earth is to have harmony with nature. And it is true we need to take care of our enviorment and need to respect it. And always take care of our earth.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  28. Being good to nature shows, that you have love and respect for where you are living and for everything else around you. Helping the Earth isnt that hard either, we can help by simply recyling, or picking up trash, or planting trees. We have to be greatful for what we have and for what we have accomplished.

  29. I think that this quote is about being one with nature and not letting anything happen to you. So it like if you are nature don’t let anything happen to you or it and if you don’t let anything happen to it you will be in total harmony. That’s what I think this quote means.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  30. i love the beauty of nature. i don't really understand this quote. but i would say that by you choosing the right will give you a nice and relaxing life. just like nature is. by you making the right choices and working hard you will have a successful life. things won't be as difficult as it will be when you don't make the right choices.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  31. I really don't like nature and i really don't understand what this quote is saying but it's always nice to be good to nature. the slideshow was also cool.--Luis H. B.2

  32. what this quote suggests is that for someone to be closer to the earth they must first be at peace with nature. for someone to be in peace with nature they must first be at peace with themselves. you can not achieve one peace without another peace as well. you can't have one peace without the other.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  33. this quote means that living life with joy and no regrets and learning from your wrongs, you will live a beautiful life. natures is so beautiful cause it creates and destroys its self. like us we create more stuff in life anything but we also destroy to make better of it. its all in mother nature and our decisions basically. Choose the right!

    emeralda p.
    block 2

  34. Nature is life, we got to learn to live in it and learn from it in whati it brings us. There might be alot of careers out there that might already be waiting for us in the future. But they don't come by them selfs that's why we got to learn and figure out how to get there. For that we got to work hard and work smart. There's alot of choices in what to be out there we just got to know how to choose for it.

    Lissette J.

  35. i think that if you can choose the right and save the earth by recycling planting a tree, preventing global warming, make sure you got no leaks in your house, doing all that can make nature l beautiful.


  36. This quote is meaning that by choosing the right you make a difference to the planet earth because earth would look better if we respect it and not make it look ugly nature is a beautiful thing.

    elvis. C
    block 2

  37. This quote makes me feel that we still have to be in tune with nature. We have too take care of mother earth it is our only planet. This is our one and only home and we have to appreciate it. Take care of it as much as we take care of ourselves. Admire what we have around ourselves this is pretty special. Choose the right and take car of ourselves and our an environment.

    David P.
    BLock. 2

  38. NATURE....
    If you are in peace with mother earth
    you are in with peace with your soul most inner thoughts.
    Enjoy every breath you take in this life in earth.
    Have harmony with all the living being in this land
    and in your destiny you will have harmony.
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  39. i dont really understand this quote but i do know that nature is a beautiful thing because it gives life and it gives us life so that we can live life and succeed and get an education by choosing the right and understanding what is good and whats bad for us.

    Daniel G.
    block 2

  40. Nature is something important in this world and to the world. When loving and natureing the world i think it gives lots back to you like peacefulness and soothing to your inner self. I think this quote means to help out for example save trees and recycle and well by doing that your choosing the right and helping out the world be a better place thats why i think it brings harmony into your life if you just care about nature.

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  41. I agree with this quote and i think that what is trying to say is that we need to take care of the earth by having it clean. because if we dont do it then who will. Nature really is beautiful so lets take care of it.

  42. Well, I don't really understand this quote it is kind of difficult to understand, but what I think it means is that if you are in peace with nature then you are peace with your soul.
    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  43. Life is beautiful like nature like the earth and everyone whose in it. So respect to the nature. the nature doesn't do anything bad to you so you don't have any business doing bad stuff to the nature. Harmony is something that everyone should have in earth. All the things that nature does for us makes the earth beautiful and awesome.

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  44. i really enjoyed this quote and it personally affected em because i myself am a boy scout and because of that i am encouraged to protect and respect nature and from all the times that i've gone camping i have always taken care of the wilderness really just loved the plants. i hope people can start to feel the way i do about the wilderness and at least start to recycle

    Hayro B.
    Block 2
