Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ: The Good Shepherd---The Bread of Life
Seek Him ........> Hear Him .......> Know Him .......> Be like Him

Friday, December 17, 2010

"You already possess everything necessary to become great." 


  1. The best way to interpret this quote is probably by literally breaking it down.
    You have toes on your feet; use them. You have fingers on your hands; use them. You have the ability to go anywhere; use it. You have the ability to see anything; use it. But when you use all of those things, use them wisely.
    You already have what you need, you just have to give it a little push and put in some hard work. Yes, it will take a while, yes, it will cause some sweat, but in the end it's all worth it.
    Choose The Right :)

    Valeria V.
    Block 1.

  2. I think that this quote is very inspiring. Everyone can become successful but only people who want to actually become successful. We have what we need to do it. All we need is for us to actually do it. We need to go to school and get a good education. But some people don't want that. If we all did what we are suppose to do, then there would be more successful people out there. We have to choose the right and we will become successful. So always CTR!!!

  3. David Amezquita
    Block 1
    Being an Academic Champion is to do all three things work hard, work smart and work together. we got what it takes to be great. You already possess everything necessary to become great. Just do it put your mind to work hard so one day you will success. Choose CTR all the time. 24/7

  4. this is a very true statement.(: i personalty think that we all have what it takes to become something important in life or a very successful person. to become this all it takes is yourself wanting to do it and choosing the right 24/7 because if you choose the right good things will head your way, and you would feel great after words. its like a talent god gave us and sometimes people dont take advantage of it and choose the wrong and either end up in jail, dont graduate from high school, dont have a job or a future.etc... we could all become an academic champion by pushing ourselves to become one and for us to want to be one! CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!
    Chris C
    Block 1

  5. You are the only person who can make yourself become great and successful. You posses the power to determine yourself to accomplish your goals and no one else's. It is very important to have the confidence and attitude to become great because everyone can accomplish what they wish, they just have to be able to stay confident and determined. Without any of these things, you won't be successful and you will be throwing your chances away. Everyone is created equally but not everyone makes the right choice to work hard and reach their success. Everyone has the power to reach goals but only you have the to power to achieve YOUR OWN goals. Aim for them and never give up!! =D

    Aidee A.
    Block: 1

  6. This quote inspires me because Crow is telling me i have what it take to be great. For example i have the talent and skills to succeed. This makes me feel very optimistic about myself it makes me choose the right. If you believe in yourself you will succeed in life so always think positive about yourself and you will be an Academic Champion Forever. Always Choose The Right 24/7!!!!!
    Cesar C.
    Block 1

  7. I agree with this quote. Its true that we have everything we need to succeed we just need to look within ourselves. We also need to find the tools and know how to use the tools to become great. We can become great because we know what it takes to become great. Everything we need is in us, we just need to know when to use them and how to use them too.
    Alejandra P

  8. what i think this meens is that you already have what it take to be a great person in life and you have the power to do wahtever you want like the people on the top look like they graguated from school or something and they l00k successful .

    Ram0n Salc3do

  9. Well what this quote means is that well you already have the things to be great you just need to use them. Everyone can achieve their goals. Everyone can be successful. Just try your best and you will become an academic Champion. Choose the right!

    Izamar R.
    Block 1

  10. You can become great! you can make yourself great! you already got what it takes to make yourself better than what you are. choose the right! be an academic champion and be great, do great and achieve/succeed!
    Stephanie S

  11. This is a good quote. I think everybody does posses everything necessary to become great. You have to show it and always try your best. Choosing the right will help you achieve your goals. Never give up.
    Alejandro M. Block:1

  12. I agree with this quote if you know how to do something the best thing that you will do is to make the something become a goal to you could accomplished to success in you in life and make your skill be the best been an Academic Champion by choosing the CTR. Jonatan Olguin block 1.

  13. Christopher Argueta
    Block 1
    Everybody has everything necessary to become an Academic Champion.You have already the talents to succeed you just need to do it and focus on doing it.Many people dont realize that they have the potiental they just need to work hard and and succeed.Many of us have greatness inside we just need to show it by achieving.We have the skill,talent,to succeed and achieve greatness.

  14. this quote is right we already have what it takes to be great. So always be an Academic Champion. We have the skills, and the talent to be an academic champion. We already have everything to necessary to become an academic champion in this world.

    Kevin R.
    Block 1



  16. this quote is saying we need to be a great person and be an Academic Champion. we have to choose the the right track also be a successful person in life. and achieve in all my goals i have in mind and have skill. the other thing do all the good things do it greatness take you to chooseing the right track :)

  17. This quote is saying that we all have what it takes to make it big in whatever we want to do. Nothing should be able to stop you from doing what you've always wanted to do if you have that priority first in your mind. So Choose The Right!!!

  18. When you want something and you really want
    it with passion in your blood runs your dreams(:
    always try and make the best out of your dreams,
    make your goal a successful goal(:
    choose the right,3

    Blankita u.

  19. This quote is true. You have everything it takes to be successful in anything. All you have to do is work for it. You have all the tools you need to accomplish great things. But great things don't just come to you. You have to go out there and get them. Work hard to accomplish your goals.

    Luis J.
    Block 2

  20. I Also agree with this quote i think that we all should at least try it out we already have witch is greatness (: so all we have to do is keep doing what were doing and choose the right at all times! so work hard work smart and work together!
    Guadalupe J

  21. I think this expression is very true because we have the ability inside us too do anything and everything. If someone is better than us in a mental way, then they had the ability too become a smarter person. We as young adults have all the power and capability to achieve more thatn others.Nobody can tell us what to choose or decide exept for our own self.We should all learn from our mistakes and aim for the stars.
    block 2

  22. We All Have It In Ourselves To Succeed And Achieve In This Lifetime. For Example, Everyone In This World Can Be Someone Very Important Like A Athlete, All Athletes Started Off As Everyone Else Did A Simple Human Being And Then While They Grow They Keep On Choosing The Right By Gettin All A's And B's And Staying Away From Drugs And Alcohol And Always Studying For Hours And Hours And Then They Will Become Whatever They Want To Be. Even The President Of The United States Was Just A Simple Little Kid Just Like Us.

    Marcos C
    Block 2

  23. Everyone has what it takes to be an Academic Champion, they just have to use them and wisely. Think smart, and make smart choices. We have the skills, the talent, and great character to be an Academic Champion.
    Joana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  24. You possess a brain. You have what you need to succeed in life why not use those skills. For example if you are working on a group project and you know you can help your group achieve and get an A use your skills in order to be a team, and get a successful grade.

    Brittany Chavez
    Block 2

  25. i agree with the quote because you really dont need anything else to succeed in life. You have your brain you heart thats all you need to succeed. And you need to just work hard, work smart, and work together because you really dont need anything else but these things.

    Gonzalo Ramirez
    Block 2

  26. all you need to become great is honor and respect. along with hard work and dedication. with all of those things you can truly become a great person and very successful as well. you will also be able to set a great example for others to be anything they want.

    Esteban G.
    Block 2

  27. You got what it takes to become an academic champion,not it depends on you, if you want to be a champion. Be a successful person in life by being an Academic Champion. Set your goals in life and achieve them. Honorably achieve your goals. Everyone have greatness in themselves, they just got to show it. CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Salvador P.
    Block 2

  28. This quote is saying everybody has the ability to be good at something or have the skills to succeed as an academic champion,i believe the best way is by not giving up on yourself always choose the right!

    Elvis. C
    block 2

  29. i think we all need to be a great person. If we are good with other people then we will be good with everything. We all need to be able to have wrong stare straight in our face and us have the strength to say no and go on the right track. The "Choose the right" Track.

    Alyssa I.

    Block 2

  30. The only thing standing in your way of success is yourself. That is the only thing in the way. You already have what it takes it's up to yourself to go ahead and do it. You know what you want and you know how to achieve it. Then what are you waiting for? Just go out and do it if you really want to be successful that what you have to do. There are no bigger obstacles in your life than a shortness of confidence. Go out and become successful.

    David P.
    Block. 2

  31. the quote is right we were born ready to be great. we already have everything we need to be successful-- 'Luis H. b. 2

  32. You have already the talents to succeed you just need to do it and focus on doing it. If you believe in yourself you will succeed in life so always think positive about yourself and you will be an Academic Champion we already have everything to necessary to become an Academic Champion in this world.

    alejandro Linares
    block 2

  33. What you possess are the necessary skills to be great and do great thing. You also possess one of the greatest things a brain and you know how to use it. All you really need to do is combine both of those to become great. Lets say there is a man who has a great idea but all he needs is the skill he does possess them he just doesn’t use them. Well he will fail, but on the other hand lets say the man does use the skills, what do you think will happen? Well he will be very successful and his idea will become a success. That’s why you have all the necessary things to become successful.

    Juan C.

  34. I agree, we already have what we need to be an academic champion, the point now it's just on us on trying. What really matters it's that if you only care that you want to be a academic champion. If well you don't take then you know what's best for your self. But well everyone got it all try your best. Choose the right! :)

    Lissette J.

  35. You know what you are made of.
    You got what we need.
    You can do it!!

    Its all in you,
    all you need to do is to know how to let out your talent out.
    We can all be great,
    all we need is to be lead in the correct path.
    We were born to become successful,
    all we got do is acknowledge it.

    CTR :)
    NOeMi T.
    BlOck 2

  36. This quote is saying that we have the ability to become successful in life . l For example, were healthy and good but we don't appreciate what we have un-like theirs others like disabled people that want to get threw life and become someone or like people that are here illegally come for a better future and us that are here don't realize that were letting all our opportunity pass us by we all need to jut give it a little push to get their.

    Esmeralda p.

  37. I agree with this quote because what i think its trying to say is that we already have the ability to become a great person an achieve our goals in life. All we need is to try our best and work hard for what we want. Never giving up is one of the things that make us great people. Always choose the right and it will take us where we want to be.

  38. I know that this quote is true and for those people who disagree you have to know that you decide what you have and what you make from it because your destiny is decided by your actions so if you decide "i wont go to that college course" or "maybe I'll ditch a block today" then you might have just thrown away something that you could have used in the future in your job or life or any other aspect that might be necessary hopefully everyone Chooses the Right and becomes successful with what they have.CTR!!!

    Hayro B
    Block 2

  39. I think this what quote means that it inspires me because if you have everything that you have in your hand can posses and be on the right track and keep doing what you like to do in life be an Academic Champion Ctr.
    David M.
    bLOCK 2

  40. We all have the skills to become successful we just need to choose the right and think about what were gonna do first before we do it. We already have what it takes to be successful we just have to do it. Everyone has there own ways of being successful but everyone must choose the right. Our greatness will put us in a right path, so use it (:

    Diana Gonzalez
    Block 2

  41. this quote is right we already have what it takes to be great. and achieve in all my goals i have in mind and have skill. the other thing do all the good things do it greatness take you to chooseing the right

    BLOCK 2

  42. I think that what the quote says is right about everyone already being great because we have the skills and talents, but we just don't use them in the right way. You just have to believe that you can succeed and work hard for it.

    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  43. I think that what the quote says is right about everyone already being great because we have the skills and talents, but we just don't use them in the right way. You just have to believe that you can succeed and work hard for it.

    Cinthia M.
    block 2

  44. this statement is true. You got what it takes to be that good person and succeed. It's already there make the difference and accomplish your goal because your not always going to have that chance. Be that Academic Champion. Never give up Thumbs up.

    Leticia r

  45. You possess everything to become great now its up to you to choose the right and use those tools that you to become great and actually do it and become one of the greatest academic achievers there is. so by choosing the right use the tools and go to college become successful. so make sure you use those tools and become a great person.

    Daniel G.
    Block 2

  46. This quote is reminding you that you are already born with that gift which is success but don't wait for things to come to you but start going for them .Nobody can stop you unless you let them!!!!
    Randolph Lima
    Block .1
