Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why? Why Not? What if? Can I? Not Me! Yes Me!

"We are exactly where we have chosen to be"
- Vernon Howard


  1. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1

    it is true we are exactly where we have chosen to be.Many people based their fututre on destiny meaning its going to happen no matter what you do.That is not true the future does not control you.If you are a true academic champion you will lead your life in the path you want it to go,not the one your friends or parents will want you to go,you lead your life.if you end up in a place were you are happy or sad,well you deserved to be there cause thats how much effort you gave and it gave it right back to you.

  2. Our choices determine where we go in life. Whether its a good thing or a bad thing. It's up to us to whether we choose the right thing or whether we choose the wrong. For example, if we are placed in a position where we must choose from the temptation and education, we have to think about our primary values are. We have to think about what benefits you and then of course you can have your fun.
    You just have to think wisely.
    & choose the right all the time.
    Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  3. we choose where we want to be and what we do. choose the right all the time and you'll get good things coming. you choose what comes to you in the future. for example, if you choose to do something good in the moment, that thing will probably make you stand in a safe and stable place later on. choose the right all the time, 24/7.

    Stephanie S

  4. This quote is very true because you are in charge of making your own decisions. For example, you could choose the right if you want to be a academic champion or you can choose the wrong and be a straight "F" student. You need to take personal responsibility for your decisions. So always choose the right so u can be on top of the student success pyramid and a academic champion. Always choose the right 24/7!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  5. I really like what this quote is saying because it is true. We make our own decision. Our life depends on what we choose to do with it. If we choose the wrong, then our life won't be so good. But if we choose the right then our life will be great. We make our own decisions and we should choose the right decisions. To have a great life and live the most of it.
    Jose D.
    Block 1

  6. We are where we are because we chose to be, without wanting to do something you wouldn't have thought about doing it in the first place. I don't just wake up and come to school, a little part of me wants to come to get a good grades in my classes. So instead of saying ill do it next week or tomorrow, start today. No one ever accomplished anything by saying those words only by starting today. :)

  7. this quote is very true because you are the only one that could make you make decisions nobody else could decide what to do for you only yourself. the only things other people can tell you is give you there opinion about what you could do but really you could also come to an agree meant and you could make those decision by choosing the right. if you decide that you want to be a successful student or for example like my coach, Coach Reed said "i want them to be student athletes, studies first then basketball" i like that quote and i always say that and keep it in my head and everyday i 'm always saying it and i think thats part of me making my own c.t.r decisions:)

    Chris C.
    Block 1

  8. I strongly agree with this quote because what ever path we chose to take, thats where we will end up. If we choose to go no where and not work hard, then we will stay in the same place we started. We choose where we want to end up in life and if for some reason we don't end up there, then i think we should keep trying until we are where we want to be. If we choose to have good grades in school and be an Academic Champion, then thats exactly what we'll be. Never give up and choose to be somewhere great that you want to be. Work hard and Choose the Right and you will succeed always. =D

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  9. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    So what you do today matters the most right. we decide what to doing our life's. we are exactly where we have chosen to be. Always choose CTR and you will become successful person like Mr. Haymore. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

  10. This Is Saying That Whatever You Do In Life Decides Where You Stand In Life! If You Choose The Wrong You Will Be On The Steady Road Down To Nowhere! If You Choose The Right You Can Be A Very Successful Person! This All Depends On The Decisions You Make!
    -Jonathan Flores
    Block 1

  11. Well I agree with this quote. If means that well we decide what we do. Thanks to those decision we are where we are now. Thats why it is very important to make good and wise choices. To think about the future and how those decisions will affect it, and all the consequences those choices can lead to. So the reason we are where we are now is because of the choices we have made before. We can make good choices and bad ones as well, but its very important to think about the consequences.
    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  12. i think in the picture were the kids are graguading i think those kids choose the right in ther school time i thing they did there work and everithing they were suppose to do thats why they got that far into their life and i think the insaine man in the chair decided to choose the wrong and thats wy he is in the chair like that

    Ramon Salcedo

  13. I agree with this statement you need to success in world. Always choose the right in life. Do best in your life, and never say yes to wrong things in life. For example if somebody is choosing to do the wrong they wont have enough pace in life. If they do choose the right in they would have freedom and enough pace to walk.

    Kevin R.
    Block 1

  14. this quote is saying we need to make good decisions. and be in the right track and be successful in life. the other thing achieve in all the things you have in mind. and go for dreams and goals never give up and decide waht u want to do in the future. so always think smart snd CTR ;)


  15. we decide who we want to be and what we wont to do if you want to someone in your life and you decide if not you will stay the way you are and that will not help at all. that what think abut this.

  16. You decide where you are in life. Choosing the Right is being here in school and doing the work teachers ask you to do. If you choose not to attend school then later in life when you do not have a job you will feel sorrow and it will be your own fault because you have chosen to not Choose the Right when you should have. Being here in school will result in graduation and then college and having a job. You will be able to have a successful career because you decided to choose where you wanted to be.

  17. We all choose what we want to do, what we want to become in life. If people keep on studying hard and getting nothing but A's and B's with perfect attendence and great work habits and cooperation will want to go far in life. Those who choose to become a failure, always getting F's And No Cooperation or work habits, and are always skipping class, and does drugs and steals others valuables, will go down in life by going to prison or something.

    MArcos C.
    Block 2

  18. I think this quote is trying to say that we are in the position where at because of our actions. What we do is what makes u, every little thing that we do leads to something or somewhere. So if you want to be in a great position later in life you should start by doing the right things now.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  19. You choose where you want to be in life. If you plan to see yourself a doctor and you really work hard on it and succeed, you will be there. But if you see yourself being a teacher and you don't do nothing no succeed, you will not be there. CTR 24/7 @ all cause. Never give up and never say never. Anyone can be successful, all you have to do is ctr. You decide where your life is going to be. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  20. with us choosing where we want to go then we will eventually end up there. that is if we do what we have to and we do not give up on it then we will one day achieve where we want to be. its all about choices whether there good or bad choices you will always end up somewhere.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  21. I agree, because everyone choices what they are now it's either the right or the wrong. Why?, because your own self choices what they want to do and that's where they are now. So work work, work smart and do your best and choosing what your going to choice.

    Lissette J.
    Block: 2

  22. We choose our destination. It is up to us to have the freedom to be successful. If we are tied up like the man in the above picture we are not free to do anything. For example if you do a crime and get locked up in jail you are not free to try to choose the right, because your all locked up.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  23. we are exactly where we chosen to be because it is our own reason that we are here. it is also our ownn reason that we chose to come get and stay here. for example we are not forced to come to school we come here because of our own choice we have free will weather to choose either we show up or dont. so it is our own reasone our own choice and out of our own freewill that we choose to come to school. why? its because we want an education and we want a good paying job thats why. this is a good quote to end the week!!!!! i really liked commenting this quote.

    daniel g
    block 2

  24. this quote basically says that you make the decision.. no one else.. if you let someone make your decisions then you just don't care.. what if they lead you into the wrong direction.. then it's going to ruin your life.. u have to think smart.. you should always choose the right and make your own decisions.. you should lead the way..
    BLoCK 2

  25. This quote is true because we do choose where we are or want to be. Lets say you choose not to go to school well you have chosen not to go no one is forcing you to stay. Then again you might change your mind and you do go to school you have chosen to be where you want. That’s what this quote is about you choose where you will be, it all depends on what you choose to do.

    Juan C.
    Block 2

  26. I agree with this quote. The reason i agree is because the decisions we make in life lead us to the place we are right now, weather if it was a right decision or a wrong decision. Thats why choosing the right will help you lead and be in a good path to your future. What you do determines what you are gonna be in life. What we choose to be is our decision in life i hope all of us students choose the right and think about the future before making any negative and bad decisions. CTR!

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  27. Well life is what you make out of it. Its called DECISIONS. we do these kinds of things everyday. But there are some decisions we must choose very wisely, for this can be a benefit or a curse of a life time. Never means Forever.
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  28. that the quote is sat that ctr that you decide what you wanna be and its your choice to be choosing the right and if you choice the right it leads you to success


  29. this quote you decide wether to do your work or not. for example if your do not do your work you receive anything if you work you recieve a grade and that helps you success in life.

    esmeralda p.
    block 2

  30. This quote is saying that choosing the right makes you a better person, and you have the chance to become someone in life.. ( CTR )

    Elvis. C

    block 2

  31. i think the quote is true if you are successful, your successful because you choose to be successful. if you fail that means you choose to fail.- Luis H. Block 2

  32. I agree with this quote we are where we are because of us and only us. That goes if you are successful or if you are a failure and filled with regret. The main reason why you are there is cause of you. So make sure you do everything you can to not be a failure. Work hard and study so you can become successful and you will owe it all to yourself. For choosing the right every time you had a chance.

    Block 2
    David P.

  33. i agree with the quote because if you dont choose where you want to be. Then you are gonna end up no where. And if you choose where you want to be then you will end up somewhere nice and happy. And always choosing the right.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  34. We all make the choices of our lives. To be successful we must know what we want in the next 5 or 10 years. We all have a reason to live for and we must find that reason because its our destiny.

    Angelica L.
    Block 2.

  35. yes its true, you decide your choice its between Choosing the right or Choosing the wrong. its like you decide if you want the best for yourself or if you want to go down the pipe and fall.. because no one tells you what to do but yourself.

    Block. 2

  36. I agree with this quote because you are were you have chosen to be. For example, if you want to graduate from high school, and you work hard and smart in school by doing all your work. You WILL graduate! So eventually you will be were you chose to be. So always choose the right and you will have a good future and if you choose the wrong most likely you wont have a good future like you probably wanted.

  37. i agree with this quote we can achieve it on our goals if we choose the right
    David M.
    Block 2
